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Solon-"I grow old while always learning."

As one begins to tell a story, it must be clear that nothing one talks about is new or somehow a personal creation or a vision from the gods, a divine inspirations a moment of genius if you must. In my humble opinion it is nothing but a development or analysis of subject matter that has, on numerous occasions, some time in our past, been talked about or written about or argued and fought over, as part of our storied and traumatic history. On the other hand it could simply represent a way to consolidate and present thoughts in an organized manner hoping it will resonate somehow, sometime, somewhere in the ears and minds of empathizing people.

It is not the end result or the acheivment of an objective which is of importance, what is of concern is the continuous process of learning, IN ITSELF, it is PRIMARY in Nature, whatever follows must be considered SECONDARY only of consequence and relavence if it contributes to the process of learning.

What is PRIMARY is real, the wanting, to know why things are the way they are, the seeking to understand and learn. What is SECONDARY is temperory and material. It is temporary in the sense that it serves a specific purpose, designed to enhance and nurture the process of learning and once the objective has been achieved, this very act of fulfillment of purpose will consume and destroy it.

I would consider all forms of HUMAN ACTION as Secondary in Nature, by this I mean when the Action is consumed buy the achievement of its objective it does not exist so there is no permanence to that specific action. Slowly but surely the action and the objective acheived will fade from memory, however it will still exist if it is written down in any format, it then becomes a HISTORICAL EVENT. An action is real only when the specific objective to be acheived, plays a role in the advancement of what is Primary and Real. On the other hand there are actions that are fulfilled with specific objectives in mind, but do not contribute or are not required for the acheivment of what is real and primary, such actions therefore are not real and can be avoided and therefore belong in the realm of the material

Links to more information on Gravitation:
Issac Newton: Universal Law of Gravitation
The Laws of Kepler
Gravitational Perturbation and the Prediction of New Planets
Einstein's Legacy


The Application, of Mind and Body. This is an incomplete statement. By adding different words to it, I can change its meaning. In my previous discussion I had talked about, there being two levels of understanding. In similar fashion, there are two levels of Action. At the lower level, we have the application of mind and body, towards the achievement of a specafic goal. Once we have achieved these goals, the action ends and we have completed the task we set out do.

At the higher level, we have no ends. The applying of the mind and body is a continous and never ending process. There is no conclusion to achievement. By not limiting myself to any pre-concieved notion, that, once I have completed the task, I am done, I continue to pursue, to seek and to understand. I never relieve the tension and always on the look out for new ways and means to continue the search. You can call it a highly skeptical or critical approach, where satisfaction is never gaurnteed and I am always alert and open to changes. Thus, I can say that, change is a continous and ongoing process.


For an action to take place, I must have the means at my disposal. For action is the application of the means. Thus, mind and body are means. Mind being the primary element, the body an extension of the mind. Thoughts and ideas, form in the mind. They evolve, out of the knowledge gained from past pursuits. They are stored in the mind as memories and experiences. Very often, they reflect my education and upbringing. Upbringing includes human values. The individual's thoughts and ideas, must reflect and be confined within, the laws, rules and regulations, of the country, of which, the individual is a citizen , because they could have an impact on the following actions.

Human values are inherited, absorbed, while growing up , thus reflecting varied and complex family values. Then there are those that result from human interaction at work and play. And finally but of tremendous importance-Peer Pressure. Values are very important, for in the end, when every thing is said and done, they have the greatest influence on our thoughts and ideas.

Before, applying the thoughts and ideas, I have to make the decision, to want to apply them, whatever the level of action. For if the decision is not made within the mind to go ahead, nothing really happens. It happens only if it happens. That is, the decision must be made to go ahead with the application. The decision to move forward, could be instinctive, necessary, or based on human values. Values, justify the action, making them sound reasonable and rational.


