appleshine2.gif (1566 bytes)Does your site contain thematic units?
Submit your site to
A+ Thematic Units!

1.  Thematic Units or links to them must be available on your site.
     Sites containing profanity or anything obscene will not be included in the ring.
2.  Fill out the form below.
3.  Copy and paste the HTML at the bottom of this page to a page on your site. 
     (Download the apple picture from here, too.)
4.  E-mail me to request your addition to the ring.
5.  You will be placed in the queue.  If your page meets the above requirements,
     you will be placed in the ring.

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Below is the HTML to be placed on the page where you want the A+ Thematic Unit Ring.  The "appleshine2.gif" is the apple logo above and must also be downloaded to your site.

/<table border="2" bordercolor="#FF0000">


<td><img src="appleshine2.gif" width="49" height="55" alt="appleshine2.gif (1566 bytes)"></td>

<td><p align="center"><font face="Comic Sans MS">This <a href="YOUR URL">A+ Thematic Unit Ring</a>

site owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR E-MAIL">YOUR NAME</a>. <br>

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Site</a> | <a href=";list">List

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Want to <a href="">join</a> the A+ Thematic Units Ring?</font></td>




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