Gaelic Cultural Links

Here are a few links that I have run across and enjoy using. There are more links than these for the Celtic World, but these are the ones that I have used, and hope that you will also.

The Celtic World is much older than many people give it credit for, and it extended much further than just Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, and the Isle of Man. In fact, although the Celts did not have an organized Imperial center of command, they did have influence which ranged into Eastern Europe. In fact the Celts had lived in Kaszuby, where my ancestors are from, Northern Poland before the Kaszubians had populated that area. So enjoy these links, and when you are through, return to my homepage.

The Irish People Learn Irish

The Piper's Page

Irish Genealogy

Scottish Selection

How to wrap and wear the Great Kilt

Tartan Plaids