Trattamento Metadonico di Mantenimento.                   

Il metadone, un analgesico narcotico sintetico a lunga emivita fu usato per la prima volta in un trattamento metadonico di mantenimento a metà degli anni sessanta dai Dottori Vincent Dole e Marie Nyswander della Rockfeller University. Ci sono attualmente 115.000 pazienti in mantenimento metadonico negli Stati Uniti. 40.000 sono nello Stato di New York, e circa la metà in California(1). Il metadone è ampiamente usato in tutto il mondo ed è tra i trattamenti conosciuti il più efficace nella terapia della dipendenza da eroina(2).

Lo scopo del trattamento metadonico di mantenimento (MMT Methadone Maintenance Treatement) è di ridurre l’uso illegale di eroina ed il crimine, le morti, le malattie ed altre conseguenze negative associate alla dipendenza da droga. Il metadone può anche essere usato per disintossicare i dipendenti da eroina, ma la maggior parte dei tossicodipendenti che si disintossicano - usando il metadone o qualunque altro metodo - ritornano poi all’uso di eroina. Quindi lo scopo del trattamento di mantenimento metadonico è di ridurre oppure eliminare l’uso di eroina tra i tossicodipendenti stabilizzandoli con il metadone per tutto il tempo loro necessario a rimettere insieme le loro vite e ad evitare di ricadere nei precedenti modelli di tossicodipendenza.

I benefici del Mantenimento Metadonico sono stati riconosciuti da centinaia di studi scientifici, e quasi non esistono conseguenze negative per la salute imputabili al trattamento metadonico di mantenimento, nemmeno se perdura per più di venti o trenta anni.

Il successo del metadone nel ridurre il crimine, le morti, le malattie e l’uso di stupefacenti è molto ben documentato(3).

For further information on this topic contact Jennifer McNeely. For media requests, contact Sharon Herbstman.

