NEW WAYS IN PLANNING (dutch) Densifying and extension; new great projects. 1982 (dRO litt. PU 53-051)A.W.OSKAM:
WE MUST HAVE AN OTHER PLANNING PHILOSOPHY (dutch) Planning in Amsterdam from the 50ies up till now. 1982 (dRO litt. PU 73-912)A.W.OSKAM:
PHYSICAL PLANNING IN AMSTERDAM (dutch) The role of physical planning in society and the tasks it should have in our days. 1983 (dRO litt. PU 51-410)A.W.OSKAM:
THE ACTUAL PLANNING CONCEPT OF AMSTERDAM (dutch) Symposium 'building in the historic city of Amsterdam' 1984 (dRO litt. 73-916)A.W.OSKAM:
BIJLMERMEER CITY EXTENSION (Eng) I.F.H.P.-congress Budapest 1985. 1985 (dRO litt PU 53-874)A.W.OSKAM:
MANAGEMENT OF SPACE (dutch) about the time-budget of people, education, trade and technology, communication. Projects in the historical city, the eastern harbour district, Sloten. 1987 (dRO litt. 00-53-886)A.W.OSKAM:
AMSTERDAM AND PHYSICAL PLANNING IN THE NETHERLANDS.(dutch) Creating possibilities for a better social/economic position for weaker groups in society by using the economic and spatial qualities of the agglomeration. 1987 (dRO litt. 47-571)A.W.OSKAM:
STATE OF THE ART 1988 (dutch) (National) traffic problems, economic developments, the demography of Amsterdam, the need for housing for the middle income groups in Amsterdam, unemployment, urban renewal, the management of urban spaces and architecture in Amsterdam. (dRO litt. PU 47-752)A.W.OSKAM:
PROYECTOS URBANISTICOS PARA LA CIUDAD DE AMSTERDAM (sp/eng) JORNADAS SOBRE LA INTERVENCIÓN EMPRESARIAL EN EL URBANISMO Confederación empresarial independiente de Madrid, dec. 1987 Published in: "La intervención empresarial en el urbanismo", Camara de Cómercio e Industria de Madrid, 1988 (dRO litt. 52-132)A.W.OSKAM:
DE STAD BINNENSTEBUITEN, NOG STEEDS STAD? (dutch) (The city inside-out, still a city? about the developments in the periphery of the city ) BOOM-TOWN symposium by the Centre for Architecture Amsterdam (ARCAM), Amsterdam, june 1988. (dRO litt. PU 73-287)A.W.OSKAM:
THE SOUTH-AXES: INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE (dutch) The development of the southern zone between Schiphol-Airport and the South-Eastern part of the town. 1989 (dRO litt. PU 73-935)A.W.OSKAM:
STADSONTWERP AMSTERDAM (dutch) (Urban design of Amsterdam; opening speech) course: "stadsontwerp" Technical University Delft, Delft, april 1988. Published by T.U.-Delft,ISBN90-5269-042-1, 1990. (dRO litt. 63-685)A.W.OSKAM / H v.d.HEERIK:
HET PROGRAMMA VOOR DE RUIMTELIJKE INVESTERINGEN 1991 (dutch) (The Amsterdam' investments program) Symposium European Business Studies, juni 1991.A.W.OSKAM:
CONSERVATION OF TRADITIONAL ASSETS AND LANDSCAPING IN WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT (eng) Osaka, "International Forum Waterfront" 2001, oct.1996. Published............A.W.OSKAM:
DE IJ-OEVER ONTWIKKELINGEN (dutch) (The waterfront development in Amsterdam) Symposium grootstedelijke ontwikkelingen, Free University Amsterdam, juni 1992A.W.OSKAM:
HIGHRISE IN AMSTERDAM (eng) Symposium Stichting Hoogbouw, Delft, june 1994.A.W.OSKAM:
OVER STEDELIJKHEID (dutch) (About urbanity) Congres "Stedelijkheid" Amsterdam, november 1996.A.W.OSKAM:
IJBURG (dutch) (About IJburg, a new extension for 45.000 inhabitants in the water of the IJmeer) Key-note speech IJburg serie Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam, juni 1996.A.W.OSKAM:
PROJECT EN VISIE IN DE AMSTERDAMSE REGIONALE ONTWIKKELING (dutch) (About projects as vehicles for development) Meeting with the representatives of the Dutch central government, Amsterdam, dec.1996.A.W.OSKAM:
BESCHERMD STADSGEZICHT VOOR AMSTERDAM (dutch) (about historical conservation in a progressive city) blad HEEMSCHUT, okt. 1997.A.W.OSKAM:
AN, AUF, HINTER, NEBEN, IN, UNTER, ÜBER, VOR und ZWISCHEN DEM HOLLÄNDISCHEM WASSER (ger & eng). Europäischer Kongress "Neue Adressen am Wasser", Berlin, oktober 1997 (Wasserstadt GMBH, Berlin)A.W.OSKAM:
THE COMPACT CITY, A DUTCH PLANNING EXPERIENCE (eng.) lecture Professional Development Program UNSW, Sydney, April 1998.A.W.OSKAM
: PLANNING AS A CULTURAL ACHIEVEMENT (eng.) International Congress Planning Historians, Sydney, July 1998.