We do really like the word 'Weakness'. Yet we
have to face it in our day to day walk with our
Saviour Jesus Christ. This word is very much
despised and shunned by the world. Yet there is
such a strength and power in this word.
We need to come to the place of weakness.
This place is not a place of self-judgement or
condemnation. This is not a place where we can
come to on our own.
It is a place where the Holy Spirit would lead
It is indeed a place of brokenness. Where all
my resources are have been exhausted and I am
unable to carry on.
It is definitely not the place of misery and
It is the place where new and wonderful beginings
take place. It is truly the place of rest (Heb1).
Here we do merely look at our inadequecies but
rather we focus on His strength and endless
resource. It is here that we pick up wisdom to be
and do. It is place where we would come in and go
out. We could enter in all wounded and torn and
we would go out refreshed and renewed.
Dear people of God - It is where
He wants us to be.
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in
persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am
weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor 12:10)
Jason N. D'souza