Eric Alton Lindert - 07/20/99 09:08:51 My URL: My | Comments: Hey, tried to join your Cynthism cult, but was denied. Your stuff is a riot! Love to meet you one day. I surmise Judy Tanuta was a major influence.... |
steve - 03/11/99 18:30:35 My | Comments: Cynthia, Enjoyed reading your synchronicity comments, especially as they relate to chance happenings. |
Lynn - 10/29/98 00:37:35 My URL: | Comments: I love your Halloween look! It's really cool. I've enjoyed your site so far. Your writings are great. I still have more to read, so I'll be signing off now.... |
John Butler - 10/20/98 03:41:33 My URL: My | Comments: Real nice website. Please check us out when you get a chance and tell others. Peace and God Bless J.B. |
Mika - 10/19/98 20:38:49 My URL: My | Comments: In the dark Finnish night I noticed your sadness page. Let it give healing light to rest of human age. (Chemists make bad poems, but good solutions) Mika (new ISPE) |
Michelle - 10/07/98 22:01:02 My URL: My | Comments: Hey fellow Girlie! I'm jsut now surfin' your site.. so I must admit I haven't much to say about what I think, but so far it's FAB baby! I just wanted to sign your book so you knew I was here just in case I got booted or something :-) Keep a workin! I'm sure you'll hear more from me.. Once I come to a site I get addicted and can't stop signing the guestbook.. so beware hehehe Love Michelle |
Eddie Lee - 10/06/98 02:25:02 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Cynthia, i am enjoying cruising thru your site - especially the interactive part. Your writings are interesting and I will definitely return for future readings...I would however enjoy seeing more of you! Keep up the great work [Editor's note: I don't have a scanner and I'm tired of bugging people to scan pictures for me, so probably there won't be any additions in the picture area anytime soon. I do have two pix of me up, they're just buried in the "handle" section so on y people who are tenaciously exploring my site get to see them :-) |
Maureen - 10/02/98 00:15:06 My | Comments: Awesome site! Incredible! ::hugz:: so much work put into it! loves, Maureen |
Heidi Katherine Hodge - 09/30/98 23:48:36 My URL: My | Comments: Hiya Cynthia! Just thought I'd sign your guestbook and make your day... Oh-oh... Maybe that was a little arrogant... I'm not sure I'll make your day, but I am trying to... :) |
The Phantom - 09/30/98 11:54:08 My URL: My | Comments: Cynthia...I really enjoyed your innovative site. Don't ever think that you don't have your own style because your pages are filled with your style and I think it's great. I'm glad that you liked the new logo enough to use it. I tried to keep your site's l ok in mind when I designed it. Best of luck to you! ![]() |
Art Metcalf - 09/26/98 03:34:10 My URL: My | Comments: Love your pages. Thanks for checking out mine. I'll be back to check out what comes along. |
Ravensteel - 09/25/98 04:38:30 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for the constructive comment in my guestbook. That is precisely the type of comment I appreciate and am most likely to respond to. I have made this leisure time (at the expense of "homework" time) to browse near completely th ough your site and enjoy the content you present so well. btw, while we're requesting colors and animals... some silver and wolves would be nice :) [Editor's note: Here you go. And for anyone else who may request an animal, here
Terje - 09/20/98 02:01:41 My URL: My | Comments: Just want to say hi! Cool site, now I'm going to take a look around. |
S.U.E. - 09/16/98 19:21:14 My URL:/Area51/Shire/2599 My | Comments: Very interesting site Cynthia. I'm apologising on behalf of Alex/Soleil Fou for his inability to finish scanning those pictures for you. I am Supreme Utility Entity from Sci.Fi. I believe that you are on the Sci.Fi emailing list, and this will keep you informed of Sci.Fi's actions. GrOk! |
Wayne Hicks - 09/12/98 13:03:35 My URL: My | Comments:![]() Nice to see a homepage with some style and grace! I look forward to coming back to check out more of your thoughts.... |
Brent Dean Robbins - 09/11/98 06:12:18 My URL:/Athens/Troy/2967/ My | Comments: Hello, Cynthia. I stopped by your site since you signed my guestbook -- very cool! You have one of the coolest links pages I've ever seen. Truly. I'll be back to continue exploring your sight. For now, I must get sleep...:) Love & Light, Brent ![]() |
Ken - 09/09/98 14:46:11 My URL: My | Comments: Nice, interesting page you got here....very candid and straight forward.... |
Queen - 09/08/98 23:49:01 My URL: My | Comments: Hey, Thanx for coming to my site and signing my guestbook :) Cool site :) All smiles :) :) As always, Queen. |
Don McKenna - 09/07/98 23:01:44 My URL: My | Comments: Just looked at some of your site. It's very good. I am enjoying it. I was a bit saddened when I read Shelly's question. You seem to have a great sense of humor and a good understanding of peo ple's feelings. Great job. Don M |
Jessica - 09/07/98 20:51:28 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, just stopped by to check out your website, it's really cool :) And thanks for visiting mine! |
