The Royal Crescent Navy
of the Kingdom of Caid

(The Kingdom Nautical Arts & Sciences Guild)

Charting A Course
Our Mission Statement

The Royal Crescent Navy is the Royal Nautical Arts & Sciences Guild in the Kingdom of Caid, a part of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

It's purpose is to provide resource and support for the research of period (pre-17th century) nautical arts, sciences, warfare and history; provide a reference point for people researching seagoing personas, and personas who would have had occassion to come into contact with seagoing people; and promote and provide education about period nautical arts & sciences.

It also supports those who wished to participate in ship-battle style tournaments, or reenactments of historical nautical events, either by planning or participation in these events.

Plans call for a body of work relating to period maritime practices to be collected or indexed to provide those seeking information with a guide towards future studies.

In the future the Nautical Guild will participate in or plan events, tournies, or collegiums relating to nautical arts & sciences; and participate in or plan ship battles or reenactments of historical nautical events.

It is hoped that in the future the Nautical Guild may take part in projects such as the research, reconstruction and use of period nautical instruments and sea-craft.

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