The New World
A One Act Play
By Heather Esch
****Male Roles****
THE VOICE OF MAN-simple character, anxious to aid the committee and return home
NOTHING - quiet and serious, rather dim-witted
DOUBT - has much inner conflict; bold in voicing his opinion
MELANCHOLY - quiet and serious
NIGHT - adorned in black, dark and serious
BELIEF - confident, controlling
SUN - rather full of himself, but has a bright attitude
**** Female Roles****
WATER- whiny, spoiled
HEART OF MAN- loving, caring, and everything a heart should be
FIRE- hot-tempered, but kind unless provoked
WONDER- very gentle
EARTH - "down to earth" character
HOPE -spunky, happy-go-lucky, over-emphasizes new ideas
UNIVERSE - quiet and sensible
****Interchangeable Roles****
LEADER - rules the committee; assumes all authority
HONESTY - quiet and honest!
Scene 1: The Decision
Curtains are closed. Enter VOICE OF MAN, stage right. The spotlight falls upon VOICE OF MAN, when he reaches center stage. His costume consists of dirty, ragged, modern clothing.
VOICE OF MAN: For many years now, the earth has been plagued. Not by disease or infection, but plagued by hatred. It started off as a small problem, nothing that we thought we couldn't handle. A few wars here and there, but nothing serious. Then it grew and spread like a wild fire. All over the world, hatred blackened the hearts of men. Buildings fell into disrepair. Cities and towns were either deserted or became filthy slums. All the movies produced and books written were not of good overcoming evil, but of evil overpowering the good; but nobody cared. I watched my world crumble around me. It became surreal. It's rather sad watching your friends and family fall victim to greed, hate, and spite, all of those negative emotions that seemed so foreign to me. I felt so alone. I lost my voice. No one listened to me anymore. No one would listen to reason. They seemed blind to the fact that they, and the rest of the world, were killing themselves by always being afraid of their fellow man. (becoming more serious and saddened) As the years went on, the population divided into their own little groups. They each retreated to their own part of the world, out of the way of their enemies, with hope of ending some of the anger. I fear, however, that soon enough they will learn to hate each other. This will only cause more conflict and suffering. The earth is in Chaos. A small group of emotions went into hiding, as did all of the earth's forces, and formed a committee called the "Conscience", identified by the sun symbol upon their chests. They alone possess the desire to make things right again. A meeting has been called, and all members have been summoned.
Exit VOICE OF MAN, right. Open Curtain. Enter right the members of CONSCIENCE (LEADER, BELIEF, HOPE, DOUBT, HONESTY, MELANCHOLY, and WONDER). They all file in and sit in semi-circle, cross-legged on seven cushions. They all have white robes on with the sun symbol. Except for MELANCHOLY, they all look old and worn down by the effects of neglect and time, which for them is running very short.
LEADER: Welcome all. As you know, the earth has been in Chaos for many years now. The ongoing problem is how to end the Chaos before the population of earth kills itself. I asked you all at our last meeting to form a list of suggestions as to how we should go about doing this. Who has the list?
LEADER: Belief, will you speak for everyone?
BELIEF: Yes, I will.
LEADER: And has everyone contributed to what is on that list?
BELIEF: Yes, they have.
MELANCHOLY: (quietly) That's not true.
LEADER: Proceed.
BELIEF: Sir, the list is as follows. The first idea came from Hope. She says: "In the event that the people do become even more hostile to one another, they shall realize their wrong doing and correct their mistakes, therefore restoring peace to the earth."
HOPE nods approvingly.
DOUBT: I don't think that will work.
HOPE: I think it will!
DOUBT: They have been hostile toward each other for this long, what's going to make them change now?
HOPE: Maybe their consciences will get the better of them.
DOUBT: (grumbling) If they have a conscience.
BELIEF: I believe it could work under different circumstances, but I'm going to agree with Doubt.
HOPE: You always seem to agree with him.
BELIEF: I believe what I feel is right.
HOPE: (bitter) I hope you're telling the truth.
HONESTY: Oh, he is.
MELANCHOLY: I have an issue that we did not put on the list.