Nick Edge - 09/07/98 20:44:17 My URL: My | Comments: I found your link from Kara's Dynamic Sex late last night and had to write you. Your page is the most enjoyable web page I've ever seen. I am a minimalist when it comes to artistic expression. I don't like all the "bells and alarms" and links and banners that distract from the vision of the creator. Your page is very easy on the eyes, and I love your fonts and colors, and your writings. Very good job and I will visit it very often. |
nancy - 09/06/98 21:06:38 My URL: My how did you find my pages?: just surfin | Comments: cool page!! it rocks way better than mine... :) |
David Jacobs, aka Citeon - 09/02/98 09:02:34 My URL: My | Comments: Your page is absolutely wonderful. It's already become my all time favorite personal homepage. You have combined humor, warmth, intelligence, and openess in a very refreshing way. "Connections" and "People" is a great way to show people that you appreciate them and the work they've done. You have managed to create a links page that is actually enjoyable to read! Please don't ever stop doing your daily thought journal; I find myself visiting every other day or so just to see what has been added. It brings a very personal touch, and your tongue-in-cheek comments give a wry and beautiful perspective on what is usual y called the "mundane". You are obviously a very special person; if more web sites were like yours, I don't think I could ever leave my computer! |
phi - 08/21/98 22:41:25 My URL: | Comments: wow! I especially liked the anecdotes. |
steve - 08/21/98 20:02:24 My | Comments: Good site. I don't know if I have any enemies; there's a person I really dislike, but he seems to like me. I really enjoyed the thought about crushes. The Free Tibet movement is one of the most difficult questions facing us, and I don't know how I feel about it: on the one hand, yes, absolutely, the repressive dictatorship currently ruling Tibet is bad for its people and ought to go. But should its old government (a theocracy!) be restored? I'd like to think that the Dalai Lama, in his time in exile, may have picked up enough respect for democracy that restoring him to power would actually be the first step toward true self-rule for Tibet, but that's not at all what they had before. [Editor's note: sounds like a survey topic...] |
Bill Marrs - 08/21/98 18:17:15 My URL: My | Comments: I turned my head then looked back and your web pages are now all new and chock full of goodness. Jeez, I make you famous with that NY Times article (me, I did that!) and you repay me with likening Survey Central to Hell! ...well, I can't really argue with that. Still Would you rather Serve in Heaven or Reign in Hell? I found your poetry to be surprisingly readable and and filled with subtlety. I'm so pleased with myself for having actually read most of it and honestly enjoyed it. [Editor's note: what is that saying?..."You are like a God to me," Bill :)] |
Alex J Van Wey - 07/22/98 03:37:13 My URL: My | Comments: Hey Cynthia! I made a link from my page to yours. It's very meager, but take a look at it... and please give me feedback. Thanks! |
alexandria - 07/20/98 23:47:41 My URL: My | Comments: great, amazing, wonderful homepage...very honest and direct, and subsequently, very affecting... |
k.core - 07/19/98 12:38:14 | Comments: as the great bold type would say "buffo in it's simplicity." what happened to purple? [Editor's note: your wish is my command, whoever you are.] anyways, i like your pages, there was alot there! i really like the sadness one, i think I will refer to it from time to time. i also saw the article in the ny times (though it made me register to see it). pretty impressive! i like how the computer screen is strategically blurred in the background of your pic, i didn't notice it at first. it will be cool when you can get sound files on too. |
Bruce - 07/15/98 00:26:10 My | Comments: HI, Cynthia, You've got a lot of neat stuff on your home page. I've looked at a lot of it but not all of it, yet. I'll come back again. Good work, it's a neat home page. Why the black background? Love, Bruce |
GreatBlueOwl - 07/14/98 18:32:20 My URL: My | Comments: I like what I have read of your home page and will read more soon. Suggestion: more owls might improve the graphics! :-) Love 'n kisses. [Editor's note: here is a page of owl clipart just for you.] |
Alex J Van Wey - 07/11/98 04:44:24 My | Comments: "hey, black beans, brown rice, tomatoes, onions, green peppers" She said.. :þ Hey Cynthia! thanks for the Free publicity! I'm sending everyone I know to look at your page! :) |
Matt Taimuty - 07/10/98 23:39:38 My | Comments: Cool page. I am going to have to spend some more time poking around :) I think I understand homepages now. A mode of self expression and communication. I was wrong in my assessment before. |
Jerry Mattiaccio - 07/10/98 21:50:37 My URL: My | Comments: Cynthia, thanks for sending me a message on this site...I am glad you consider me enough of a friend to honor me with a synopsis. I look forward to being your friend for a long time. I am very sorry that I have been AWOL from ICQ however, I have been extr mely busy on cases....thanks...Jerry |