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New stories are:
The Man
The Eagle's Cry

The Man

By: John B.

A lesson in reality.

The Eagle's Cry

By: John Faron

It is the strength of spirit, not of arms, that determines the true victor.


By: David Allen

Those silly humans...when will they learn?

A Hero's Tale

By: Eddie Gibbs

Come one, come all! Get yer heros here! We train 'em, you buy 'em!

Too Beautiful

By: Mike Oakwood

Somehow, you always knew Rock 'n Roll was a spiritual experience...

Bubonic Man

By: Linda Kohut

...Ashes to ashes, we all fall down...

Time Warp

By: David Allen

History textbooks? Forget 'em...this is what really happened...

Photographic Death

By: John Faron

Classic camp-fire material...

The Vow Keeper

By: Edward L. Wier

Vows are eternal. Be sure to keep them...

The Battlefield

By: John Faron

No one really wins a war...


By: Ray Dangel

A moment in the lives of two incredibly normal people.

The Alarm

By: Garrett Blair

Life is full of cruel little ironies...

Thou Shalt Not Double-Dip

By: Kee Briggs

It wasn't meant to be...but when has that ever really mattered?

Jaxrala De'Torre

By: Joseph Weinberg

A talented mage must prove himself in the deadliest trials of all...

Roman Conquest

By: John Faron

The brutal force of the ancient Roman armies is a deadly enemy. 

Tears From Heaven

By: David Allen

It was just a really bad day…

Atticus Finch

By: John Faron

A poem about an epic battle that is happening even now…

The Price of Greed

By: Matt Eckert

The price of greed…is it worth your life?

The Clock Tower

By: John Faron

Time is always your worst enemy…


By: Joseph Weinberg

When a "Techno-Organic Warrior" goes into action, start planning the funerals


By: Ray Dangel

An excellent poem about the uncooperative nature of a computer…



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