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    1. Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1995), 170, 174.
    2. Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1 (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990), 187.
    3. See, e.g., Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1995); Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, op. cit.; J.C. Ball and A. Ross, The Effectiveness of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991); V.P. Dole, M. Nyswander, and A. Warner, “Successful treatment of 750 criminal addicts.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 206, 1968, 2708-2711; M.D. Anglin and W.H. McGLothlin, “Outcome of narcotic addict treatment in California.” In F.M. Tims and J.P. Ludford (Eds), Drug Abuse Treatment Evaluation: Strategies, Progress, and Prospects, NIDA Research Monograph 51 (Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1984); R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS): Client characteristics and behaviors before, during, and after treatment.” In F.M. Timms and J.P. Ludford (Eds), Drug Abuse Treatment Evaluation: Strategies, Progress, and Prospects, op. cit. ; Also see the primary randomised controlled studies of methadone’s effectiveness: V.P. Dole et al., “Methadone treatment of randomly selected criminal addicts.” New England Journal of Medicine, 280, 1969; R.G. Newman and W.B. Whitehill, “Double-blind comparison of methadone and placebo maintenance treatments of narcotic addicts in Hong Kong.” Lancet, Sept. 8, 1969; and L. Gunne and L. Grönbladh, “The Swedish methadone maintenance program: A controlled study.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 24, 1981.
    4. See Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, op.cit., p., 187; The TOPS study of over 11,000 drug users found that retention in treatment is the best predictor of treatment success, and found that methadone had the best retention rates of all three treatment modalities studied (methadone maintenance, therapeutic communities, and drug-free outpatient treatment). R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS),” op. cit.; R. L. Hubbard et al., Drug Abuse Treatment: A National Study of Effectiveness (University of North Carolina Press, 1989); also see discussion in J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (New South Wales, Australia: New South Wales University Press, 1992), 29-32.
    5. D.M. Novick et al., “Absence of Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Long-term, Socially Rehabilitated Methadone Maintenance Patients.” Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 150, January, 1990; A.S. Abdul-Quadar et al., “Methadone maintenance and behavior by intravenous drug users that can transmit HIV.” Contemporary Drug Problems, 14, 1987, 425-434; A. Chu et al., “Intravenous heroin use: Its association with HIV infection in patients in methadone treatment.” In L.S. Harris, Ed., Problems of Drug Dependence 1989, NIDA Research Monograph, 95, 447-448; R.E. Chaisson et al., “Cocaine use and HIV infection in intravenous drug users in San Francisco.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 261, 1989, 561-65.
    6. J.C. Ball and A. Ross, op. cit., 166-170; J.C. Ball et al., “Reducing the risk of AIDS through methadone maintenance treatment.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 28, 1988, 214-226. See also P.A. Selwyn et al., “Knowlege about AIDS and high-risk behavior among intravenous drug users in New York City.” AIDS, 1, 1987, 1289-94; S. Darke et al., “The reliability and validity of a scale to measure HIV risk taking behavior among intravenous drug users.” AIDS, 5, 1991, 181-85; both discussed in J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, op. cit., 56.
    7. J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, op. cit., 46-61.
    8. R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS),” op. cit.; J.C. Ball and A. Ross, op. cit., 195-211; H. Joseph, “The Criminal Justice System and Opiate Addiction: A Historical Perspective.” In C.G. Leukefeld and F.M. Tims (Eds), Compulsory Treatment of Drug Abuse: Research and Clinical Practice, NIDA Research Monograph 86 (Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1988), 117; R. G. Newman and N. Peyser, “Methadone treatment: Experiment and experience.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 23, no. 2, 1991, 115-21.
    9. R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS),” op. cit.; J.C. Ball and A. Ross, op. cit., 160-176; Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1,op. cit., 136-153; Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 22; R.G. Newman, Methadone Treatment in Narcotic Addiction (New York: Academic Press, 1977).
    10. R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS),” op. cit.
    11. Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 22.
    12. S. Magura, Q. Siddiqi, R.C. Freeman, and D.S. Lipton, "Changes in Cocaine Use After Entry to Methadone Treatment," in Cocaine, AIDS, and Intravenous Drug Use (New York: Haworth Press, 1991); J.C. Ball and A. Ross, op. cit., 160- 175; D. Hartel et al., “Temporal patterns of cocaine use and AIDS in intravenous drug users in methadone maintenance [Abstract]. 5th International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, June, 1989, cited in J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance.” in J.H. Lowinson, P. Ruiz, R.B. Millman (Eds.), Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, 2nd Ed. (Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins, 1992), 550-61.
    13. A. Fairbank, G.H. Dunteman, W.S. Condelli, “Do methadone patients substitute other drugs for heroin? Predicting substance use at 1-year follow-up.” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 19, 1993, 465-74, discussed in G. Bertschy, “Methadone maintenance treatment: an update.” Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 245, 1995, 114-24; J.C. Ball and A. Ross, The Effectiveness of Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 160-175.
    14. Ibid.
    15. Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, op. cit., 151-52; N. Swan, “Research Demonstrates Long-Term Benefits of Methadone Treatment.” NIDA Notes, 9, no. 4, 1994.
    16. H.J. Harwood et al., “The costs of crime and the benefits of drug abuse treatment: a cost benefit analysis using TOPS data.” In C.G. Leukefeld and F.M. Tims (Eds), Compulsory Treatment of Drug Abuse: Research and Clinical Practice, NIDA Research Monograph 86 (Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1988), 209-135.; N. Swan, op. cit.; Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, op. cit., 151-52.
    17. Criminal Justice Institute, The Corrections Yearbook: Instant Answers to Key Questions in Corrections (New York: Criminal Justice Institute, 1995).
    18. G. Godshaw, R. Koppel, R. Pancoast, “Anti-Drug Law Enforcement Efforts and Their Impact” (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Customs Services, Dept. of the Treasury, August, 1989), cited in N. Swan, op. cit.
    19. Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, op. cit., 189.
    20. Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 162.