Application, at the lower levels of action and understanding, means; the mobilization of resources, human and material, towards the completion of the action. That is, the achievement of objectives and ends. Mobilization results in the formation of organizational structures, Systems. They are the engines of applications. Each, with its own set of rules and regulations. Ultimately, developing into, Codes of Conduct, most of which are unwritten and difficult to decipher. But, believe me you will know when you have broken one. These, in turn, result in the worst kind of value system-Peer Pressure.

At the higher level of understanding or action, a system is not necessary. For there are no ends or goals. We pursue, which means we act, so that we can continue to think, clearly and rationally, to keep the idea of thought alive. To develop, to learn and to grow. The achievement is that nothing is really achieved, as understood, at the lower levels of understanding and action. Continuity in the development of thought, ideas and action, where the wheels of change are in continuous motion.

We now that nothing happens, if thought is not subject to action. In similar fashion, nothing really happens, if thought is subject to action, at a higher level. Thus, thought and action at a higher level (the key is "at a higher level"), are one and the same thing-nothing really.


Nothing happens until it happens, it happens only when you make it happen. The cause-is you making it happen. The event-the action of it actually happening. The effect-the outcome of the happening, whether good or bad, depends on the cause, the effort you put into it, to make it happen.

Again, it will happen, only if you make it happen. The reward is the satisfaction of achievement, by making it happen. The event is yours. By making it happen, you define your very existence, you create your own destiny. Life has meaning only because you give it meaning.

By acting, you make it happen, you are solely responsible for he event occurring. You must bear the consequence of the event occurence. Caused by your action. By succumbing to whims and fancies of outside influence, you seek freedom from your own actions. Thus, freedom from all responsibility. Therefore, it happens, when it happens. It happens, because you make it happen.

Many a time, we are swayed by beautiful pictures, painted in wonderful and magnificent words. Answering our most burning questions, filling the void that, seems to exist in all of us. The more we seek without, what is within us, the more vulnerable we are. Seduced, by seekers of power, we our mesmerized by their rhetoric. For answers to all our questions, all we have to do is look within ourselves. Ever since the beginning of civilization itself, it is something we humans have found most difficult to do. I say this with deep regret, sorrow in my heart, and a great deal of frustration. For, it happens, when it happens, it happens because, you make it happen.


By now, it must be pretty obvious, what I mean by knowledge. Continuous attainment, of a higher level of understanding through a higher level of action, with no system in place or end in sight. Continuous attainment, could also mean continuous development. Development of thoughts from previous pursuits. Making the pursuit of knowledge or the idea of thinking, all the time, a habit and the objective in itself. Thought itself and action at a higher level become one and the same. Thought means action and action is thought. And the knowing never ends.

Just think of life, from the perspective of the lower levels of understanding. Action has purpose, goals are set, systems are built and we have end results, that one can observe, feel or comprehend. Something happens, something is achieved. Habits are formed, standards of operation and codes of conduct are written or subconsciously accepted as fact, as the right thing to do.

Ever since the advent of civilization, the human individual has depended on systems, for his or her survival. Civilization, means that we have to live together in groups, in systems and organizations, as a society. If we, as a species, are to achieve any success and survive into the future, each of us, on a regular bases, must belong to a variety of organizational structures, some formal, many informal. Life outside the system would seem most uncivilized. Therefore, human action is defined, by the objective and goals of the systems we belong to. Humans are limited by these actions. They belong to the realm of a lower level of action leading to a lower level of understanding.

Now, having said this, lets go back to what I mean by pursuit of knowledge and its development. It is a higher level of action leading to higher level of understanding. So, if this were achieved, I would not belong to any system, would have no goals or objectives. My pursuit would be never ending. Nothing happens, accept the development of thought, the continuity, of the idea of thinking. So, why I am doing it, what is the purpose if there is no purpose. What am I going to achieve if there is nothing to achieve. A lot people, deeply committed to the to the material objective, would look at me as if I had gone mad. They would call me stupid, convinced, that I was wasting my time and effort, on nothing really.


