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The Chosen One: Dome Pakorn Lum



Welcome to The Chosen One's unofficial online fan community. Interact with other Dome fans, or maybe join our unofficial fan circle. ^_^ However, before you browse the community, please read our general community rules first. These rules are strictly implemented.

1. We have divided the board to different categories. Please make sure you post at the correct category.
2. No profanity of any sort, nor is destructive criticism allowed. Respect other people's views and they will respect yours.
3. Absolutely NO spamming.
4. Do not post out of topic. This community is on Dome, his music, RS Promotion, and thai music only.
5. Feedback is still moderated. We review everything before publishing.
6. Do not post messages in all caps.

We are currently in the need of people who are willing to contribute to this site, either temporarily or permanently.You can contribute anything, from translations of Dome's lyrics, articles, to original reviews and pictures.If you would like to contribute here at the site, here are the specifics:

1. You have to be a Dome fan, or at least a Thai music lover. You don't have to live in Thailand, though.
2. We stress responsible journalism. For example, sentences like "Dome is the bomb!" or anything of the like should not be the whole carrier of the contribution.
3. We may believe in freedom of speech, but we're sorry to say that no profanity of any sort is allowed in any written contribution.
4. We screen all contributions. All accepted contributions will be posted as soon as the next update. All contributors will be posted at the TEAM page.
5. Send in all contributions to our e-mail address bazoofans@yahoo.com, with "Dome contribution" as the subject line. With the exemption of pictures, please do not send attachments, send them as e-mail text.
6. Please specify if the contribution was taken from a magazine, newspaper, etc. Specify the source where it was taken from. If the contribution is original, also specify so.
7. All contributors have the option to be added to our contributors list. If you want to be added, e-mail to us your info, personal background, or anything you want to tell others about yourself.


Online Poll

Poll Question: After Dome's accident, are you still his fan? Vote here!

Read previous poll summary.

Discussion Board

The board is up!! Click here to directly access the board. Please take time to read our general community rules first before posting.

General Discussion:
"What's your favorite song ever?" -posted by Sou-Chan
RS Promotions: "Gumpan is HOT!" -posted by Pohm
"I love Joni Anwar!" -posted by Tifany





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We would love to hear all your comments, criticism, etc. on The Chosen One: Dome site. E-mail us at bazoofans@yahoo.com   or e-mail us at our respective e-mail addresses, which are all at the Team Page.

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The Chosen One:Dome Pakorn Lum © 2000 was created and is being maintained by Kamiya Kaoru and Ice Angel. This is an UNOFFICIAL site and we are not related nor affiliated with Dome or his recording company. All rights reserved. All materials or writings used in this site are owned by us, except for borrowed and unedited images, published articles, interviews, reviews, and the like, and no copyright infringement is intended.