This information sheet is intended as a guide for practitioners wanting to apply for membership of GANZ either as a Member or College Member under the Grandparent Clause. Applications for unencumbered membership in all three categories will be invited as soon as Training Programs are accredited as meeting the GANZ minimum standards as stated in the Training Standards Document.
Student A student is one who is enrolled in a GANZ accredited training program or equivalent.
Two categories of graduate membership have been agreed upon to
make it possible for GANZ to join The Psychotherapists and Counsellors
Federation of Australia (PACFA) as a College Member rather than
a Member Association. The GANZ Member category reflects the training
standards of the ten training providers who helped develop the
Training Standards Document and exceeds the PACFA minimum training
standard. While still under discussion it is almost certain that
eligibility for the proposed national PACFA Register will involve
training and experience in addition to the GANZ minimum standards,
hence the GANZ College Member category
Member This category comprises those who have graduated from a GANZ accredited course as specified in the Training Standards Document after August 1 1999 (i.e. 450 hours over a minimum of three years), or equivalent. Graduates of a GANZ approved training program will be eligible for membership in this category. It also comprises those who have completed their training prior to August 1999 and who are eligible for membership under the grandparent clause.
College This category comprises those who have completed training in excess of the minimum standards, or equivalent. That is, 550 hours over a minimum of four years. The additional 100 hours to comprise a mix of training and supervision over a minimum of one year of which 25 hours is required to be supervision with an approved Gestalt supervisor. The additional hours of training and supervision may be accrued either as part of their course, if their course exceeds 450 hours and three years, or after completing their course if this is not the case. It also comprises those who have completed their training prior to August 1 1999 and who are eligible for membership under the grandparent clause.
Membership of GANZ as a Member will also be granted to those who completed their training prior to 1999 and who satisfy the following criteria:
Membership of GANZ as a College Member will also be granted to those who completed their training prior to 1999 who satisfy the following criteria:
Graduates of training programs accredited by GANZ will be automatically eligible for either Member or College Member membership as determined by hours and years of training and supervision received. See categories of membership above. Graduates of a GANZ approved training program, prior to its approval will also be eligible for membership where their training program only minimally varies from the GANZ approved program.
Where applicants for membership of GANZ (Member or College Member) do not qualify under the Grandparent Clause or Unencumbered Membership practitioners will need to specify what additional training and/or experience they have that bridges the gap between their training course and the category of membership for which they are applying.
Applications from overseas trained Gestalt Therapists will be assessed on an individual basis. Applicants may apply under the Grandparent Clause for a period of two years after August 1 1999 or may submit documentation to enable the Membership committee and/or the GANZ Council to deteremine whether the qualifications are equivalent to the GANZ minimum standards.
The annual fee for Member and College Memberships is Aus$150.00 or NZ$150.00 payable in Australian dollars. In the event of an application being unsuccessful this fee less $25.00 administration fee will be returned to the applicant..
The process of assessing membership applications will be based on a spirit of goodwill and trust rather than be overly legalistic.
See application form and GANZ brochure for more information.