Why the New Testament is not Scripture

(213 Questions to ask your church leader about the New Testament)

These are questions that cannot be answered by Christians. If you think you know the answer, you misunderstood the question. Email me and I will explain the question.

1. Why do Christians keep "Easter" in their dictionaries as a possible definition for the Greek word pascha even though Christians admit that it is not the meaning of the word? Why is Easter found in Acts 12:4 of the King James Version for the word pascha, yet everywhere else in the KJV pascha is translated as "Passover?" (Proverbs 6:16-19)

2. Why is Easter named after a fertility goddess and celebrated using the fertility cult's traditions when G-d says not to profane the worship Him with ways of pagan practice? (Deuteronomy 12:29-31 states that when you say, "How did these nations worship their Gods, and even I will do the same," YHVH says, "You shall not do so to YHVH, your G-d, for everything that is an abomination of YHVH, that He hates, have they done to their Gods.") YHVH also states, "Let every man go serve his idols, since you do not listen to Me; and do not profane My holy Name any longer with your gifts and with your idols." (Ezekiel 20:39, see also 39:7)

3. Jesus said: "For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights." (Matthew 12:40) If Jesus died Friday afternoon and was found resurrected Sunday morning "as the sun was rising" where are the three days and three nights?

4. Why do Christians say that the entire Law of Moses is impossible to obey, contrary to the teaching of G-d? YHVH states, "YHVH will make you abundant in all your handiwork--in the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your animals, and the fruit of your Land--for good, when YHVH will return to rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your forefathers, when you listen to the voice of YHVH, your G-d, to observe His commandments and His decrees, that are written in this Book of the Torah, when you shall return to YHVH your G-d, with all your heart and all you soul. For this commandment that I command you today--it is not hidden from you and it is not distant. It is not in heaven, for you to say, "Who can ascend to the heaven for us and take it for us, so that we can listen to it and perform it?" Nor is it across the sea, [for you] to say, "Who can cross to the other side of the sea for us and take it for us, so that we can listen to it and perform it?" Rather, the matter is very near to you--in your mouth and your heart--to perform it." (Deuteronomy 30:7-16)

5. If the Law of Moses is "nailed to the cross" and the Sabbath ended with Jesus's death, then did G-d lie when He said that the Sabbath was to be observed by Israel forever? YHVH said, "The Children of Israel shall observe the Sabbath, to make the Sabbath an eternal covenant for their generations. Between Me and the children of Israel it is a sign forever...." (Exodus 31:16,17a)

6. If Sukkot was "nailed to the cross," why does Leviticus 23:40-41 state that its observance "an eternal decree for your generations?"

7. If Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) was planned by G-d to be superseded by the new covenant, did G-d lie when He said, "...on the tenth day of this month is the Day of Atonement...it is an eternal decree throughout your generations...?" (Leviticus 23:27,31)

8. If Passover was planned by G-d to be superseded by the new covenant, did G-d lie when He said, "...you shall observe this day for your generations as an eternal decree?" (Exodus 12:16-17)

9. Why do Matthew, Mark, and Luke state that Simon of Cyrene carried Jesus's "cross," yet John states that Jesus himself carried it? (Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26, John 19:17)

10. Why does Mark state that Jesus was crucified on the third hour while John states that it was the sixth hour? (Mark 15:25 and John 19:13-16)

11. Why does Matthew state that while on the stake, Jesus was offered wine mixed with gall, Mark states that he was offered wine drugged with myrrh, while Luke and John both state that it was vinegar? (Matthew 27:34, Mark 15:23, Luke 23:36, John 19:29-30--refer Greek for all passages)

12. Why do Christians translate ka'ari which means "like a lion" to "they have pierced" in Psalm 22:17? (They accuse the writers of the original Hebrew text of misspelling a word and therefore change the yod in the original text to a vav to make it read ka'aru instead of ka'ari.) The passage really reads, "For dogs have surrounded me, a pack of evildoers have enclosed me, like [the prey of] a lion are my hands and my feet."

13. Why do Matthew and Mark state that the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus both "reproached" him along with the crowd, while Luke states that one of them believed in him while the other didn't? (Matthew 27:44, Mark 15:32, Luke 23:39-41)

14. Why does Luke report that Jesus's last words were, "Father into your hands I commend my spirit!" while John states that his last words were, "It is finished!"? Why do Matthew and Mark state that Jesus's last words were yet something different: "Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani!" ("My G-d, My G-d! Why have you forsaken me?") (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:46, John 19:30)

15. Why does Mark report that the sun had risen when the women came to Jesus's tomb while John states that it was still dark? (Mark 16:2, John 20:1)

16. If the resurrection is so important why does each writer of the gospels report a totally different account of the visitation to the tomb? Matthew states that only the two Marys visit it, after they arrive the tomb is opened by one angel who is sitting on the stone outside the grave who informs them of the resurrection, and this all happens at the drawing of the first day of the week, being Saturday night, and they return to report to the disciples what happened but before reaching them Jesus appears to them and permits them to touch him. Mark states that the two Marys arrive with Salome to an already rolled stone with one man sitting on the right, inside the tomb, who informs them of the resurrection, and this all happened when the sun had already rose, a Sunday morning. They returned but told nobody what they found because they were afraid, and also, they never meet Jesus. Instead, Cleopas and another meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus and they tell the disciples of resurrection. Luke reports that the two Marys arrive with Joanna and other women (two others minimum) to a tomb with the stone already moved, and two men standing inside the tomb, and this all took place with "dawn deep upon the first day of the week" which was probably early Sunday morning, before the sun rose. They inform them of the resurrection and they report to the disciples what they discovered before seeing Jesus. John states that only Mary Magdalene approached the tomb while it was still dark, found the stone moved, left it without meeting angels or men and reported to Peter, who along with another disciple returns to the tomb where two angels are found, one sitting inside at the head of where Jesus laid and the other sitting at the foot. The disciples then return home but Mary stays and Jesus appears before her, whom she does not recognize and he does not permit her to touch him. Then it is Jesus who explain the resurrection, not the angels and then she reports to the disciples what happened including that she saw Jesus. (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20)