    21. S. R. Yancovitz, et. al., "A Randomized Trial of an Interim Methadone Maintenance Clinic." American Journal of Public Health, 81, no. 9, Sept., 1991, 1185-91; R. G. Newman, ,"Narcotic Addiction and Methadone Treatment in Hong Kong." Journal of Public Health Policy, 6, no. 4, Dec. 1985, 526-38; E.C. Buning et al., “Preventing AIDS in drug addicts in Amsterdam.” Lancet I, 1986. Also see A. T. McClellan, I. O. Arndt, D. Metzger, G. Woody, and C. P. O'Brien, "The Effects of Psychosocial Services in Substance Abuse Treatment," Journal of the American Medical Assoc. 269, 1993, 1953-59. Though this study concluded that minimal service methadone treatment was ineffective, patients who received minimal services did substantially reduce their heroin use.
    22. D. M. Novick, E. F. Pascarelli, H. Joseph et al., “Methadone Maintenance Patients in General Medical Practice.” Journal of the American Medical Assoc., 259, 1988, 3299-3302; D.M. Novick et al., “Medical Maintenance: A New Model for Continuing Treatment of Socially Rehabilitated Methadone Maintenance Patients.” Journal of the American Medical Assoc., 259; 3299-3302, 1988; D.M. Novick et al., “Outcomes of Treatment of Socially Rehabilitated Methadone Maintenance Patients in Physicians’ Offices (Medical Maintenance).” Journal of General Internal Medicine (Hanley & Belfus, Inc.: Philadelphia, PA, 1994), 127- 130; D. M. Novick and H. Joseph, “Medical Maintenance: The Treatment of Chronic Opiate Dependence in General Medical Practice.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 8, 1991, 233-239; E.C. Senay et. al., “Medical Maintenance: An Interim Report.” Journal of Addictive Diseases, 13, no. 3, 1994, 65-69.
    23. Ibid.
    24. R.G. Newman, “The Pharmacological Rationale for Methadone Treatment of Narcotic Addiction.” In A. Tagliamonte and I. Maremmani (Eds.), Drug Addiction and Related Clinical Problems (New York: Springer-Verlag Wien, 1995), 109-18.
    25. Ibid.; E. Drucker, “Harm Reduction: a public health strategy.” Current Issues in Public Health 1, 1995, 64-70.
    26. J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 552.
    27. Regarding Methadone Treatment: A Review (New York: New York State Committee of Methadone Program Administrators, Inc., 1995), 7; J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 553-54; R.G. Newman, “The Pharmacological Rationale for Methadone Treatment of Narcotic Addiction,” op. cit.
    28. J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 552-53; J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 86- 115;
    29. J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 552-53; J.T. Payte and E.T. Khuri, “Principles of Methadone Dose Detrmination.” In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 47-58.
    30. State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 18-19; Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, op. cit., 149-50; J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 96-104.
    31. J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 552-53; J.T. Payte and E.T. Khuri, “Principles of Methadone Dose Detrmination.” In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit.; W.A. Hargreaves, “Methadone dosage and duration for maintenance treatment.” In J. R. Cooper et al. (Eds.), Research on the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction: State of the Art, op. cit.; J.R. Cooper, F. Altman, K. Keeley, Discussion Summary of W.A. Hargreaves, “Methadone dosage and duration for maintenance treatment,” op. cit.; J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 86-115; J.T. Payte and E.T. Khuri, “Principles of Methadone Dose Detrmination.” In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 47-58; J.R.M. Caplehorn and J. Bell, “Methadone dosage and retention of patients in maintenance treatment.” The Medical Journal of Australia 154, 1991, 195-99.
    32. Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 210.
    33. E. Velten, “Myths About Methadone.” In National Alliance of Methadone Advocates Education Series, 3, 1992; J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, op. cit., 196- 215; A. Byrne, Methadone in the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction (Redfern, New South Wales, Australia: Tosca Press, 1995), 53-54.
    34. J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, op. cit., 196-215.
    35. G. Bertschy, “Methadone maintenance treatment: an update,” op. cit.
    36. D.D. Simpson, “The relation of time spent in drug abuse treatment to post- treatment outcome.” American Journal of Psychiatry, 136, 1979, 1449-53; D. D. Simpson, “Treatment for drug abuse: Follow-up outcomes and length of time spent.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 38, 1981, 875-80; and R.L. Hubbard et al., “Treatment Outcome Prospective Study (TOPS),” op. cit., all discussed in J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, op. cit.
    37. J.T. Payte, E.T. Khuri, “Treatment Duration and Patient Retention.” In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 119.
    38. Regarding Methadone Treatment: A Review, op. cit., 15.
    39. State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 6; B. Spunt, D. Hunt, D. Lipton, D. Goldsmith, “Methadone Diversion: A New Look.” Journal of Drug Issues, Fall 1986, 569-583.
    40. Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 114.
    41. These are all deaths which can be directly attributed to the named drug alone. Excluded are incidents involving multiple drugs, physiological condition, external physical events, and medical disorders that distort the actual cause of death. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), Medical Examiner Data (Office of Applied Studies, SAMHSA, Drug Abuse Warning Network, May 1995 data file), Table 2.10.
    42. M. J. Kreek, "Health consequences associated with the use of methadone." In J. R. Cooper et al. (Eds.), Research on the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction: State of the Art. NIDA Treatment Research Monograph Series. DHHS Pub. No. (ADM)83-1281 (Rockville, Md.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1983).
    43. M. J. Kreek, "A Personal Retrospective and Prospective Viewpoint." In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 138.
    44. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Medical Evaluation of Long-Term Methadone-Maintained Clients, NIDA Services Research Monograph Series, DHHS Publication No. (ADM)81-1029 (NIDA: Rockville, MD, 1980).
    45. J.H. Lowinson et al., “Methadone Maintenance,” op. cit., 553.
    46. K. Kaltenbach, N. Silverman, R. Wapner, “Methadone Maintenance During Pregnancy.” In State Methadone Treatment Guidelines, op. cit., 85-93; L.P. Finnegan, “Treatment Issues for Opioid-Dependent Women During the Perinatal Period.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 23, 1991, 191-201; L. P. Finnegan, “Clinical perinatal and development effects of methadone.” In J. R. Cooper et al. (Eds.), Research on the Treatment of Narcotic Addiction: State of the Art, op. cit.; Institute of Medicine, Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment, op. cit., 203- 4; J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 235-56; M.A.E. Jarvis, S.H. Schnoll, “Methadone Treatment During Pregnancy.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 26, 1994, 155-61.
    47. J. Ward, R. Mattick, W. Hall, Key Issues in Methadone Maintenance Treatment, op. cit., 65-85; Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems, vol. 1, 136.
    48. See, e.g., Institute of Medicine, The Development of Medications for the Treatment of Opiate and Cocaine Addictions (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1995); and Buprenorphine: Combatting Drug Abuse with a Unique Opioid (New York: Wiley-Liss, 1995).