The Reproductive System

The reproductive system is very important. It produces, stores, nourishes, and releases sex cells but most important of all it gives life. The reproductive system of the male and female are very different.

The male reproductive system is mostly external. The main male reproductive organs are the testes. Testes are oval-shaped organs found in a sac of skin called the scrotum. The primary role of the testes is to produce sperm. Sperm cannot live at body tempurature so it must be stored externally. The seminal vesicle, which is inside the male body, produces semen. Semen is the substance that the sperm travels in. The penis also plays a very important role in reproduction. It transfers the sperm into the female's vagina.

The female reproductive system is inside the female's body unlike the male's system. The main female reproductive organs are the ovaries. The role of the ovaries is to produce ova, or eggs. After leaving the ovaries, an egg enters a Fallopian tube and slowly progresses through it. At the end of the Fallopian tube, the egg goes into the uterus, or womb. This is where the egg is fertilized by a male's sperm and starts to develop. The lower end of the womb narrows into the cervix. The cervix leads into the vagina. This is the path the baby takes during the birth process.

The reproductive system is very important. Without it we would not be alive.


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