Greetings and Welcome In! I am Puck, I will be your host here in these mystical woods dedicated to those of the Elven Blood. All creatures who come in Peace are Welcome round my campfire...humans, trolls, gnomes, dragons, etc. I am a Seeker traveling through the Lands with my fellow Trickster;my cat Louie in search of the Knowledge that is being lost. We do this to preserve the Ways of the Ancient Ones, the Omnipotent Dragon and Mother Earth. For once this knowledge is lost so are we. Much have I studied and many adventures we have had. Here I will share with you what I have learned. Pull up a stretch of grass, lean back and relax. Enjoy your time spent in the Woods of Old! Journey friend.

Into The Woods

The Omnipotent Dragon

OakMan Grove

The Teacher

Animal Spirit Energies

The Seeker&The Trickster

Thank you for adding your energy here! Do come back again & have your friends visit also!