Joan Felski MSN, CS

1417 East Brady Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Tel 414-278-8698
Fax 414-278-8699
Children, adolescent, family and adult individuals therapy. Women's issues.

University of California - San Francisco, CA

Master of Science, 1985
Major: Clinical Specialist (Child-Adolescent Mental Health)

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI

Bachelor of Science, 1976
Major: Nursing

1993- Present
, Family Health Plan, Milwaukee, WI
Psychotherapist - individual therapy with children, adolescents, adults, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy. Case management of care for children, adolescents, adults. Collaboration with multidisciplinary team, including primary health care providers and community resources. Developed extensive program for evaluation and treatment of children with ADHD within HMO system which improved access to services. Particpation in committee facilitation integration of FHP Mental Health Department with community mental health organization. Recently selected to be a Diversity and Inclusion Trainer for Family Health Plan employees.

1998- Present, Therapies East Associates, Milwaukee, WI

Psychotherapist - private practice providing child, adult and family therapy. b>

1999- Present, Quantum Spirit Study Center, Milwaukee, WI

Workshop Leader: "Creating Sacred Spaces"

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Board Member, Quantum Spirit Study Center



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