What I hope to achieve, is freedom of thought and a way of life that cherishes and protects this freedom. I seek to break the bonds, both psychological and physical that keeps humanity forever enslaved to the material way of life. These barriers are the direct result of the dogmatic and fundamentalistic nature of the value systems that are an intrinsic part of everyday life. There is a tremendous pressure and some warped sense of duty and obligation, within each one of us, to confrom, to belong. They restrict our abilities to act within reason, based on rational thinking and decision making. Value systems inevitably develop into rigid structures. Values become fozen in time and all human activity, becomes restrictive, instinctive and reactive, reflecting this inflexibility.

I don't want people to get the wrong impression. The idea is not to act on ones thoughts. Thought is action and action is thought where, thinking, learning and understanding are continuous and neverending. If thought is free and continuous, we can overcome the barriers and break the bonds that tie. The mind is free to travel back into the past, never forgetting the lessons we were supposed to learn, thus ensuring continous success or should I say continous development, in the future. Change is continuous and we never have to suffer the dire consequence, the tremendous violence and bloodshed that always accompanies change. When thought becomes frozen in time, discontinuity is achieved and we forget what we learnt or forget the ideals that, allowed us to grow and prosper, into what we are today. Yesterday is forgotten and the present consumes us in all its frenzy. But when the ability to think is consistently kept alive we never forget, and change, as we have been experiencing it for thousands of years, becomes unnecessary. Thus, we are freed from constantly having to reinvent ourselves.


There are other systems besides value systems. Such as Knowledge Systems. Or should I say, that Knowledge Systems are one aspect of value systems. All systems develop their own set of rules and regulations or ways of thinking and acting, Knowledge Systems are no exception. Knowledge Systems means that knowledge is divided, separated from the whole, into Branches. We could also call them Branches of Knowledge. With the rapid changes in technology, the information and data acumulated, as a result, increases dramatically. Thus, more divisions are needed, the focus narrows and specialization increases. More specialists are needed to operate these subdivided systems. A branch not only experiences further divisions, but, it becomes extremely Bureaucratic in nature.

What it does is, make learning and understanding, all the more difficult, complex and confusing, in the sense that, you have to deal with numerous and differing perspectives. Which means that there are many ways of doing the right thing. Often times, within the same the branch of knowledge. Progress is slow and the barriers towards the advancement of knowledge become insurmountable. What I would like to do is, simplify matters, by unifying knowledge. Think of Knowledge as a complete whole with no branches, limitation or divisions. When I say that I am pursuing knowledge, I have included in my studies, all the various divisions and subdivisions, thus achieving unity within the diversity. So, what I try to do is, search for similarities or common elements, within and among the various branches, dissolving the barriers that separate.


Let us now continue, to find answers to the question; Why I am doing this? What I am doing is; concentrating all my efforts, of the mind and body, to the endless pursuit of knowledge with no goals or objectives to my actions. Where thought and action are one and the same. If I am successful in achieving, to a certain extent, consistency and continuity, in this, my effort, it soon becomes or is naturally transformed into a WAY OF LIFE or a Way of Living. My life then, is committed action, forever devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and freedom of thought and action. A Way of Life is life itself, my life, the individuals life. It encompasses a persons-character and personality, his relationships, interactions and attitudes towards others, either, on a one to one basis or as a contributing member of a group or organizational structure. These groups or organizations are nothing but Value Systems.

I must stress, the important fact, a way of life is extremely subjective in nature and varies from individual to individual and among and within the value systems that make up human society. A way of life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge is, I believe, far superior, one of quality and substance. To study the past, for answers to questions about the future and ultimatly the survival of the human race, it is of tremendous importance that the idea of thinking, thought, be kept alive. For with it, it is possible to overcome the obstacles, the variety and complexities that are inherent in the very nature of value systems. Of Primary concern to me, is a way of life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. All that really matters is the achievement of just such an existence, life, they are one and the same. Of secondary importance, is the desire to express, in an organized and structured manner, in written, oral or visual form, your thoughts and ideas, the results of the pursuit or the pursuit itself. A way of life must come before any form of expression or one could say that, the highest form of expression is life itself and the way you live it.


