A.W.OSKAM / H.POELSTRA: HET JUISTE BEDRIJF OP DE JUISTE PLAATS (dutch) (Each business on the right spot) Symposium on mobility strategies prov. Noord Holland, Haarlem, july 1993.

A.W.OSKAM: EN NU OM DE ZUID...(dutch) Opening of the "railroad ringline" Amsterdam, Free University Amsterdam, may 1993.

A.W.OSKAM,B.WESTERDUIN, A.W.G.THIJSSE: TUSSEN DROOM EN DAAD....OVER LAST OP STRAAT? (dutch) Amsterdam and his metro. 1994 (dRO litt 68-244 A/B)

A.W.OSKAM: DE STAD EN DE TREIN, IMAGO EN FEITEN (dutch) (The city and the train, images and facts) Strategic meeting Dutch Railroad Company and the City of Amsterdam,Amsterdam, june 1995.

A.W.OSKAM:NIEUWE CONCEPTEN IN BEREIKBAARHEID (dutch) (New concepts in accessibility: the peoplemover) Opening exhibition peoplemover, Amsterdam, sept. 1996.