BELIEF: (quickly) On to the second issue. Sir, the second item is as follows, given by Wonder. She says: "They will begin to become curious about what it is like to live in a world of peace, after so long a period of time with feelings of hate. They will try to remember what it was like and try to change, hence the transition from hate to love."
DOUBT: I don't think that'll work either.
HOPE: Oh, will you stop being so critical of everything? No one will get a word in unless you let them support their ideas. There are some very valid statements on that list like mine. Now, be silent, and listen to Wonder.
WONDER: Humans are curious creatures, otherwise they would not have become so advanced to the point that they could move no further. Their boredom made them cause conflicts so they would have something to talk about with others. The boredom spread. Now that everyone is bored, they will want to change the way things are just to see what being happy is like.
HOPE: That sounds like my idea.
HOPE: Why not this time?
DOUBT: Humans may be curious creatures, but they knew what happiness was, and they destroyed it. What makes you think they'll seek it again?
HOPE: Well.
DOUBT: If they get bored with chaos, then will they not get bored with happiness?
MELANCHOLY: (without emotion) Perhaps you will consider an alternative to waiting until the humans completely destroy themselves.
DOUBT: (annoyed) What would that be?
MELANCHOLY: Send someone out there to repair the damage done.
HOPE: Who?
MELANCHOLY: The elements of the Earth.
Pause as all consider the idea.
LEADER: That's not a bad idea.
HOPE: It has potential.
MELANCHOLY: (in a particularly Eyeore tone) Thanks for noticing me.
LEADER: But who is left to summon them? We cannot disband now, or all will be lost.
BELIEF: Why not send the Voice of Man?
Ad-lib quietly; a brief discussion among members. All nod in agreement.
BELIEF: So it's settled, then!
LEADER: I never said that.
DOUBT: There's always the issue of trust. (with emphasis) Can we trust him?
HONESTY: Of course we can.
DOUBT: What makes you so sure, Honesty?
HOPE: Look who you're talking to!
LEADER: Hope, summon the Voice of Man.
HOPE: I hope I can find him.
Exit HOPE, right.
DOUBT: This is a big responsibility. You do realize that our very survival will depend upon this human? What if his human emotions come through and he loses his will?
LEADER: (simply) Then we will die anyway. There's nothing else we can do but hope.
Enter HOPE with the VOICE OF REASON.
HOPE: Here he is, Leader.
HOPE returns to her seat.
LEADER: How were you able to find him so quickly?
HOPE: He was standing outside.
VOICE OF MAN: (bowing with respect) Indeed, I was... I had no where else to go. (realizing who he is in company with) Oh, excuse my rudeness. Good morning… (confused) or… evening… or whatever the case may be. (sadly) It's hard to tell whether it is day or night when one is underground.
LEADER: (sharply) Let us dispense with formalities. You are the Voice of Man, turned away by the human world and forced into hiding, just like the rest of us.
VOICE cringes.
VOICE: Yes, sir.
LEADER: There is no need to be sorry. You should feel honored to be among us.
VOICE: (hesitantly) I… I am.
LEADER: (sensing his hesitation, trying to make him feel comfortable) We are glad that you are here.
VOICE brightens a little.
VOICE: What do you will of me?
LEADER: (shifting uncomfortably; DOUBT looks at him) We need your help. We have devised a plan, which could save all of us and your precious human race.
VOICE: (interested) Go on.
LEADER: We want you to gather all of the elements of the earth. We need to create another world, another home, where we all will be safe. The emotions, the humans, the earth itself, everything.
VOICE: I would love to help you, but I'm afraid I don't know how to do that.
LEADER: Do not be discouraged.
VOICE: Oh, so then you shall tell me how?
LEADER: No, we can't tell you how to do it.
VOICE: Why not?
LEADER: (once again uncomfortable) Because we don't know how, either. (sees VOICE's shoulders drop in disappointment-quickly) But, we have faith in you!
VOICE: Is there another way?
LEADER: No, I'm afraid not. Should you choose to help us, you must find Earth, Water, Fire, Nothing, Night, Sun, Universe, and the Heart of Man.
VOICE: I… I don't know.
