Melfi's Peanut Page
This page is dedicated to the one and only Peanuts.You will find a picture of some of the characters, and my point of view about them. Here is the tale of how this page came to be: I have never been as attatched to that show as I am now... I guess when I was bored during the summer I started watching the show since it was the only thing on. Then, before I knew it I was catching the show everyday and really enjoying it. Everyday I laughed my head off at Charlie Brown's shyness towards the little red-head girl, his careless mistakes, and his confidence on the pitching mound (sometimes). My story just goes to show that anyone heart or no heart can fall in love with The Peanuts!
Charlie Brown
"Good Grief!", you will find those words being used everywhere, but where did they originate? You might say they came from an old Indian language, or you could say they originated from the greek words " Goodiovious Grieviovious", but the truth is that those famous two words came from the mouth of Charlie Brown. This young boy Has a little bit of everything from shyness to anger. Really strange for a kid, he has almost no hair and a huge round head. His outfit basically consists of a yellow shirt with a black zigzag across it. He is very shy and worriful all of the time, but can always stand up for himself if he tries hard enough. Usually he does the right and smart thing (usually I remind you). Charlie Brown has one younger sister named Sally (You'll learn about her later) and is the master but loving owner of Snoopy (later). He is in love with the little-red-head-girl, but never urges himself hard enough to talk to her....(except for one of the peanuts episodes I have seen). His best friend is Linus (later) and his enemy rival is Lucy (later).When it comes to sports, Charlie is the master of goof-ups. He can't pitch (line drives usually knock his clothes off), and he can't kick a football (maybe he could if Lucy wouldn't pull the ball away so much), and no matter how many attempts he can never get that kite in the air. I always think that Charlie Brown is a cutie and is really sweet. Although he is almost an outcast.... I think he is the most special of all the Peanuts!
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