Do You Perceive?
by Jason N. D'souza

Isa 43:19
Behold, I will do a
new thing; 

now it shall spring forth; 
shall ye not
know it?

I will even make a way in the wilderness,

and rivers in the desert.

God is doing a new thing.  

This is a year of CHANGE. 

Whether we like it or not we are going to change. For better or for the worse. We just cannot resist it. 

The old wineskins will not do anymore. There is no place for rigidity in the things of God. We do not know where the wind will blow but blow it certainly will.  
Are we ready for change in this year? 
The Lord is changing our perceptions. He will release the Body of Christ to a new level of spiritual maturity by the supernatural.  

We cannot do the same things we did last year. 

He is calling us to be ever aware of His Spirit.


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