Christian Social Order

A Christian Socio-political Journal

Established April 4, 1999                         Easter Sunday on the World Wide Web

Welcome to the Christian Social Order

by Joseph Kasuboski

Through the course of the last 30 years or so, there has been a rising awareness that the dignity of the Christian Gospel and of those living a Christian Life places demands on the social order. If one thinks about it, it makes sense that this would be true, since Christians as a whole make up arguably the largest religion in the world. As a group, we ourselves constitute a society, and as part of humanity, we are certainly a part of human society. Why then do we fail to have any visible impact on what happens in society?

Is the sad fact that we don't care? Or maybe we are incapable of acting according to our beliefs. Then again, maybe we are incapable of organizing social and political action in accord with our beliefs. Still more tragic is the fact that this calls into question whether or not we really believe.

On the other hand, maybe we simply haven't had the time that we need to think about the meaning of our Christian Faith to the Social Order. So often, we simply move from day to day activities, getting more and more exhausted that we neglect our necessary research into the candidates we elect, and the laws that we allow to happen, as well as neglecting our duty to inform our representatives what we believe they ought to support or move against.

We as a society often find ourselves working an insane amount of hours, and by that I mean 40 or more. Sometimes this even means that we work two jobs at about 40 hours a week in each place. This trend has often caught up with Christians as well, since we are part of society. It is wrong to be forced into the position of having to do this. This means that our employers are putting us in the position of having to neglect our other responsibilities in favor of work. Furthermore, this puts us into the position of taking work time that could belong to another person who needs it. Ideally, every household should only need one job to support its needs. With the supply of employees as it is, the workplace should have no trouble meeting its needs if all able bodied people who needed employment worked. The trouble is that many of the jobs available in the marketplace do not give a person enough income to keep a dog alive.

It is wrong for us to accept the status quo, and shrug this off as just the way things are. We have a responsibility to change the way things are, even if it is only a little. That is why I have started this journal. I have great hopes that this journal will be a place where people may share their opinions and beliefs about how the Christian Faith should affect our Socio-Political structure. Perhaps it may become the place where we may really organize to make improvements on the way things are. I have every confidence that if we move forward in Faith, and with Faith in Jesus Christ, changes will happen.

I invite you to submit articles and letters to this publication so that they may become a part of this work. Submission does not guarantee publication, however. The Editorial Staff must examine each of the submissions for consistency with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Those which are well written and are consistent with the Gospel will be included. Do not be offended if your submission is not included. It may mean that we have not been able to finish studying it in time for inclusion. Our staff will not discriminate on the basis of denomination, but will with God's help simply try to keep the message of this journal faithful to our Saviour Jesus Christ.

For now, I ask Christ's blessing upon you and those with whom you associate, and I pray that you may touch many people for His Glory.

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