A way of life is similar to Purpose or Existence. One can easily replace the words "A Way of Life" with "What is my Purpose in Life". Purpose, doesn't have to be an action which has a finite life. Further, I can say, that I exist so that I can pursue knowledge, make learning and my thoughts, my actions. This should be the one and only reason for my existence, nothing else matters. My existence requires that my body be in perfect harmony with my mind. The mind must be allowed or given the freedom to explore, in its search for knowledge, every possible avenue available to it. With little or nor interference from any bodily function or physical activities. It then, becomes pretty obvious that separation or isolation is necessary. I must be in a position to isolate myself from the activities of the mind and body that make up the material existence.

It is all well and good to say that, isolation is essential. But to achieve it is something else. It is very hard. No matter how hard we try there will always be interference. It is difficult to break the embelical chord that binds us together. We are born into systems-the Family Unit-and, without realizing it, we are soon involved in other systems, civilization means systems and we cannot exist as a civilized society without systems. The older we get, the harder it gets to separate oneself completely. Even if we do achieve a certain amount of isolation, not only is there a tremendous pressure to conform, but the hurt and pain that is felt when isolated, is too much to bare. One must suffer for it and a price must be paid.

Human understanding, of what is life and what is time, is not very different. In fact I believe it is almost impossible to separate the two. By life, I do not mean my life, which is finite in nature, but I mean the "Idea of Life, which is infinite. We perceive life as moving forward, there was a past, there is a present and hopefully there will be a future. In similar fashion, we perceive time as moving forward. We call it the direction of the Arrow of Time. Therefore, I cannot imagine myself moving backward in time. The hour, minute and second hands in my watch move foward, 8pm becomes 9pm, 9pm becomes 10pm and so on. I live or I exist in the Present Time. But I did have a past life and again hopefully there will be a future life. Similarly there was a past time and the future time is infinite.


Existence in the Present Time must be limited to the essentials. All we can do is limit are existence, for there are systems and necessities in place that are of utmost importance to the very survival of existence itself and without which I cannot fulfill the life I have chosen for my self. One must accept this as fact. The key is to limit involvement to the bare essentials or what I believe to be the bare essentials. The direction of the arrow of time, becomes inconsequenstial. My thoughts can move with ease backwards and forward in time, unrestricted and uninhibited by the chaos that is Present Time. Time looses its grip on my existence and the past, present and future become one complete whole.

The individual must live in harmony with the state-the political institutions and systems, whatever its form, that guide the fate and destiny of a nation. That means one must abide by and respect the laws of the nation, no matter how burdensome, frustrating and stressful a task it may be. Non-complience, in the long run, would cause greater damage and result in more interference. Other than the basic action of compliance, one must separate oneself completely from and not get involved in the political and current affairs of the nation and the world in general.

My mind and body must work together, in harmony. There are certain basic Physcial Needs or Biological necessities that require our complete attention before we can move forward with any form of thought and action. The body must first be nourished with the basic necessities of life-Food, Clothing and Shelter. For what is existence without them, they are the essentials for survival. It is impossible to act or think without them. You cannot choose the way you want to live your life, if you are constantly trying to make ends meet. Existence is a struggle just to survive and survival means the satisfaction of the basic necessities of life.To survive and satisfy the basic necessities of life, we must be financially secure. That is, we must earn a living, make money, just enough to meet our basic necessities of life. To make money, we have to work again just enough to meet the bare essentials. Anything over and above that would interfere with my ability to concentrate on my pursuits and would be detrimental to my freedom in thought and action. But, no work at all is worse than working just enough. Further, one hopes that what you do to earn a living, is fair, legitimate and honest. If not, you will ultimately have to pay a heavy price for your lack of judgment.