DOUBT: Ah! I knew he couldn't do it! Humans are all the same - cowards!
VOICE: (angrily) I'm no coward.
DOUBT: Then take this task into both hands and accomplish it! You are man! You made the earth into what it once was, and you can make it into something beautiful again! (VOICE does not answer, only stands there, thinking - DOUBT becomes angry) We have no time to listen to you ponder the facts of your insignificant life - do not deny that that is what you were doing, for not five minutes ago you were sitting outside of here feeling sorry for yourself! (his final exclamation) The earth is dying, (quietly and sadly) and so are we.
VOICE is silent, as he sees just how old all of them are.
LEADER: What say you, Man?
VOICE: I.I say that there is no time to lose. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do it. Our lives depend on it.
ALL rejoice silently, retaining what dignity and strength they have left. Exit MAN left, triumphantly. COMMITTEE members turn away from him and talk excitedly; none of them see VOICE stop and look back at them pleadingly for a moment, then resume walking off stage. Lights Out.
Scene 2: Earth
White lights up dim. Across the floor, dressed in all brown, lay the DIRT extras. Each actor must lie on his/her stomach, holding onto the feet of the person at their head; therefore leaving room for VOICE to walk. If done correctly, it will look like VOICE is walking on DIRT. EARTH is mixed among them and cannot be differentiated from all the others. Enter VOICE, right, dragging his feet.
VOICE: I can't do this! I don't know where to go -- how to start! I don't even know how to find all the things they told me to get! I mean, how do you find Nothing? It's impossible! What about Earth? Do I just take a shovel and dig? There are thousands of dirt particles -- how should I know which one to choose?
A DIRT PARTICLE shrieks in pain as VOICE reaches center stage.
DIRT PARTICLE: (lifting up his/her head) Just because I'm dirt doesn't mean you can walk all over me!
VOICE: I'm very sorry, I didn't see you down there.
DIRT PARTICLE: (shrilly) It's amazing what you can see if you just watch where you're walking!
VOICE: I said I was sorry!
EARTH: (rising slowly - dressed in brown, with splotches of dirt (makeup) on her face) I'm sorry. My Dirt Particles tend to become grumpy after years of being stepped on.
VOICE: I can see why.
EARTH: Who are you?
VOICE: I am the Voice of Man, ma'am. (bows)
EARTH: Ah. I heard you coming. By the sound of your heavy footsteps I can tell you carry a heavy load upon your shoulders.
VOICE: I do.
EARTH: And what is it?
VOICE: I have to summon all the elements to make a New World.
EARTH: Have you come to summon me?
VOICE: Yes. I think. Are you Earth?
EARTH: I am.
VOICE: (rejoicing) Oh, good! I need your help! A planet is nothing without Earth, right?
EARTH: (not very enthusiastic) Right.
VOICE: What's the matter?
EARTH: You're asking me to leave my solitude and return to the world after I escaped from it -- by choice.
VOICE: I left, too, and am far from my once happy home.
EARTH: Then why do you do this?
VOICE: (smiles) Hope for survival.
EARTH: (pause) Okay. I can feel it in my minerals that we haven't much time.
EARTH begins to walk off stage left with VOICE. The DIRT PARTICLES cry and whine after her.
EARTH: Be quiet, my darlings. Mother will be back soon, and she'll have a nice big place for you to tumble and form into the big rocks I know you all will.
Cheers from the PARTICLES. Exit VOICE and EARTH. Lights out.
Scene 3: Water
Lights up. The stage is bathed in blue lights. Enter EARTH and VOICE, right.
VOICE: Judging by the environment here, I think this is the place where Water resides.
EARTH: (grumbling) I don't always get along with Water, Man.
EARTH: (pouting) She washes my babies away.
