A History of Brunswick: Life in a German Duchy from Roman Times Through 1900 by Dan C. Heinemeier
This comprehensive history of the Duchy of Brunswick, located in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), examines the influence of military campaigns and socio-economic conditions on lower and middle-class families. Genealogists will be interested in Heinemeier's fascinating description of the "Hessian" soldier migration, their service in the American Revolution and the selected list of Brunswick soldiers who remained in Canada or America in 1783. His detailed discussion of 18th century agricultural conditions, peasant class distinctions, crop yields and related economic factors is also very helpful. This interesting survey concludes with chapters on land ownership, taxation, Napoleonic Era reforms and the Industrial Revolution, all of which set the stage for mass migration from the Duchy of Brunswick (Braunschweig) during the 19th century. Drawing extensively upon German sources and documents, this 380-page book, written in English is indexed and includes annotated endnotes. It is recommended.
For a free email excerpt, send request to m-dh@erols.com
Order from:
Dan C. Heinemeier 3166 Key Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201-5037
380 pp., 8.5" x 11", including maps and illustrations. ISBN 0967182204 Price: $23.00, plus $4.00 for shipping and handling. (VA residents, please add 5% sales tax ($1.15.)
A History of Brunswick Reviewed by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, President The Society for German-American Studies
This is a comprehensive history of the Duchy of Brunswick (Herzogtum Braunschweig) with particular emphasis on the historical factors, which would be of particular interest to those in German-American Studies as well as historians and genealogists seeking information on the history of Brunswick. This work, by SGAS member Dan C. Heinemeier, is nicely illustrated and contains useful maps of Brunswick. This will be of use for studying the immigration from Brunswick to America. Heinemeier also lists soldiers who served in the American Revolution but did not return to Brunswick in 1783. According to the publishers, this is the first in a series of books on other German states and principalities. If the others are as good as this one, they will be a valuable contribution to German-American as well as German Studies.
Excerpted from Society for German-American Studies NEWSLETTER, December 1999, edited by Dr. La Vern J. Rippley.