Welcome to our Stuff page, which is the section where in you will find various
articles, interviews, and anything written about Dome. We will also put here our own
articles, original reviews. The reviews could be on anything from music videos, songs, to
Dome himself. If you would like to contribute your own reviews, etc. please check out our
contributing info at the Community section.
This page will contain new additions to the 3 sections of "stuff" , for past
articles, interviews and reviews, you cam just click on the menu item above.ARTICLES
NEW: March
31, 2000
Dome and
the Pretty Boy Dilemna
-Kamiya Kaoru's take on how difficul it is to be taken seriously as a musician if you are
good-looking. Slightly satirical and sarcastic. Kaoru apologizes in advance to those who
will be negatively affected. To those who want a good laugh, read along.
Nothing new as of March 31,2000. For past interviews, go to the interviews section
NEW: March 31, 2000
.CONCERT. "DOME Jedsee concert w/
Thannatorn" by Kamiya Kaoru
Romeo" A Review of "Wad Sood Tai" by Kamiya Kaoru |