Very quietly at first, slowly growing in sound, Enya's "Caribbean Blue" comes over the speakers. EARTH and VOICE look around when the sound starts. As soon as Enya starts to sing (0:25), the DROPLETS roll on to center stage, then back and forth, tumbling like waves. EARTH shrieks and hides behind VOICE. VOICE gently sets her back and walks center stage. He does not move; he merely watches. The DROPLETS get up, trailing long, blue scarves and dance around him in wide circles. They lay the silky material at his feet, and he smiles. As each makes a wide, round circle around him, arms outstretched, their left arms go backstage (left) where stage people are lined up and wait with a clear plastic cup of water for each DROPLET. They make the rounds back to him, and dump the water on his head, making sure the water that drips off of him lands on the material, NOT the stage. He smiles until the first cup of water is dumped, then his smile fades and he faces the audience, enduring 10 cups of water. Better have a towel ready backstage. As each cup is poured, the song fades out - until the last cup is emptied, then shut the music off. DROPLETS line the back of the stage, holding hands. Finally, in all her glory, WATER enters left, using a long piece of the fabric as a shawl (that will come in handy later), glittering and shining more brightly than the DROPLETS. Just from the way she walks it is evident that she is very vain.
WATER: (scrutinizing the dripping wet VOICE) Hmm. Welcome, Human. You people never were capable of living in Water. (looking him up and down - she motions for the DROPLETS to leave) I guess we can't all be perfect.
VOICE: (trying to dry himself - EARTH tries to help but can't bring herself to get near the water) I take it you're water.
WATER: I am. (smiling) How could you tell?
VOICE: Water is pure and perfect, therefore must be rather snobby considering the role she plays in creation.
WATER: (offended for a moment) Well, thank you for the compliment. Now, what can you do for me?
VOICE: Wait. What can I do for you- oh, never mind. I need to summon all of the elements to create a new place to live fo…
WATER: (interrupting) A clean place to live?
VOICE: Yes, a clean place to live.
WATER: Show me the way!
WATER starts to strut off stage, but comes face to face with EARTH. WATER lets out a blood-curdling scream and she primly bats at EARTH. EARTH stands there, terrified that she did something wrong.
WATER: Oooh! Get away, get away!
VOICE stands between them.
VOICE: What is the matter with Earth?
WATER: (playing with the end of her scarf, pouting) She pollutes me.
VOICE: Ah. (gently, as if speaking to a child) Well, we'll have to learn to work together if we're going to create a nice, clean world, Water.
EARTH: He's right. (compromising) If it makes you feel any better, you can lie on your scarf and I'll pull you so you don't get dirty.
WATER: (thinks) Okay.
WATER lays her scarf down (center) and sits down like a lady who is going to be carried by a servant.
WATER: (motioning with her arm) Let us be off.
EARTH picks up the end of the scarf and tries to pull, but WATER is heavier than she had thought. WATER throws a look at EARTH. EARTH tugs as hard as she can, and with a jerk, they exit stage right. Lights out.
Scene 4: Fire
Lights come up red. Unbeknownst to the travelers, FIRE stands stage left, surrounded by a ring of FLAMES. A small ring is directly around her (on their knees, sitting up straight, arms in the air), and another ring is around that one (bowed low to the ground). Enter VOICE, EARTH, and WATER (EARTH is laboring as she pulls WATER; water is lying back, primping herself).
VOICE: (shivering, still wet) I'm cold.
EARTH: I would warm you if I knew I wouldn't get you dirty.
WATER: See! She admits to polluting me and my precious droplets!
EARTH: Give it a rest, please.
VOICE: Remind me to thank your droplets for this.
WATER: Leave my girls out of this!
VOICE: How am I going to get dry?
FLAMES: (echoing in a whisper) Dry… dry… dry…
Start, quietly at first, Loreena McKennitt's "All Souls Night". With the start of the music, FIRE begins to suavely dance (faster as the music's pace picks up). The ring directly around her goes up and down like a flickering flame, and the second ring follows, picking up the pace. This has to be done in sync, or else the fire will not look realistic. At 0:53, the first ring of FLAMES get up and dance around the travelers. On the lyric "...figures dance around and round" the FLAMES stop and spin in circles. They spot WATER, who with a look of horror, realizes that she is in trouble. The music fades after the FLAMES spin in circles.
WATER: (screaming and batting them away) Ooooh! Get away, get away!!
EARTH: Leave her alone! I can extinguish you; you know I can!