17. Why does Matthew report that after the women arrive to Jesus's tomb, an angel rolls the tomb while Mark, Luke, and John report that the stone was already taken away when the women arrived? (Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, Luke 24:2, John 20:1)

18. In John 20:17, why does Jesus not permit Mary to touch him after his death because "I am not yet ascended to my Father," yet he permits her to do so in Matthew 28:9 and permits others to do so in Luke 24:39 and 1 John 1:1?

19. Did the Jesus appear to a happy Mary Magdalene on the road (Jesus doesn't appear to her at the tomb) or to a saddened Mary Magdalene in the tomb? (Matthew 28:8-9, John 20:14-17)

20. Who approached the empty tomb first, Mary Magdalene alone, Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary," the two Mary's and Salome, or the two Mary's and Joanna? (John 20:1, Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, Luke 24:10)

21. Was Mary Magdalene's report to the disciples given to her by two men or by the risen Jesus? (Luke 24:9 cf. John 20:18)

22. When the women heard the news that Jesus had risen, did they keep the news to themselves in fear or did they rush to inform the disciples? (Mark 16:8 cf. Luke 24:9 and Matthew 28:8)

23. Upon reaching the tomb, were the visitors greeted by an angel sitting outside, by two men standing inside, by one man sitting inside, or no one at all? (Matthew 28:2-5, Luke 24:4, Mark 16:5, John 20:1,2)

24. Did Jesus appear before eleven disciples (Judas was dead--Matthew 27:5), ten (Judas dead, Thomas absent--John 20:24), or to Peter first and then to the twelve? (1 Corinthians 15:5) (Matthew 26:16, Mark 16:7,14, Luke 24:33,36, John 20:10,19,24,) If it were twelve, since Judas was already dead and his successor had not yet been chosen, who was number twelve? (Acts 1:18,26)

25. Did Jesus lie when he said he would not eat "the Lord's supper" until the Kingdom of G-d? (Compare Luke 22:16 with 24:30)

26. Why does the Church state that the holy spirit was never bestowed upon anyone until Pentecost, yet fifty days earlier, Jesus gave his apostles the gift of the holy spirit prior to Pentecost? (John 20:22 cf. Acts 1:5,8 and 2:1-4) And why is G-d shown to give His Spirit to the Seventy in Numbers 11:16-17, before the Pentecost of Acts? And why are the Prophets (such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc.) described as "being in the Spirit?"

27. Why does Matthew report that Judas "hanged himself" while Luke reports that he just "exploded." (Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18)

28. Did Jesus lie to the crucified thief when he said that "today you shall be with me in paradise" or did he lie to Mary Magdalene when he said, "touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to the Father?" (Luke 23:43 cf. John 20:17)

29. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it warn us not to trust in a man, while Christianity teaches us to put total trust in the man, Jesus? (Psalms 146:3; Jeremiah 17:5)

30. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it command us turn from a man who has no father, while Christianity teaches us to turn to Jesus, a man with no father? (Deuteronomy 23:2)7

31. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it teach us that man is low while G-d is exalted? (Isaiah 2:11)

32. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it teach us that human sacrifice is an abhorrence to G-d, while Christianity teaches that Jesus is a human sacrifice? (Jeremiah 32:35) If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why aren't human beings permitted for slaughter on the holy altar?

33. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it teach us not to eat blood, while Christianity teaches us to symbolically drink the blood of Jesus? (Leviticus 19:26 cf. Matthew 26:28)

34. If the Tanach is a "shadow" of things to come, why does it teach us that G-d is not a man, while Christianity teaches that G-d became a man? (Numbers 23:19)

35. If the sacrificial laws were "nailed to the cross," why does Zechariah 14 state that when YHVH is king over all the earth, and in that day, "YHVH will be One and His Name shall be One," all the nations (not just Israel) shall go year to year to keep Sukkot? Are you Christians prepared to observe Sukkot during the future millennium or will you teach then that it was "nailed to the cross?" (Zechariah 14:16-18)

36. Let us say a person who is found guilty of murder pleas, "If it weren't for the laws against murder, I would be guiltless! Therefore the fault is your law!" What kind of logic and morality is this? Isn't this what Romans 4:15 states? If not, why not?

37. Why do Christians claim that when Jesus "predicted" regarding the Temple, "there shall not be left here one stone upon another," that it was fulfilled? After all there are stones in the Wailing Wall which remain "one stone upon another" to this day. So why do Christians insist that the Temple was razed so thoroughly that Jesus's prophecy was completely fulfilled? Why is it that concerning prophecy, when things were not fulfilled by Jesus, such passages "were not literal" or "haven't been fulfilled yet" but when Christians can make them fit, they argue that, "Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament" or "Jesus did not plan to do it in his first coming but rather in his second?" If this prediction not come to pass according to all four gospel writers, why don't Christians see him as the one spoken of in Deuteronomy 18:20–22?

38. If Jesus is supposed to be our "atonement sacrifice," then why was he made out to be the "sacrificial lamb of Passover" instead of the "atonement sacrifice of Yom Kippur?"

