
I'm Marianna Giacomazzi, I was born in Novi Ligure, a little town of about 30,000 inhabitants situated in the North of Italy, on the 6th of October 1978. Here I went to kindergarten, nursury, primary, junior and senior high school: how has long been my scholastic career! I hope I wasn't too boring!

In 1997 I entered University: now I'm a Public Relations student (Science of Communication is the Italian name) in Turin. The main city of Piedmont, the region where I live, is about 100 kilometres away from Novi, so I commute almost every day for more than an hour.

My identity card is Italian, but I have also a Croatian passport. In fact both my parents are natives of that country: my father was born there, but his family is partially Italian, while my mother is completely Slavonic. Some friends of mine even tell that you can sometimes hear, when I speak Italian, I've something foreign in my blood!

It's surely difficult to speak about my spare time: it's never too much. I like jogging two or three times a week, I enjoy myself playing piano (really a keyboard) at home or with friends and "sailing" through Internet.

But, above all, I'm fond of Sampdoria, a Genoa's soccer club. Although I seldom go to stadium, I never could lost Sampdoria's news on TV and newspapers; I follow all the matches with great passion since I was a child and I was very happy when Sampdoria, in the early nineties, became one of the most important soccer club of Europe, won Cup of Cups and arrived to the final of Champions league in '92, when it played against Barcelona in Wembley.


My photos...