The FLAMES shriek and run to FIRE, who has stopped dancing, and was watching the melee. She lays a protective hand on the FLAMES, and she strides over to VOICE, ignoring WATER.
WATER: Keep your little fiery heathens away from me! (EARTH moves to comfort WATER) Don't even think about it, Earth! (sadly, EARTH backs away)
FIRE: (looking at VOICE - gently) You are cold and wet. (a FLAME picks up a red scarf off of the ground where FIRE once stood and gives it to FIRE. Exit ALL FLAMES. FIRE wraps it around VOICE)
VOICE: Thank you. Fire. We need you. I am on a quest to gather the elements to create a New World. I need you, Fire, to warm the new life and to cook the food they must eat.
FIRE: (turning from VOICE) No.
VOICE: (aghast) Why not?
FIRE: Because I once had that purpose, and what did they do? (her temper rising) They extinguished me! (pointing as each character's name is mentioned) They drenched me in water and threw earth on me, and I had to retreat! I lost so many of my Flames to the clutches of man. So, you see, I have something against all three of you. Why should I quest with those who have hurt me?
VOICE: Fire, we all must come together and work to make this happen. Water didn't want to come because Earth pollutes her…
EARTH: (interrupting) Hey! I did no…
VOICE: (interrupting - hinting for her to play along) -but Water set aside her differences because she hopes for a better world. We must set aside our grudges and anger and fears and try to survive.
FIRE: (thinking) All right - for a new world.
VOICE: (smiling) Wonderful! Let's go!
ALL exit stage left. Lights out.
Scene 5: Nothing and Night
White lights up - dim. All come in a commotion. VOICE looks very tired, WATER is as lazy as ever, EARTH is about to collapse, and FIRE is ticked off because WATER keeps throwing droplets at he from a cup of water she suddenly had. They are all ad-libbing and yelling at each other.
VOICE: I think you would all agree if I suggested that we rest for the night.
WATER: It's about time. I am getting rather tired.
EARTH: (shoots a hateful look at WATER) You're tired?
EARTH: (turning away) I'm not even going to get into it.
VOICE: I still have to find Nothing, Universe, Sun, Moon, and the Heart of Man.
EARTH: You will, I'm sure of it.
VOICE: (smiles) Thank you.
WATER: How do you find nothing?
VOICE: I don't know.
WATER: (laughs and accidentally snorts) Well, we're never going to find Nothing.
EARTH: What if we just sit here? Maybe he'll come.
VOICE: Okay, let's try it.
All sit quietly, looking at each other, then they burst out laughing. Right as they burst out laughing, a very plain man with hands shoved in his pockets strolls across the stage and sits next to VOICE. NOTHING pretends to laugh with them, but it sounds more like a pig being choked. Pause. All stop and look at NOTHING.
VOICE: What are you doing?
NOTHING: (slowly turning his head) Nothing.
VOICE: You're nothing?
VOICE: (exclaiming) Finally! Something is going right!
NOTHING: I'm not Something. I'm Nothing. Something is my cousin.
VOICE: Okay, then. Let me rephrase that. Things are going right.
EARTH: Yes, they are.
WATER: I'm still tired.
EARTH: Oh, will you stop?
WATER: What do you mean?
VOICE: (to NOTHING) I think I'd rather have you here than Water.
NOTHING looks confused.
VOICE: It was a joke.
NOTHING: Oh! Ha ha ha!
VOICE: Let's get some rest.
WATER: It's about time.
ALL lay down on the ground. Fade to black light.
EARTH: Good night, everyone.
NIGHT: (from backstage) Thank you for the compliment.
ALL stand up and look around, except for NOTHING, who is snoring loudly next to VOICE.
VOICE: Who said that?
VOICE looks around.
VOICE: Really, I do not know who you are. Please show yourself.
NIGHT: I can't.
VOICE: Why not?
NIGHT: I am Night. I don't have a body.
VOICE: Night? (pauses) You are one of the elements I have been asked to summon!
NIGHT: Oh, am I?
VOICE: Yes! We want to build a New World for all to live happily and safely! We need you!
NIGHT: I don't see why not. Underground I can't really do much but let my essence and my voice wander.