39. If the priesthood is "nailed to the cross," why is Jesus your priest?

40. If sacrifices are "nailed to the cross," why is Jesus your sacrifice?

41. If the Sabbath is no longer important, why does Jesus state about the coming "abomination of desolation" which is yet to take place, "Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath?" (Matthew 24:20) Why will everyone keep the Sabbath in the World-to-Come? (Isaiah 66:22,23) Why are most in the Church allowed to believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of the Old and New Testaments?

42. Why do Christians not teach "to observe all things whatsoever [Jesus] commanded them?" (Matthew 28:19,20) (See also Matthew 23:1-3 and 5:17-20)

43. Why did the apostles disobey Jesus by baptizing only in the name of Jesus when he said to baptize "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?" (Matthew 28:18-20 cf. Acts 8:12-17) The Name of the Father is YHVH (Exodus 3:15, Jeremiah 10:16, Isaiah 48:2) and the name of the alleged "Son" is Jesus, but what is the name of the "Holy Spirit? Why do Christians not baptize in the name of YHVH, Yeshua and "?????," the name of the "Holy Spirit?" Why do Christians not baptize in the Name of YHVH only? (Acts 22:16)

44. Why does Paul teach against what Jesus taught? (Matthew 6:5-8 vs. 1 Timothy 2:8)

45. Why do Christians not wash each other's feet? (John 13:12-15)

46. Why does Jesus refer to "the Father" as his father when the New Testament teaches that the holy spirit conceived him? (Matthew 1:20) Why isn't the holy spirit considered the Father? Why isn't Jesus the son of himself? Why isn't he the Father? If all three are the same being, why is there a concept of the Trinity?

47. What proof do you have that worshipping the Trinity is not idolatry and because of that, you do not have a place in the World-to-Come as even in accordance with the New Testament? (Ephesians 5:5)

48. If, when Jesus stated "I and the Father are one" he was meaning that he is G-d (John 10:30), then why doesn't he also mean that his followers become G-d also when he states "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one?" (John 17:22)

49. Why do Christians claim that Paul states that "we are no longer under the Law of Moses" when Paul himself denied that this was his teaching? (Acts 21:15-26 cf. Acts 24:14-16) Why do Christians not teach to observe the Noahide Commandments as it was James' practice to instruct? (Acts 21:25) What are the Noahide Commandments?

50. Why do Christians claim that "Jesus is all you need," absolutely refusing to grow "in grace and knowledge of our Lord and of savior Messiah Jesus" as Peter instructs to do? (II Peter 3:18) Why does this verse separate "Lord" and "Jesus?" (Note that Peter states "of " the One and "of" the other.)

51. Why do Christians view Jesus as sinless when he himself, admitted that he should not be considered good: "And a certain ruler questioned him saying: 'Good teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?' Jesus said to him: 'Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, G-d." (Luke 18:18-19)

52. Why do Christians "pass the plate" in their churches when such a practice was disapproved by Jesus himself? (John 2:13-17) (The Church didn't di this practice until hndreds of years of Jesus' Jeath.)

53. Why do many Christians make themselves out to be disciples of Jesus when he stated, "In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." (John 14:33)

54. Why don't Christians deny himself, sell everything and give the money to the poor, give up and forsake everything they own and follow Jesus? (Matthew 16:24,25; Luke 14:27,33)

55. Paul warned (in the literal Greek), "I have known that after my departure, wolves will enter heavily into you-all not sparing the flock. And out of yourselves, men will stand up speaking things having been twisted [in order] to be drawing off from the disciples [and redirecting them] behind themselves." (Acts 20:30) If such people could not be true Christians, then the statement made by Paul would be impossible and not true because they could not come "out of yourselves" that is, out of Christians. Please explain either why such could never be true Christians or, if they could, who would be examples of such and why you don't believe that they are amongst yourselves this day.

56. Paul wrote, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in union with Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28) Some Church of Christ leaders claim that this is proof that Jews no longer exist since the establishment of the Church. If so, why do males and females exist? Why have slaves and freemen existed? Similarly, they offer Romans 11 as proof that they are Israel and Jews are not, just as the Mormons do. What proof is there that this is true when Paul and James clearly differentiates Gentile and Jewish Christians in Acts 21?

57. If the entire New Testament is the Word of G-d, why does Jude 18 state that II Peter 3:3 is not the Word of G-d, but rather, the word of the apostles? Why does Paul state in I Corinthians 7:12 that it is he who is speaking and not the Lord?

58. Why do some Christians believe that, because now I deny the divinity, messiahship, lordship, and saviorship of Jesus, I could never have been a true Christian ("saved") at one time in my life, when the New Testament states that it is possible for this to happen? (Hebrews 6:4-7)

59. Why do Christians call their father, "Father," against the teaching of Jesus? (Matthew 23:9) Why do Catholics call their priests "Father?"8

60. Why hasn't Jesus removed our sins? (Romans 11:27, 1 John 3:9)

61. Why does the New Testament state that it is not by works that you enter the World-to-Come, yet you cannot become a Christian without doing the works of conversion? (Ephesians 5:5, 1 Corinthians 6:9,10, John 3:16) Why does your G-d offer us the double standard that works keeps you from the World-to-Come, yet works will not let you enter it?

62. Why do Christians translate Isaiah 44:6 as "His Redeemer" rather than the true translation of "their Redeemer?" Why do they change the "me" of Zechariah 12:10 to "him" in John 19:37? (NIV--Note that the NIV also changes Zechariah to agree with their New Testament version of John.)

63. In regarding the Law of Moses, why do Christians use of the word "fulfill" to instill a sense of "finish" or "end" when the definition as well as context of it denotes a "doing completely" of the Torah, of continuance and preservation of the Torah? (For example, in Matthew 5:17 "plero'o" is translated as "fulfill" and Christians think this means "end.") The NT writers should have used the Greek word teleo if this where the concept.