The evolution and survival of any species is heavily dependent on its ability to reproduce effectively, abundantly and most importantly safely so that the young can grow, survive and continue the evolutionary process. Life and longevity means that a species is able to successfully produce offsprings that survive into the next generation. For most animals, it is of such importance that, there is a great deal of freedom and flexibility when it comes to the choice of partners during the mating process. What is of relevance, is the birth of newborn children. One has to just watch the countless documentaries on television that describe the life of such animals as tigers, lions and hyenas to realize the irrelevance and unimportance of choice in such matters. For example, the male lion can choose as his mate any one of the lioness' that belong to the pride. The struggle and drama, most often tragedy, is not in the mating rituals or the act itself, but in ensuring the safety and protection of the newborn. This is were awareness and consciousness comes into the picture.

It is the awareness of thought and action, which supposedly separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom. For most animals lack awareness, which means that, the cycle of birth, life and death is natural and primitive, when compared to humans of course. I am making the critical, natural and historical assumption that, we humans have an advantage, over other animals, with regard to awareness or consciousness.

What does this mean? Does it mean that human life and our very existence is an interference, a barrier to the natural flow of things. That somehow we are a mistake, a freak of nature and not the result of evolution. This is a million-dollar question that I am not willing or able to answer at this time and is not the purpose of this discussion.

How does consciousness effect or make a difference in our, by our I mean humans, attitude towards reproduction. For one, we are deeply aware or conscious of the pleasure that accompanies the act of mating. Now, I am not against the feeling of this pleasure, but, because of this heightened awareness and the need to satisfy this desire, is sometimes so overwhelming and all consuming, that, it becomes an obsession, a distraction, a deterrent. So much so, it becomes the objective, the end to every action. We spend all time trying to satisfy this hunger, that, nothing else matters. If denied, it could lead to terrible consequences. It is important to satisfy this need before it gets to you and consumes your whole life. By satisfy, I mean not only the physical act but the mental aspects of love, companionship, friendship and is often referred to as-looking for a soul mate or true love-the joining together of mind and body. Second, it is not something that should be taken lightly or something that is unwelcome or forced upon your partner. It takes two to make a relationship. The other person involved, must be a willing and equal partner. The relationship must be based on trust, understanding, patients, honesty, compassion, and tenderness and must be physically satisfying for both parties concerned. Unfortunately, it often happens that the physical desire takes presidency over the important functions. But it must be satisfied for peace of mind, your sanity and the achievement of a life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and freedom in thought and action.

Again , I stress that the relationship must be one in mind and body, of mutual consent and of the highest "form"-true love. But you no what, if it doesn't happen, you must resist the temptations and suffer for it. By forcing the issue you are not only harming yourself, but will cause greater damage to your partner. The love for knowledge shall overcome. In similar fashion, it would be nice to have a lot of money, in the sense that, I would be in a better position to concentrate all my time and efforts towards the pursuit of knowledge. Lack of financial stability makes it all the more difficult, but, it must be done. You have to be more carful and responsible with what you have.

It is because of the pleasures derived from the mating process that we sometimes forget that it could result in the creation of new life, the birth of a newborn child. If the parents are unable or unwilling to provide a stable environment and the love and care necessary for the growth and development of the child, it could lead to a lot of problems, for everyone concerned. It is not the effect on the parents, that matters, but what happens to the child, is of utmost importance, for it is the child who suffers because of the parents indiscretions and lack of commitment, towards the protection and safety of the child. They could grow up to be a burden not only on their families but also on society in general. In the long run the survival and fitness of the species could be in jeopardy. Once the child is born he or she should become the center of attention the focus of our affection, love and our very existence. That means we must sacrifice our needs, desires and personal satisfactions for the benefit of the child. The survival of humanity could depend on it. (Continued on Next Page)

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