
How easy it is for us to become discouraged

How easy it is for us to become complacent

How easy it is for us to sell ourselves and God Short
 We are treasures of God, no longer the same as we were when born ito this world, with a spirit designed for eternity, cloaked in a body which at best is limited, fragile, demanding, and which, with it's physical needs, crys out so loud that some days, many days, we can hear only the groanings of our perishable bodies and not the still small voice that is our very maker, calling to us what is good, what is pure, what is for our best. Let these thoughts which follow, roll over you and bring sustainence, courage and good cheer; for our God - is an AWESOME GOD, He alone is our rock and our refuge.

My soul waits
            In silence
                        For God only
For He is my rock
            And my Stronghold
                        And I shall not
Be shaken

From Psalm 62 (paraphrased by Robert Case Band, Washington USA)

There is a destroyer at work in the world,
but there is a redeemer at work in the world too,
So don't walk around with a loser's limp

If God promised it, you can take your stand on it

Wisdom comes to those who receive reproof
Sometimes the hopes and longings in our hearts
are actually put there by the Holy Spirit as a foretaste
of the future God wants to give you

God declares, I want to enlargen and enlighten your heart
Ask me what I would do for you if you will believe

"And God is able to make ALL grace abound to you,
so that in all things at all times, having all you need,
you will abound in every good work."
II Corinthians 9:8

Marcus Ardern, servant of God 5th October 1997

 The song below is so special to me, because God has been using it as a prompt
for many months now, breaking up the hard and fallow ground, turning a hypercritical,
proud, self serving  and often arrogant man into the kind of child he can use, may you
also find use of it as a spiritual barometer, leading you to be more like our Redeemer.
Thanks to the band, their support team and all those in their ministry who make it possible.

Don't Let Your Heart Be Hardened  -  Petra

Don't let your heart be hardened
Don't let your love grow cold
May it always stay so child-like
May it never grow too old
Don't let your heart be hardened
May you always know the cure
Keep it broken, before Jesus
Keep it thankful meek, and pure

Verse 1

May it always feel compassion
May it be at one with God
May it never be contrary
May it never be at odds
May it always be forgiving
May it never feel conceit
May it always be encouraged
May it never know defeat


Verse 2

May your heart be always open
Never satisfied with right
May your heart be filled with courage
And be strengthened with all might


Verse 3

Let His love rain upon you
Breaking up your fallow ground
Let it loosen up the binding
Until only tenderness is found


Copyright  1987 Dawn Treader Music/SESAC

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