If you would like to KNOW how to go to heaven when you die:

1. The Bible says that NO ONE is perfect.
(Ro 3:23)

2. It also says that what we deserve for our sin is DEATH & HELL!
(Ro 6:23 & Rev 20:14-15)

3. However, in Romans 5:8, God tells us that He loved us
so much that He
would let Christ DIE FOR US!

4. Finally, He tells us that if we will ASK for forgiveness, He will save us.

(Ro 10:13)

NOW - you must ask God if you want to go to HEAVEN when you die!

Bow your head and talk to God right now.


God, I know I'm not perfect- I know I'm a sinner.
And I don't want to go to Hell for my sins.

I accept Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God,
as my personal Saviour. For forgiveness of all of
sin- past, present, and future.

And I believe in my heart- that He was raised from the dead,
just like He'll raise me, one day, perfect, in the resurrection.

Now thank you for saving me and help me
to live for you for the rest of my life.

In Jesus name- Amen.

A page like this is included on every web site that I build.

The reason is that the most important thing in this world is to
make sure that people like yourself are led to a saving knowledge
of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that I am not only now
your brother in the Lord;
but, it also says that since I led you to the
Lord I am also your
daddy in the Lord.
Just like any other daddy, I am concerned that

you grow and mature in the Lord to become the Christian that
God wants you to be. The only way you can do that is to:
pray (talk to God), go to Church, and read your Bible (old King
James only.) If you will let me, I would like to find you a good Baptist
Church in your area that uses the King James Bible and have the
pastor bring you a bible. If there is not such a church in your area, then
I will send you a Bible myself, and send you some home study materials
to help you grow in the Lord. Please contact me by mail or e-mail.

Dr. T.E.VanBuskirk
Bible Baptist Church
3769 W. 4700 S.
Taylorsville, UT 84118
phone: (801) 964-2888
e-mail: docvbk@yahoo.com

If you are in the Salt Lake City area, contact:
Pastor- Dr. Marshal Warneke
Bible Baptist Church
3769 West 4700 South
Taylorsville, UT 84118
phone: (801) 964-2888

e-mail: docwarneke@yahoo.com