The Witzelsucht Memorandum
the un-blog

Where sarcasm is mistaken for satire 
Witzelsucht (vit'sel-zookt) [Ger.]  a mental condition characteristic of frontal lobe lesions and marked by the making of poor jokes and puns and the telling of pointless stories, at which the patient himself is intensely amused. --Dorland's Medical Dictionary

2/2/06- The cops hauled Cindy Sheehan out of the State of the Union speech because of her T-shirt!
and Wit Memo couldn't be happier.

Wit Memo applauds the ejection of Cindy Sheehan and congressional wife Beverly Young from the House gallery for wearing war-slogan T-shirts to the 2006 state of the union speech ... and hopes others get the same treatment. Where do people get the idea that it's appropriate to attend such a momentous event in so hallowed a chamber clad in a !%$*& T-shirt?!

Anyone who smiled when Tony Soprano, dining in fancy Italian restaurant Vesuvio, bullied a snotty young pencil-neck into removing his ball cap ("This isn't a ball game, and you're not eating a hot dog. Take off your hat") must surely agree.

Wit Memo's sainted Mom, who believed in dressing up for airplane flights, would be spinning in her grave, if we hadn't sold her cadaver to body-part-harvesting mobsters

Wit Memo is tired of feeling overdressed every time we go out in any kind of trousers besides jeans.

Now ... when are they gonna start giving the bum's rush to old ladies who enter casinos while wearing pink sweatshirts emblazoned with teddy bears?

But wait, you say... aren't T-shirt slogans free speech?  Wit Memo sez, if your pet cause is that important, you should be willing to advertise it on a suit jacket or evening gown. 

Caveat: the above screed does not apply to hot women wearing today's absurdly low-cut jeans, the ones that go no higher than the widest part of their hips and expose their cow bones, the downward slopes of their tummies, and a hint of the top of their cheeks. Thanks to this latest inane trend imposed on the fairer sex by the sadistic fashion industry, pulchritudinous parts of the female form previously reserved for the beach and the bedroom may now be glimpsed in shopping malls, restaurants, airports and museums. Truly, we are living in a golden age!

The Witzelsucht Memorandum. . .  where top-hat, red-carpet service is practically a motto!

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