M-Power-Mint is a girls' and young women's 'zine. M-Power-Mint is written by a group of young women. The freewrites, poems and other articles are all written to express themselves and we hope that you will submitt some of your own. So read on and enjoy. ~ M-Power-Mint Staff. (This is not porn. If you're looking for porn you're a dirty little man with no real life and you really don't belong here.)
Hey Everyone! M-Power-Mint is Moving to a New Server! We know that you all dearly love this site, but the new one's even better!! No pop-up adds or script errors!! We still have the same format so there isn't too much change. We're going to leave this site as it is for a month or so, so that everyone will have a chance to change their bookmarks! So, come check out the new site at:
Poetry: poetry by readers for readers Literature: freewrites and stories by readers for readers Reviews: Books, music, tv, movies, theatre-it's all here
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The midi you are listening to is "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor. This midi file is in no way an attempt to infringe on any copyright laws. James Taylor, his music and his lyrics are in no way associated with M-Power-Mint, Geocities, or your lovely web misstress-me. Please don't sue us!