64. Why is the Holy Name of G-d removed from all Christian Bible passages? Why are pronouns referring to G-d (and not Jesus) decapitalized while pronouns referring to Jesus capitalized?

65. Why is Leviticus 1:1 changed from "He called to Moses..." to read, "And the Lord called unto Moses...?"

66. Why do Christians translate "synagogue" as "assembly" in James 2:2? Why do Christians "de-Judaise" Biblical passages and insert anti-Semitic passages that are not found in the most reliable Greek manuscripts?

67. Why do Christians breakdown of the macroscopic message of the Bible by changing its "microscopic" parts? (The sum of the minute mistranslations changes its major message, but each individual one makes it easy to defend as "accurate enough.")

68. Why are Matthew 6:13, Matthew 17:21, Mark 7:16, and Mark 11:26 not found in the most reliable original Greek manuscripts?

69. Why are Luke 20:43,44, 12:36(b),40,50, and parts of Matthew 27:49, Luke 12:52, 22:19, 23:34, and 24:3,6 been determined to not to have been written by the author of his respective book, yet are found in the Greek texts as though they wrote them?

70. Why are certain verses and portions are not found in the most reliable early Greek manuscripts, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus?. (See questions 71-89) Why are they are also not found in the Wescott and Hort Greek Texts? Why do most of these portions support Jesus as deity, Trinitarianism, heaven/hell salvation/damnation doctrine, or anti-Semitic viewpoints?

71. Why is "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost" added to the New Testament? (Matthew 18:11)

72. Why is "and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" added to Matthew 20:22?

73. Why is "and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with," added to Matthew 20:23?

74. Why is the anti-Semitic "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers; therefore, ye shall receive the greater damnation" added to the New Testament? (Matthew 23:14)

75. Why is "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched" added to the New Testament? (Mark 9:44)

76. Why is "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched" added to the New Testament? (Mark 9:46)

77. Why is "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors" added to the New Testament? (Mark 15:28)

78. Why is Mark 16:9-209 added to the New Testament? (The passage states, "Now when Jesus had risen early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven demons. And she went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept. And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not.

After this, he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. And they went and told it unto the rest; neither believed they them.

Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat eating and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not those who had seen him after he had risen. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of G-d. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."

79. Why is "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of; For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village" added to the New Testament? (Luke 9:55,56)

80. Why is "Two men shall be in the field: the one shall be taken, and the other left" added to the New Testament? (Luke 17:36)

81. Why is "(For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)" added to the New Testament? (Luke 23:17)

82. Why is "For and angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water; whosoever then first, after the troubling of the water, stepped in was made well of whatever disease he had" added to the New Testament? (John 5:4)

83. Why is John 7:53-8:1110 added to the New Testament? (The passage states, "And every man went unto his own house. Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, they say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned; but what sayest thou? This they said, testing him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. And they who heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted himself up., and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more."

84. Why is "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of G-d" added to the New Testament? (Acts 8:37) 85. Why is "And when he had said these words, the Jews departed and had great disputing among themselves" added to the New Testament? (Acts 28:29)

86. Why is "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen" added to the New Testament? (Romans 16:24)

87. Why is "by Jesus Christ" added to Ephesians 3:9?

88. Why is "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one" added to the New Testament? (1 John 5:7)

89. Why is "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; and," added to Revelations 1:11?

90. Why are there two different genealogies between Matthew's and Luke's account? Why do Christians claim that one is through Joseph's lineage, while the other is through Mary's? (Not only is this claim false as demonstrated by the names in the lists which are common, but the claim is false according to the admission of the New Testament itself. For while Matthew lists in the order of birth and Luke in the order of parent, Matthew ends with Joseph (Jesus's father) while Luke begins with Joseph (Jesus's father). Thus both are showing lineage via Joseph according to the New Testament itself.)

91. Why do the New Testament writers keep long genealogies despite the New Testament's instruction against such practice?

92. Why is Cainan in Luke's genealogy of Jesus? Where are Achazyahu, Yoash, and Amatzyahu which follow Yoram (Joram) in Matthew's version? (cf. 1 Chronicles 3:11,12)

93. Why would Luke begin with the father's lineage, switch to the mother, then return to the father, as claimed by Christians? (The mother's is supposedly from Nathan through Neri and from Rhesa through Levi.)

94. According to 1 Chronicles 3:19-24, Z'rubbavel's lineage is as follows: Z'rubbavel, then Chananyah, then Y'shayah, then R'phayah, then Arnan, then Ovadyah, then Sh'chanyah, then Sh'mayah, then N'aryah, then Elyo'aynai, who then had seven other sons (as per verse 24). Why do neither Matthew or Luke follow this rendition?

95. In the genealogy of Jesus, why does Luke state that Joseph was son of Heli when Mary is supposed to be his daughter? How did he get in the genealogy since the genealogy should be Matan (or Matat), then Jacob, then Joseph?

96. Why does the fig tree wilt the next morning in Mark 11:12-14,20-21 while in Matthew 21:18,19 it wilts immediately?

97. Why is there one demonic healed in Mark 5:1-20 while in Matthew 8:28-34 two were healed? Why is it that in Matthew, the episode happens in Gadarenes while in Mark it occurs in Gerasenes?