VOICE: Will you join us?
NIGHT: Sure.
VOICE: But, how shall you present yourself to the Committee if you have no body?
There is a pause as the elements realize whom they are going to encounter.
NIGHT: I'm going to the Committee? You mean, the Conscience Committee?
VOICE: Yes. (turning around) All of you are.
EARTH: No element has ever come face to face with an emotion before!
VOICE: Well, then, you shall be the first.
EARTH: But, dear Man, you surely must know the rule.
VOICE: No, I was not aware of any rule.
EARTH: (ALL look at each other, except for NOTHING, who has awakened, but remains sitting) There is a rule that emotions, which are possessed by humans, cannot come face to face with the forces of the Earth.
WATER: Because we don't get along.
EARTH: Not necessarily. It's just that all of the emotions which tried to help us in the past… well, they vanished, and now there are very few good emotions left.
VOICE: But the Conscience is good and wise!
EARTH: Yes, but the physical aspect of life is almost impossible to combine with the essences of the human mind.
VOICE: So, what you're saying is that because we are all solid objects, things someone can touch that there is no way for you to see the emotions?
NIGHT: Exactly.
VOICE: If that is true, why can I see them?
EARTH: Because you possess what we do not have. Feelings.
VOICE: But you have all expressed feeling toward me!
EARTH: No, Man. We are merely communicating in the attitudes that go along with who we are. I am Mother Earth. You saw how I was with my Dirt babies.
WATER: I'm the purest of Water, like you said.
NOTHING: I'm not really here.
FIRE: I'm just a dance of heated light.
NIGHT: And I am merely darkness. I have no real purpose but to wander our dying earth.
VOICE: Day is just like night. Universe is like Night and the Sun because she contains both of them. …and the Heart of Man. What about the heart of man? Where will I find that?
EARTH: (ALL look around, as if there is some great secret they are keeping from him) That is something we cannot help you with. Only you can find that.
NIGHT: But first thing is first. You must find Day.
VOICE: Well, I'm afraid I cannot find the Sun if you are here.
NIGHT: All right. I'll take my leave and continue to wander aimlessly, if you so desire. Have a rejuvenating rest, everyone.
NOTHING: (looks around) Everyone is here?
WATER: What are you talking about?
NOTHING: Everyone is the mother of Someone, my cousin!
WATER: Forget it and go to sleep.
VOICE: Night?
VOICE: Thank you.
ALL lay down. Lights out.
Scene 6: Sun and Universe
Lights do not come up. Spotlight falls on SUN as he proudly comes on stage. ALL are sleeping, but begin to stir with the arrival of the SUN. Obviously, Night is gone.
SUN: Rise and shine, everyone!
VOICE: (rolling over, grumbling) You're the sun.
SUN: (proudly) Yes, I am.
EARTH rises as if hypnotized, and approaches SUN. Please overact!!
EARTH: (sassily, flirty) You're the Sun?
SUN: (just as flirty - please, please, please overact!) Yes. Why?
EARTH: I feel… strangely attracted to you.
SUN: Yes. (like a pun) So, uh… how would you like to go into orbit?
EARTH: I'd love to!
EARTH gets close to SUN, giggling, and begins to sassily walk in circles around him. She will do this for the remainder of the play.
VOICE: We need you to provide light to our New World.
SUN: You're creating a New World?
VOICE: Yes. Would you like to be a part of it?
SUN: Absolutely. It's humiliating shining my wondrous light down on such filth.
EARTH: (hanging on SUN - flirting) And what a wondrous light it is!
SUN: (full of himself) Why, thank you.
VOICE: Come on, you two. We have to go find Universe.
SUN: Remember to be entranced by her greatness. There is nothing bigger than Universe and her ego.
