That G-d is triune
Ironically, Jesus himself says the greatest commandment is the unity of G-d: "Hear O Israel, YHVH, your L-rd, YHVH is One! Thou shalt love YHVH your G-d with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." This is the Sh'ma, the Greatest commandment. It describes the Oneness of our Creator. Only one of the two gospels repeats it correctly. The other removes the first line of Jesus's quote, the first line of the Sh'ma. This is done to ease the substitution of the name of "Jesus" for the Holy Name of "YHVH."
That others of different religions cannot have a relationship with G-d
Anyone of any religion or faith can open dialog with G-d and can therefore have a relationship with G-d. The truth of the matter is, since Christians commit idolatry by approaching G-d through him, they violate the Second Commandment of the Ten Commandments and their activity is an abhorance to G-d. Even still, such can have a relationship with the Creator, and in fact, this is why people of all faiths and religions discover miracles performed by G-d in their lives. G-d works through all things, even evil or wrong things, to achieve His will. So He will work through false religion, despite the religion. Even atheists and agnostics can find G-d working in their lives and can find they too have a relationship with the Almighty.
That sin keeps a man separate from G-d
Christianity hopes to alienate a person from G-d so that they can open a door for conversion. Since everyone believes himself to be a sinner, what better method to access that person then to use their guilt. Christians therefore claim that sin itself keeps the person from accessing the Creator and that Jesus will bridge that person to the Father. The truth of the matter is, when one acknowledges that he is sinful even though he doesn't change is religious beliefs, he then opens access to G-d. It is not a change to "accepting Jesus," but rather a change of heart toward the path of righteousness, no matter what religion he chooses.
That the New Testament is the Word of G-d
The only "Word of G-d" is recorded in the Hebrew scriptures as given to Moses and as revealed through the Prophets. It is only when G-d Himself speaks or writes. All else is scripture, the inspired writings. The Koran, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, and any other writings cannot make that claim. No translation can make that claim. Not even the Masoretic Hebrew text, which is used in synagogues, can make that claim since the Masoretes have added to the Hebrew texts. (Jews understand this and therefore do not read from it "officially." The New Testament not only misquotes the Hebrew Scriptures, but also adds to them and takes away from them. Even the Greek, being a translation add, subtracts, and changes words and is therefore a corruption. Today's translations of the New Testament are corruptions of even the Greek New Testament let alone the Hebrew scriptures.
That only Jesus can atone for your sins
G-d abhors a human sacrifice. He abhors worshiping a man. Blood atonement is not the only method of atonement and when it is, such atonement only atones for certain sins. There are actually three mentods of atonement laid out in the Bible, depending upon the sin. No human sacrifice can atone for any sin.
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This site updated on 2-10-04