98. Why is it that in Luke 22:51, Jesus heals the slave who had his ear cut off in but in Mark 14:47, he doesn't?

99. Why is it that in Mark 10:46-52, one blind man was healed in Jericho while in Matthew 20:29-34 two were healed?

100. Why are the words "days" and "is" added to Colossians 2:16,17 to make it read the opposite of what it really states? (Jews have always said that G-d gave them the Sabbath so that they could experience a taste of the future World-to-Come.) This is what this passage is intended to mean. That in observing the laws of kashrus, the new moons, the festivals, and the Sabbaths you get a taste of the World-to-Come. That the body of the Messiah should not feel embarrassed or allow others to condemn them of such observances. Only the true body of the Messiah can understand (and therefore judge) such practices.

101. Why are the words, "between us," "even," "contained," and "so" added to Ephesians 2:14,15 making it say the opposite of what it really states? The Christian version equates enmity with the Law of Moses. The true version sets that the flesh is enmity. It is important that the student know that the subject here is the destroying the wall which divides Jew and gentile. It is the wall of animosity the gentile may hold against the Jew or the Jew against the gentile because one has the Law and the other one doesn't. It is not the Law itself. When one reads the entire letter to the Ephesians, one can see what Paul was explaining. When either Jew or gentile accepts Jesus as Messiah, the Law of Moses is written upon his heart and he begins a life of observance to the Torah--the Jew to all the 613 Commandments in the Law of Moses, and the gentile to the seven Noahide commandments listed in the Law of Moses. Neither the Jew or the Greek despises the other because they both have the Law upon their heart. There is no longer one (the gentile) without the Law. And through love, each will understand the positions of each other relative to this Law and to the body (Church) of Messiah. They both love each other and respect each other because this wall of animosity is torn down through the stake of Jesus's death. Through this letter, Paul teaches that although all is "one with Christ," there are different "roles" each of the members of this "body" plays. Not all are Jews, not all gentiles, not all husbands, not all wives. Paul says that Jesus tears down the wall between husband and wife, though the wife is still subject to her husband.

102. Why do Christians translate the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word Nomos as "law" most of the time rather than "Torah," "Mosaic Law," or "Law"?

103. Why do Christians add the word "fornication" to Romans 1:29?

104. Why do Christians add the words "at Ephesus" to Ephesians 1:1?

105. Why do Christians add the words "by Jesus Christ" to Ephesians 3:9 redirecting the meaning from saying that G-d alone created everything?

106. Why does the King James Version change "should happen" to "be fulfilled" in Matthew 5:18?

107. Why does the King James Version change "only begotten G-d" to "only begotten son" in John 1:18?

108. Why does the King James Version change "lawlessness" (specifically, "anti-Torah") to "iniquity" in Matthew 7:23 and in Matthew 13:41?

109. Why does the King James Version change "Judea" to the anti-Semitic "Jewry" in John 7:1?

110. Why does the King James Version change "circumcision" to the anti-Semitic "circumcised" in Romans 3:30? (This changes the focus from the deed of circumcision to the people who are circumcised, namely, Jews.)

111. Why does the King James Version change "Cephas" to "Peter" in Galatians 2:12 thereby de-Judaizing the text?

112. Why does the King James Version change "Feast" to "supper" in 1 Corinthians 11:20?

113. Why does the King James Version change "But having come of faith" to "But after that faith is come" in Galatians 3:25?

114. Why does the King James Version change "G-dship" to "G-dhead" in Colossians 2:9?

115. Why does the King James Version change Colossians 2:13,14 to read differently than its true meaning of, "And you, being dead [ones] to the stumbling down and the uncircumcision of your flesh, you, together He made alive--together with Him, having to us graciously forgiven all the stumbling, having wiped out the sentence handwritten to us; and He has lifted it up out of the middle, having nailed it to the stake?" (The student must be aware that it is not the Law that is "nailed to the cross" but rather the sentence of a guilty verdict that was "nailed to the cross.")

116. Why does Paul contradict Jesus by saying, "Therefore I wish that men pray in every place, lifting up upon loyal hands..." while Jesus states, "But you, whenever you may pray, enter into your room of privacy and, having shut your door, pray to your Father the One in secret?" (1 Timothy 2:8 cf. Matthew 6:6)

117. Why does Paul contradict himself regarding the relationship between works and salvation? In Ephesians 2:8,9, he states, "For by grace are ye saved thorough faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of G-d--not of works, lest any man should boast." But in Romans 2:1-11 he states, "Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of G-d is according to truth against them who commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them who do such things, and doest the same, that thou shall escape the judgment of G-d? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that the goodness of G-d leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of G-d. Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Greek; but glory, honor and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek; for there is no respect of persons with G-d."1

118. Why does Acts 7:14-16 state that 75 went down to Egypt while Genesis 46:27, Exodus 1:5, and Deuteronomy 10:22 all state that 70 went there?2

119. Why does I John 3:9; 5:18 state that whosoever is "born of G-d" (i.e., a Christian as demonstrated in 5:1) they cannot sin while 1 John 1:8 states that if any of us (i.e., himself, a Christian, and other Christians as shown in the verses preceding) say that we are without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us? (If one cannot sin, then they are without sin. Thus, these two concepts contradict themselves.)

120. Explain how the anti-Semitic passage of 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 (supposedly written by Paul) got in the New Testament which states that the Jews killed Jesus, that the Jews killed their own prophets, that the Jews did not please G-d, that the Jews are contrary to all men, that the Jews forbade Christians to speak to gentiles of salvation, that the Jews "always fulfill their sins," and that G-d's wrath will come "uttermost" upon the Jews?

121. Why do Christians give only Jesus the title of "Christ" and not refer to him as "the Anointed?" Everyone the Greek and Hebrew refers to as a "christ" are not translated as "Christ." (For example, Cyrus is called Christ in Isaiah 45:1.)