ALL exit stage left, with NOTHING strolling along behind them. FIRE now pulls WATER. EARTH runs in circles around SUN; the two of them leave the stage last. Dim lights up. As lights come up, keeping the volume low, start "Rachel's Song" on the Blade Runner CD. Enter UNIVERSE, covered in glitter and dazzling in a white costume of silky sequined material. She begins to dance slowly to the music. Enter VOICE, FIRE, EARTH, SUN (EARTH is still orbiting around him), WATER, and lastly, NOTHING. NIGHT is backstage. VOICE stares at UNIVERSE. Enter STARS. They begin to dance around the travelers. VOICE momentarily shields his head in case they will dump something on him, but then lets his guard down. The STARS, after dancing around the travelers, curl up with their knees to their chins in a circle around UNIVERSE. The music fades until the STARS are at her feet. She smiles.
SUN: (striding forward) Universe! My best friend! How are you?
UNIVERSE: I am doing very well considering that I have nowhere to exist, my Stars are lonely and my most precious planet is falling apart.
SUN: Oh. Well, may I introduce the Voice of Man, Water, Fire (grabbing EARTH out of her "orbit"), and Earth.
NIGHT: (booming, and all are startled) And Night. (frightened, the STARS run off stage left)
SUN: Please don't do that! We can never tell when you're here. And you're not supposed to be, because I am present.
NIGHT: I don't have anything better to do.
VOICE: Universe, we need your great vastness and complexity in which to make our new home. Will you come with us so we may build our home within the bounds of your greatness?
UNIVERSE: (quickly, in one breath - good luck) I would be honored to harbor a New World, but what of my Old World - she took so long to make, and so much time - but I had a little help, if you know what I mean, but that's not the point, why should I take time out of my busy schedule of polishing my Stars to help someone who is destroying my planet and a bunch of elements that are too lazy to lift a finger to help?
WATER: That was a mouthful.
VOICE: Because we are trying to right the wrong, but we cannot do it alone. We need your greatness.
UNIVERSE: (pausing) I suppose. But, this time, if I sense any trouble brewing anywhere in the solar system, I will hit your New World with an asteroid so big you won't have time to apologize to me profusely and grovel at my feet - which I so love to see things do!
VOICE: All right.
UNIVERSE: Okay, then. Let us go.
VOICE: We're almost there! To the Conscience! (expecting a cheer when none comes, ALL look around awkwardly) Oh, come on!
ALL exit stage left. Once the actors have crossed back to stage right (behind the curtain), they enter stage left, this time WATER and FIRE are arguing. WATER is teasing FIRE. VOICE shouts back at them to keep quiet because they are almost there. SUN and EARTH cheer them on. NOTHING stands away from the argument by standing on the opposite side of the stage.
FIRE: You're annoying me!
WATER: (innocently) How am I annoying you?
FIRE: You were throwing yourself at me!
WATER: I was not. I know better than to throw myself at something as filthy and wretched as you. Your ash pollutes me …and your fire -- hmm! I have seen brighter!
FIRE: (furious) How dare you!
FIRE attacks WATER stage left, and they proceed to have a "girl fight" with much hair pulling.
SUN: (cheering loudly over the brawl) Yeah, Fire! That's my girl! Dry her up! Pollute her!
EARTH: (orbiting) Yeah, way to go fire! Do what he said!
VOICE: (trying to end the fight) Please! Stop this! We'll never exist in our New World peacefully if you two do not get along!
VOICE tries to get between them.
FIRE: (screaming) Screw your New World! Let it burn! (shoving him aside) And stay out of this!
VOICE goes tumbling to the floor, crying out in pain because FIRE had burned him when she threw him down.
SUN: (to VOICE) How dare you try to hurt my Fire!
SUN lunges at VOICE, but EARTH jumps in the way.
EARTH: No! Leave him out of this!
SUN: (controlling his temper) This does not concern you, Earth.
EARTH: It most certainly does! Man is my friend!
SUN: So be it!
SUN lunges at EARTH, and the two of them begin to fight alongside FIRE and WATER. FIRE and WATER wrestle off stage together. VOICE lays on the ground, crying out in protest.
UNIVERSE: (crying out) Don't hurt Sun!
UNIVERSE dives into the fight. VOICE continues to scream in protest: "We're so close! Don't do this, not now!"
NIGHT: Nothing!
NOTHING: (looking around) What?
NIGHT: How come you get to be a physical figure and I have to be a voice?
NOTHING: I don't know.
NIGHT: You're Nothing! I'm something!
