Alexandre Gustave Eiffel
Works Cited

This is a list of books and other sources I personally recommend (and have used) for research on Gustave Eiffel. These are the books I used for my Gustave Eiffel research paper, which can be found on the main page.

Baillie, Kate, and Salmon, Tim. Paris: The Rough Guide. New York: Penguin Group, 1995.
Barzeski, Erik J. La Tour Eiffel. (30 Mar 1997).
Blanchet, Christian. The Statue of Liberty. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company, 1985.
Darling, Arthur Burr, et al. Engineering in History. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956.
"Eiffel Tower." Compton's Encyclopedia Deluxe. 1998 Vers. CD-ROM. The Learning Company, 1997.
"France." Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Deluxe. 1998 Vers. CD-ROM. The Learning Company, 1997.
Graham, Ian Thomas. Alexandra Gustave Eiffel
"The Life and Works of Gustave Eiffel." Hampshire Chronicle.
Mercer, Charles E. Statue of Liberty. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1979.
"Tower Basics, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel." Eiffel Tower Facts. (7 May 1997).


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