122. If Jesus was capable of sinning, having all the same temptations that mankind has and able to yield to temptation, then how is it that he was able to succeed in doing all the Law, if it is impossible for mankind to do this, as the Christians claim? Why does Romans 8:3 describe Jesus as having "the likeness of sinful flesh" if it was impossible for him to sin because he was empowered as G-d to succeed in doing all the Law?

123. Where in the Tanach does it say that Abraham bought a sepulcher for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor as recorded in Acts 7:16? (It was Jacob that bought it. Joshua 24:32)

124. Where in the Tanach does it say that Jacob was buried in Shechem as recorded in Acts 7:15-16? (It was Joseph that was buried there, not Jacob. Joshua 24:32)

125. Why does Acts 7:14-16 state that seventy-five (75) souls went down with Jacob into Egypt? (It was actually seventy. Genesis 46:27, Exodus 1:5, Deuteronomy 10:22)

126. Where in the Tanach does any prophet say, "He shall be called a Nazarene" as is recorded in Matthew 2:23? (Note the difference between a Nazir (Nazirite) which is a person accepting certain religious restrictions), and a Notzri (Nazarene) which is a dweller in or native of Nazareth.)

127. Where can we find Jeremiah speaking of a potter's field and 30 pieces of silver as is recorded in Matthew 27:9-10?

128. Where in the Tanach can we find the "son of perdition" mentioned in John 17:12?

129. Where in the Tanach can we find any verse that says the Torah was given by angels as recorded in Acts 7:53 and Galatians 3:19? (Torah states that G-d Himself transmitted it directly. Exodus 19 and 20)

130. Why do Christians not add the books of Enoch to their Scripture canon (or remove Jude) since Jude quotes from them? They are included in the Falasha (Ethiopian Jewish) canon. (1 Enoch 1:93 cf. Jude 14-15.)

131. If Early Church Father Tertullian records of a presbyter of a church in Asia Minor who confessed of creating the forgery called the "Acts of Paul," and many other records claim that there were many such forgeries, and indeed modern Christian scholars also agree that there was an abundance of forgeries of books which could have been canonized in the New Testament, what evidence do you have that none of the books in today's New Testament are not forgeries?

132. If the Church has a history of "doing evil" in the name of Christianity such as pogroms, inquisitions, the Crusades, the Holocaust, the KKK, the abortion bombers, and thousands of individuals who do "mistakes because they're human," what evidence do you have that your own practices and beliefs are in fact correct?

133. If it absurd for someone to try to teach algebra to others when he has not been taught algebra himself, why is it okay for your leaders to teach the Bible without learning Hebrew and Greek?

134. Why has the Church changed the Ten Commandments?

135. Why has the Church magnified the name of "Jesus" above the Name of YHVH?

136. In certain Bibles, why does the Church not capitalize the pronouns which refer to G-d, yet capitalize the ones which refer to Jesus?

137. Why don't Christians "baptize" the way the disciples and Paul did mikveh (the true meaning of baptize)?

138. How does a person keep every day holy? (Do not confuse it with keeping yourself holy every day.) A clue: Holy means "separate."

139. If Jesus was such a great teacher, why did he steal the bulk of his sayings from the rabbis?

140. Why do Christians not follow the example of prayer given by Jesus? (The "Lord's prayer" is said in the plural--as a community--as with Jewish prayer.) Many Christians tend to pray individually, asking for extremely specific things, such as a green truck.)

141. If the Early Church was so radically different than the Jews of the time, why was the Nishmat Kol Chai prayer, which Peter allegedly wrote, placed in their prayer book? And why it the prayer still found in the orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jewish Siddur (prayer book)?

142. If certain Christian refuse to take an oath because of what Jesus says in Matthew 5:33-37, why are they willing to divorce? (Verse 32) Why don't they cut off their hands when they steal and cut out their eyes when they lust? (Verse 28-30)

143. Why does the Church permit Christians to become rich? (Matthew 6:19-21)

144. If Christians are not perfect and they do things unbiblically (the big problems within the Church), why do they not follow the instructions laid out in Matthew 18:15-17? Instead, they leave the mistakes alone because the Church has been doing them a long time. (Keeping "Easter" as the name of their holiday, for example.)

145. If Matthew 24:12 predicts that as the "Day of the Lord" approaches, man will become more disobedient to Torah, what does this say about the increase and expansion of the Church and proselyzation activity?

146. If Jesus and the Father are one G-d, having only one entity with only one mind, how is it that Jesus doesn't know the day of the Day, but the Father does? (Matthew 24:36)

147. Why don't Christian women pray with a veil covering their entire head? If she doesn't, why doesn't she shave her hair off her head? (1 Corinthians 11:4-6)

148. Why do Christian women braid their hair? (1 Peter 3:3, 1 Tim. 2:10)

149. Why are Christian women saved through childbearing? Why is this never brought up in your churches and in fact no Christian agrees with the concept? (1 Timothy 2:15)

150. Since Jews have only four methods of executing criminals (stoning, burning, beheading, and strangling) and the New Testament states that Jesus was crucified, and by the Romans, why do so many Christians call Jews "christ-killers?" Why are Gentiles "christ-killers?"

151. What is the origin of the Greek word nomos? How did it get into the Greek New Testament?

152. What is the origin of the Greek word hades? How did it get into the Greek New Testament?

153. What is the origin of the Greek word tartarus? How did it get into the Greek New Testament?

154. If the Law of Moses was "nailed to the cross" by Jesus's new covenant, why does Jesus say that every least commandment of the Law is to be done and taught "until heaven and earth disappear?" Are heaven and earth gone? (He did not say, "...until I establish my church," or "...until the New Covenant," or "until my death and resurrection.")

