Greek Name | Roman/Latin Name | Description |
Zeus | Jupiter, Jove | Lord of the Sky, Gods, and Thunder, also Rain-god, Cloud-gatherer |
Hera | Juno | Protector of Marriage |
Poseidon | Neptune | Ruler of the Sea |
Hades, Polydectes | Pluto | God of the Underworld and Precious Metals |
Libitina | Goddess of the Underworld | |
Pallas Athena | Minerva | Goddess of the City, Education/Science, and War |
Phoebus Apollo | Apollo | God of Sun, Truth, Music, Healing |
Artemis, Orthia, Phoebe | Diana | Goddess of Wild Things, Hunter-in-Chief |
Aphrodite, Anadyomene | Venus | Goddess of Love and Beauty |
Hermes, Pyschopompus | Mercury | God of Commerce and Market, Zeus' Messenger |
Ares | Mars | God of War |
Enyo | Bellona | Lesser Goddess of War |
Hephaestus | Vulcan, Mulciber | God of the Forge and Fire, Workman to the immortals |
Hestia | Vesta | Goddess of the Hearth and Home; also Fertility(Greek only) |
Priapus | God of Fertility | |
Eros | Cupid, Amor | God of Love |
Hymen | God of the Wedding Feast | |
Hebe | Goddess of Youth | |
Juventus | God of Youth | |
Iris | Goddess of the Rainbow | |
Persephone, Kora | Persipina, Libera | Goddess of Spring [Season], Underworld through Hades |
Demeter | Ceres | Goddess of the Corn, Earth, Harvest |
Dionysus, Lycaeus | Bacchus, Liber | God of the Vine, Wine, Merriment |
Pan | Inuus,Faunus | God of Flocks, Sheep |
Selene | Luna | Goddess of the Moon |
Helios | Sol | God of the Sun |
Terminus | Guardian of Boundaries | |
Priapus | Cause of Fertility | |
Pales | Strengthener of Cattle | |
Sylvanus | Helper of Plowmen and Woodcutters | |
Saturn | Protector of the Sowers and the Seed | |
Janus | God of good beginnings | |
Eileithyia, Ilithyia | Lucina | Goddess of Childbirth |
Pomona & Vertumnus | Powers Protecting Orchards and Gardens | |
Aether | God of Light | |
Eos | Aurora, Mater Matuta | Goddess of the Dawn |
Asklepios | Aesculapius | God of Health and Medicine |
Hygea | Goddess of Health | |
Aeolus | King of the Winds | |
Boreas | Aquilo | North Wind |
Zephyr | Favonius | West Wind |
Notus | Auster | South Wind |
Eurus | Eurus | East Wind |
Pontus | God of the Deep Sea | |
Nereus | "Old Man of the Sea" | |
Triton | Trumpeter of the Sea | |
Ate | Goddess of Mischief | |
Eris | Discordia | Goddess of Discord |
Maia | Fauna, Bono Dea | Goddess of Fields, "Good Goddess" |
Flora | Goddess of Flowers | |
Hypnos | Somnus | God of Sleep |
Juturna | Goddess of Springs [Water] | |
Nike | Victoria | Goddess of Victory |
Peitha | Suadela | Goddess of Persuasion |
Hecate | Trivia | Goddess of the Crossways, the Dark Side of the Moon, and Magic |
Tyche | Fortuna | Goddess of Fortune |
Voluptas | Goddess of Pleasure | |
Poena | Goddess of Punishment | |
Nemesis | Goddess of Revenge | |
Hespera | Goddess of Dusk | |
Morpheus | God of Dreams | |
Phosphor | Lucifer | Light-bearer, Star that brings in the day |
Fama | God of fame, rumor |