The Practice of the Presense of God (Brother Lawrence)
- an unassuming French monk explains how his simple
life of menial chores overflows with the joy of God's presence.
Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)
- a modern classic, explaining how to develop pray,
fasting, meditation and other disciplines joyfully not legalistically.
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger (Ronald Sider)
- the world as it is: a billion destitue, another
3 billion with little and a tiny western minority comsuming the world's
Justice and Peace, a Christian primer (J.Milburn Thompson) ISBN
- lots of examples and facts about war,development,human
rights,poverty, neo-colonialism etc. in the post-coldwar world.
Passion for Jesus (Mike Bickle)
- the testimony of a young American christian wrapped
around a study of the Song of Songs as expressing God's love for us.
The Confessions (St. Augustine) ISBN 0-14-044114-X
- the great theologian tells of his conversion 1600
years ago, his honesty reveal men were the same then, and so was Jesus.
Chasing the Dragon (Jackie Pulinger) ISBN 0-340-25760-1
- 20 year old Jackie sees God's Spirit transform
the Walled City, home to Hong Kong's poorest and more hopeless.
Born Again (Charles Colson) ISBN 0-340-63058-2
- President Nixon's right hand man comes face to
face with Jesus just before being jailed for Watergate.
The Torn Veil (Gulshan Esther) ISBN 0-551-01153-X
- a young muslim girl has a dream, reads of Jesus
in the Koran, is healed of paralysis, and eventually ends up in Oxford.
The Final Quest (Rik Joyner)
- a strange but very insightful and powerful prophetic
revelation of the spiritual battle we are fighting in.
The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)
- enjoyed them as a kid? reread them and you will
see, through his analogies, wonderful insights into God and humanity.
Surprised by the Spirit (Jack Deere) ISBN 0-85476-494-1
- a conservative evangelical theologian is confronted
with the Holy Spirit at work. A scholarly examination of charisma.
Surprised by the Voice of God (Jack Deere) ISBN 0-85476-649-9
- Jack focuses on the different ways we can hear
God, full of examples from his own life, honest and very helpful.
The NIV Thematic Bible
- the theme section traces every theme you could
think of from apples to vegetarianism through the Bible.
Walden (Henry Thoreau) ISBN 0-691-06194-7
- in the mid-19th century Henry build himself a
log cabin by Walden pond - a classic of voluntary simplicity.
The Tao of Physics (Frutijof Capra) ISBN 0-00-654489-4
- a good explaination of East Asia worldviews and
their similarities with quantum physics.
The Emperor's New Mind (Roger Penrose) ISBN 0-09-977170-5
- a peculiar but intriguing and well argued
examination of consiousness and attack on strong AI.
Phaedrus (Plato)
- Plato's answer to the lovers guide, very metaphysically
beautiful prose.
The History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell) ISBN
- Berty has got his own biases of course, but this
covers a lot of ground with wit and intellegence.
Animal Rights and Wrongs (Roger Scruton) ISBN 1-898309-19-1
Animal Liberation 2nd Edition (Peter Singer) ISBN 0-7225-2415-3
- two very different but equally interesting and
well written examinations of human-animal interaction.
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an ISBN 0-91597-31-0
- aimming at the poetry of the Arabic, many scholarly
notes and Apendixes (historical + a tough one on the Biblical canon).
Just So Stories (Rudyard Kipling)
Tales from Ovid (Ted Hughes)
The Chronicles of Clovis (H.H.Munro, alias Saki) ISBN 0-14-018349-3
Red Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson) ISBN 0-586-21389-9
Out of the Silent Planet Trilogy (C.S.Lewis)
Neuromancer (William Gibson) ISBN 0-586-06645-4
Homeland (R.A.Salvatore) ISBN 0-14-014372-6
The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass aged 37.5 (Adrian Plass)
ISBN 0-551-03069-0
I have most of the books mentioned above and would be more than happy to lend them to anyone.