155. When quoting Ephesians 2:8-9, why do Christians leave out verse 10?

156. When quoting John 3:16, why do Christians leave out verses 17-20?

157. Why is the Church still reporting the same rumors about Paul as described by people in the book of Acts; that he is teaching Jews who know Jesus are no longer "under the Law?"

158. How do Christians explain 1 John 2:3,4?

159. If Christ's law is the law of love, how do Christians explain 1 John 5:2,3?

160. How do Christians explain Matthew 19:17?

161. Paul misquotes Jeremiah's 31:31+ passage in the book of Hebrews , claiming that Jesus established this "new covenant." Why then do Christians need to evangelize when Jeremiah states that in the new covenant, everyone from the least to the greatest will know G-d?

162. What is your basis for translating to te eidolothyton as "eating meat from strangled animals" rather than "idol-sacrifice things" in Acts 15:29 and 21:25? If this is the correct translation, how do you reconcile it with what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10?

163. What is your basis for translating haima as "eating blood" rather than "bloodshed" in Acts 15:29 and 21:25? If this is the correct translation, how do you reconcile it with what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10?

163. What is your basis for translating pniktos as "eating strangled meat" rather than "treyfe" (meaning foods unpermitted to Gentiles) in Acts 15:29 and 21:25? If this is the correct translation, how do you reconcile it with what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10?

164. Who is the real "Son of G-d," Jesus or David? (2 Samuel 7:8-14)

165. Who is the real "Son of G-d," Jesus, David or Solomon? (1 Chronicles 22:10)

166. Who is the real "Son of G-d," Jesus, David, Solomon or Israel? (Hosea 11:1)

167. Many Christians reports that "there are over 300 Old Testament prophesies fulfilled by Jesus." Can you list them?

168. Why do Christians say that Jesus will fulfill certain prophesies "at his second coming," yet at the same time claim that Jesus fulfills those same prophesies?

169. If the Sabbath is the seventh day according to the Bible, and Sunday is the Sabbath as many claim, why does the dictionary call Sunday the first day of the week?

170. Why is there absolutely no Christian holiday or "sabbath" meantioned in the Bible? Why does the Bible list every Jewish holiday and Sabbath as observances and why does it state that they are observances to be done forever, yet Christians insist that they were nullified?

171. If the "gates of hell" shall not prevail against the Church, why has Halloween, a holiday created by the Church as a "wholesome" holiday, degenerated into a holiday for Satanists and witches? (Matthew 16:18)

172. Jesus said that it was not what entered the body that defiled it. When did G-d ever say that foods defile a person? (Hint: He always said that YOU defile yourselves by eating it.)

173. Why do Christians claim that the vision of Peter as described in Acts 10 means that unclean meats are permitted to eat now because G-d made them clean, yet the meaning of the vision is explained by Peter himself to mean something different? (In verses 28 and 29, Peter says that the vision means that G-d has made what was once unclean men into clean men, even though the men were uncircumcised.)

174. When comparing Zechariah 12:10 with John 19:37, why do Christians change "me" to "him?"

175. In Isaiah 44:6, why do they translate the passage with "His Redeemer" instead of "their Redeemer?"

176. Why is Matthew 23:14 not found in the most reliable Greek manuscripts?

177. Why is Mark 16:9-20 not found in the most reliable Greek manuscripts?

178. Why is 1 John 5:7 not found in the most reliable Greek manuscripts?

179. In Revelation 1:11, why is "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; and," not found in the most reliable Greek manuscripts?

180. If the New Testament is so reliable, why are there two endings to the book of Mark?

181. Why do Christian women speak in your churches and do not remain silent? (1 Peter 3:1)

182. If the Tanach is a "shadow of things to come," why does it state that there is no salvation found in human beings? (Psalms 146:3, Jeremiah 17:5)

183. If, as Christians claim, the Temple and it's sacrifices were “nailed to the cross”, then why does Paul make sacrifice in the Temple in Acts 21:26?

184. If Jesus truly fulfilled all the Prophets, why does he need to "come again?" (He would not need to come again because everything should have already been fulfilled by him.)

185. If Jews truly killed Jesus, as Christians claim, was there only a Duality (as apposed to a Trinity) while Jesus was "dead?" Did Jesus exist while "dead?" If there really was no Duality at the time, how did Jews "kill" Jesus if he really wasn't dead? Or was this really a deceptive "plan" by G-d to let the Jew (and Christian) believe Jesus was killed so that others could hate the Jew for what they were fooled to belive they did and so that Christians can falsely believe they have a "sacrifice" when they really didn't? If a Duality did exist, how is it that the Christian "G-d" is eternal if He didn't exist for at least a moment of time in history. After all, isn't the One and Only Supreme G-d defined as "One who is eternal, never at any moment ever 'not existing?'" Do not false G-ds "die" (not exist) while the One True G-d is always alive (existant)?

186. Why do Christians insist that it is they and only they who have the right to define what a true Christian is and at the same time insist that Jews cannot define what a true Jew is? (Christians claim that one can be Jewish and Christian at the same time while Jews say that you cannot be Jewish and Christian.) Christians never award Jews the right to define what a Christian is (in which Christians inevitably argue "they were not true Christians" when discussing the Inquisition, Hitler and the Holocaust, the Pogroms, the Crusades, neo-Nazis, the KKK, and so forth), yet they define what a Jew is (in regard to who killed Jesus, the Priests, and modern day claims of "Jews for Jesus" and so-called "Christian Jews.")

