Welcome to... "TO KNOW GOD - Bible Knowledge Links".
If you are interested in knowing God and all about His Word,
you may be interested to know what the Bible has to say about your future.
Please take a moment to ponder these questions...
If you were to die
today, do you know where you will spend eternity?
What are you trusting in
to get you into Heaven?
What do you hope for?
If you have thought about these things, (and maybe you have
not), then I ask you to
please take a moment to see what the Word
of God has to say about your future.
First...I would like you to look around you. What do you see?
You see all of creation, don't you? The Bible says that all of
these things were created by God..."In
the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word
was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were
made by him and without him was not anything made." (John
1:1-3).God has revealed Himself to us in nature and God
has also revealed Himself to us through scripture. God has made it known
that we have a choice to make concerning our eternal destiny. You will
either spend eternity with God, or without God!
In order to spend eternity with God, the Bible says that you must be
"born again". How do you do this?
First,you must realize that you are a sinner.
You are more than likely thinking...
WHO ME? Yes you,
we all are!
The Bible says..."As
it is written, there is none righteous, no not one:"(Romans
3:10) and...
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;"(Romans
3:23). Did you happen to notice the word ALL?
That word ALL, means you and me. The Bible says that we have
inherited this sin nature(in other words...we are born with
"Wherefore as by one man sin
entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed
upon all men, for that all have sinned:"(Romans
5:12).The Bible declares that as sinners, we have
a price to pay...
"For the wages of sin is death."(Romans 6:23).This
death that the Bible talks about is eternal separation from God
in Hell! Do we have to pay this penalty? Yes we do!But God
has provided a way for all of us to not have to pay this
"But God commendeth his love toward us,
in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us."(Romans 5:8)
Did you notice that it said that Christ died for US!
That's some kind of gift! The Bible goes on to explain that Jesus
was our substitute..."And he is
the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only but also for
the sins of the whole world."(I John 2:2).
Propitiation means substitute. Jesus had to shed his blood to
make payment for our sins.
The Word of God states..."For the life of the flesh is in the
blood."(Leviticus 17:11)..."Without shedding of blood is no
remission,"(Hebrews 9:22).
Remission means a release of a debt owed. That means that Jesus
paid our sin debt.
My friend, listen to the Word of God!
God has said that our sins were laid on Jesus at the cross!
He became our substitute and died in our place to pay our sin debt!
The Bible says that "Christ died for our sins...he was
buried, and that he rose again the third day..." (I Corinthians 15:3-4) and is right now
ALIVE..."and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."(Hebrews 12:2),in Heaven.
Don't you realize
that as a sinner you are lost and separated from God and on your
way to an eternity in Hell?
Well, you need to do something about it!!!
You say that you don't believe in Hell? That doesn't change
anything. It exists because the Word of God declares it so. This
is the future of all non-believers.
You need to believe on Jesus
and His atoning work at the cross. You need to trust Him as your
Listen to the Word of God...
commandeth all men everywhere to repent."(Acts
17:30). This repentance is a change of mind that
agrees with God that you are a sinner and you believe in what Jesus did for
you on the cross.
It's simple..."Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..."(Acts
whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be
saved."(Romans 10:13). Whosoever
means just what it says, it means everybody, you , me, all
How do I call upon the Lord?... "That
if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth, confession is made unto
salvation."(Romans 10: 9-10)
You must realize after reading these words from God's Word
that you are in danger of spending eternity in Hell and separated
from God. ETERNITY is a long
time! Don't fool yourself......YOU WILL
PAY THE PENALTY!!! But why would you, when Jesus has
already paid the price for us? You can do something about your
future right now by turning to Jesus and believing in Him..."Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by
me."(John 14:6). That my friend
means that you cannot go to God on your own, but you must go
through Jesus Christ. Don't trust in your feelings... They
change! Trust in God...He never changes!!!
How much Time do You have Left?
If you want to be saved, then trust Jesus; Believe in Jesus,
and then bow your head right now!
( Don't wait! ... Tommorow is not promised to you! )
Pray to God in your own words for God to forgive you and save you through His Son
Jesus Christ...
Or you can pray this prayer:
Dear God...I know that I am a
sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me on the cross and
that His shed precious blood, His death, Burial, and Resurrection
were for me. Right now I turn from my sins and recieve Jesus
Christ as my Savior, trusting in Him and in Him alone for my
Salvation. Help me Lord to do thy will each day. In Jesus name I
pray, Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, would you please
let me know so that I may rejoice in your decision.
Contact me ... Yours in Christ.....Marlon.
Please,Take time to visit the rest of my site while your here.
Thank you!