You have entered The Mind of Melfi! Explore! I dare you! Check out Poll #1 at the bottom of the page!..... last updated 6/18/99!

The Mind of Melfi

Welcome to my mind! Pretty Awesome huh! Actually, this is the portion of my page where I express whatever (and I mean whatever!) is on my mind. Sometimes the things on this page might seem a bit whacked up, but for those of you who really know me... well... all I can say is... you know me. Well go ahead! Journey into the twists and turns of the mind of Melfi!

Melfi's Ponders

You know those little questions which always seem to be lingering on the back of your mind? Well, this is where I get them of my mind and put them on this webpage for all to see (pretty scary!). If you have any ponders of your own, e-mail me and I will put them on my page, and I am always welcome to feedback. Also, I will have polls on my page which ask stupid but interesting questions. So, read on and enjoy the roomy area of my mind!

Ponder #1


Don't you just hate those cards in magazines which disrupt your smooth operation of flipping through pages! My ponder is about the cards which are blank. Usually, the cards have order forms for (insanely) the same magazine! What are we supposed to do with the blank ones! The only solution I could dig up is that they are for writing the answers down to your quizzes (although they are located nowhere near the quiz area of the magazine). If that is their purpose, Than I proclaim the creator of that idea a genius, but if it isn't, I guess it will remain a mystery for all time to us fellow magazine readers!

Ponder #2


Everyone who has ever bought a pair of tennis shoes or maybe even any pair of shoes has had to struggle with sizes. My ponder is this.... the shoe you try on may be a perfect fit on one foot, but it is either way to small of way to big on the other. When you are one of those people whose shoe size is never... I should say.... exact.... you have a hard enought time finding shoes in the first place. Just a note to the shoe makers of the world: I understand that you have to make shoes according to the fact that the right foot is most of the time larger than the left foot, but please, don't go overboard. Some shoes can have about a 1 inch length difference! Well, in the end of things, we always end up with a good pair of shoes!

Fellow Ponderer Feedback

Wow! This page has just been set up and I have already received some feedback! Well, here are your ponders! Enjoy!

Why do people drive on parkways and park on driveways?

Why do drive through bank tellers have Braile on them when blind people can't even drive?

Why don't they just give the Trix Rabbit some silly cereal?

Well, there you have it! I guess I am not the only person in the world who ponders about stupid but useful information! Keep sending your thoughts and don't forget to take the poll!

Melfi's Poll #2
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I hope you have enjoyed my mind. If you wish to send feedback *applause* then E-Mail Me!!

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