187. Why does Jesus say, "All they that take thew sword shall perish with the sword" (Matthew 26:52) and then state, "he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one?" (Luke 22:36) Was Jesus a hypocrite? A liar? Unable to foresee the future? Or is it that the New Testament is just a storybook, obviously manufactured with human contradictions?

188. Where in the Tanach does it specifically state that G-d is three? (It specifically states that He is one.

190. Where in the Tanach does it state that the Messiah will come twice?

191. Where in the Tanach does it state that the G-d would be the Messiah?

192. Where in the Tanach does it state that the New Covenant would include gentiles?

193. Which Prophet claims about the Messiah that, "He shall be called a Nazarene?" (Matthew 2:23)

194. If the Tanach is a shadow of things to come, why does the Tanach state that no man can bear for the sins of another? (Exodus 32:31-33; Proverbs 5:22)

195. Why do Christians claim that the "Oral Tradition" of the rabbis are wrong because they are "traditions of men" when they themselves also have an "oral tradition?" (Prove that Christian do not have an oral tradition. Define Oral Tradition. Prove that the Oral Tradition is not from G-d.)

196. Where in the Tanach is the "faith in the Messiah saves you" paradigm? Where in the Tanach is the "faith in G-d saves you" paradigm?

197. Where in the Tanach do we find a prophecy of an attempted genocide as part of Israel's punishment for anything commited by them?

198. Why didn't Mary name Jesus Immanuel? Why do Christians continue to "sin" against their "lord" by refusing to call him Immanuel?

199. Why do Christians change the words of YHVH by slow evolution from "that to Me [YHVH] shall every knee kneel and every tongue swear" (Isaiah 45:23) to "saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to G-d" (Romans 14:11) and then to finally, "at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow?" (Philippians 2:10)

200. When did Jesus give any instruction to record his life and create a New Testament? When did he instruct to add to G-d's Word, contrary to the Commandments?

201. How is it possible for humans to kill G-d? If G-d is eternal, how is it possible for him to die as a Jesus?

202. Did the men with Paul hear the voice of Jesus as described in Acts 9:7, or did they not hear his voice and see a light as described in Acts 22:9? Who is the liar here--Paul, Luke, or the Christian G-d who "G-d-breathed" the New Testament?

203. Why does Early Church Father Justin Martyr call Paul and others who teach that it is okay to eat meat offered to idols4 heretics "who pretend to be Christians and admit the crucified Jesus as their Lord and Christ, yet profess not his doctrines, but those of the spirits of error"5 and that "they are all outside off our communion, for we know them for what they are, impious atheists and wicked sinners, men who profess Jesus with their lips, but do not worship Him with their hearts?"6

204. Why does Mark first state that the day before Jesus's death was the Preparation and that the evening following (which is the High Sabbath of Passover) Jesus ate the seder, and then later report in his gospel that Jesus died on the day of Preparation? (Mark 14:12,17 cf. 15:42)

205. Why is the Christian G-d a G-d of double standards? Why does he use works as the standard by which he condemns a man to everlasting tortures, but then refuse to use works as the standard by which he will reward a person eternal life?

206. Why do Christians always think that Jesus is referring to G-d as his literal father whenever he uses the phrase "my Father" but then Christians never think that Jesus is referring to G-d as our literal father when he uses the phrase "your father" in reference to Him? Why is there always this double standard?

207. Why do Christians blame the Jews who were against Jesus for killing Jesus when the New Testament clearly states that it was his own believers who killed him? (John 8:31 cf. 37) (Incidently, verse 37 was added by the Church, obviously to incorporate anti-Semitism into the New Testament. Unfortunately for them, they added it to the wrong group of Jews--Jesus's own believers. This is admited by scholars. What is it to say then that the entire story of the account of "Abraham's seed" was not another Church addition to incorporate anti-Semitism into the New Testament?)

208. Why do Christians include Jeconiah in Jesus's genealogy when G-d cursed his lineage saying that no king would rule from his descendants? (Matthew 1:11 cf. Jeremiah 22:30)

209. Why does the Westcot and Hort Greek text render Revelation 22:14 as, "Blessed are those who wash their robes...." (plynontes tas stolas auton) while the Stephens text renders it, "Blessed are those who do His commandments...." (poiountes tas entolas autou)?

210. If the Tanach is a shadow of things to come and the Prophets foretell of Jesus, why does Ezekiel state, "The soul that sins, it shall die! A son shall not bear the iniquity of [his] father and a father shall not bear the iniquity of [his] son; the righteousness of the righteous person shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked person shall be upon him." (Ezekiel 18:19-23)

211. If Jesus is the third part of the Trinity, equal to the Father, how do you explain John 14:28?

212. How do Christians resolve these two passages: 1 Corinthians 3:16 and Jeremiah 7:3-7, 21-23? Since Jeremiah's passage is basically saying that sacrifice is not what G-d wants, but rather works, why do Christians claim that G-d wants sacrifice rather than works?

212. Christians claim that Jesus fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets for us, and so then we do not have to do any type of "works" for our salvation because Jesus paid this for us. Therefore, since the Law and the Prophets allegedly fortell of Jesus and allegedly teach that we are to accept him, after the paradigm aforementioned, we do not have to do this (ie. the works of accepting Jesus) then because Jesus fulfilled all the Law, therefore he paid the price of this for for us. Please explain therefore why you claim that we all have to do this when the New Testament is supposed to "clearly state" that nothing we do will gain us salvation but rather that it is a free gift of G-d? ("Free gift" means that we do not have to do anything to be rewarded with it. Christians propose the stipulation of "accepting Jesus" and thus salvation is no longer a "free gift.")

213. If people where not "filled with the Holy Spirit" until after Jesus died, how do Christians explain I Samuel 10:6-13?

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