NOTHING: You're not Something. Something is my cousin.
NIGHT: Well, come here and let me give you a piece of my mind!
NOTHING: You don't have a mind.
NIGHT: Just get over here!
Exit NOTHING (right) in the direction of NIGHT. SUN, UNIVERSE, and EARTH fall to the ground. SUN first, then UNIVERSE, then EARTH. SUN and UNIVERSE are dead.
EARTH: Voice! Voice, come here!
VOICE: (crawls to EARTH, sobbing hysterically "We're so close!" He props EARTH's head up) What is it?
EARTH: (crying) I'm so sorry, so very sorry. We failed you. We destroyed your hopes and dreams. But there is something you should know. The one element you could not find, the Heart of Man -- you are the Heart of Man. You are the strength. You are the… (fading) life of all of us, of the Committee, of everything. You must create a New World. Only then will we come together once more… next time… in peace. (she dies)
VOICE: (crying) No! We are so close! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! (no answer from EARTH - he lays her head down on the ground - looks at the audience - deeply saddened) We are so close. We… we… were… so close.
Lights Out.
Scene 8: The Death of the Committee
White lights come up center stage, dim dreary. The members of the Committee lay in different areas of the stage. All are dead, except for HOPE, who is holding the head of the LEADER in her lap, pleading for him not to die, and MELANCHOLY, who is standing aloof, observing, stage left.
HOPE: Oh, no, no. Not you. Please, please no. No! (she begins to cry) Help! Help! (looks down at LEADER - choked with sobs) Oh! Voice of Man! How you have failed us!
MELANCHOLY: (gesturing to the fallen LEADER) I don't think it's any use. There's no one left but you and I.
HOPE: Why? Why can't I try? And why are you so strong and I so weak? And the others are dead! Why?
MELANCHOLY: I don't have any answers for you. I am melancholy. I don't care about anything, remember?
HOPE: (staring at him with daggers in her eyes) How can you exist without caring? How can you be so immune to the pain and suffering around you?
MELANCHOLY: I wish I could, and I have tried, but I am just not able.
HOPE: (sadly) If only I could be like you. I don't want to feel this stinging pain in my heart anymore.
Enter VOICE, grimly, stage right. HOPE keeps her back turned to him.
VOICE: (stopping, amazed at the scene before him) Hope. What happened?
HOPE: (gently laying LEADER aside and getting up) They died. The last of the emotions died… while you were on your quest.
VOICE: I… I'm sorry.
HOPE: Have you brought the elements? Have you brought those who can save us, who can save my dear friends?
VOICE: (shaking his head slowly, crying out in despair) I tried! I tried so hard! I had all of them, and then they started to fight… and then they were… all gone.
HOPE: (falls to her knees) Oh, no.
VOICE: (goes to her and hugs her) I have failed.
HOPE: You have not completely. You must have some faith left within you… or else I, too, would be gone… though I feel myself growing weak. (she leans into him)
VOICE: I have no hope left within me.
HOPE: (wincing) Please… don't say that.
VOICE: (not realizing what he is doing) Everything is going to die.
HOPE: Stop.
VOICE: I might as well --
HOPE: No! Don't say it!
VOICE: Give up.
HOPE screams and falls to the ground.
HOPE: No! My life… you have killed me! (she lies still)
VOICE: (repeating, remembering what EARTH said - robot-like) My life… the life of all of us… (exclaiming) The Heart of Man! The emotions I possess! I keep all of you alive! When I began to despair, you all started to wither and grow old! No, no! We will build this New World! I am taking charge of our lives!
HOPE, LEADER and BELIEF begin to stir.
VOICE: (standing) We will repair the damage done!
VOICE: All of the elements of creation and all of the emotions I possess shall combine, and we will survive! I do not know if it will succeed, but I will try!
Slowly, all of the members rise. On "All of the elements.", enter all of the elements.
VOICE: (looking around) I will try… (facing the audience) Because that's all I can do… but it is enough to erase the hate, repair the damage, and resurrect the golden world we once lived in. Together… as one… in peace.
Lights out. Curtain Closes.
The End
© 1999 Heather Esch