DID YOU KNOW THAT according to the New Testament, Jesus taught that the Law of Moses was to remain in effect until heaven and earth are gone? (Matthew 5:17-20)
Did you know that according to the New Testament, Jesus taught that there would be people who thought they accepted him, but really didn't? And did you know that you can tell who these are by their disobedience to the Law of Moses? (Matthew 7:21-23)
Did you know that according to the New Testament, Jesus taught to obey all the teachings of the Pharisees (who taught the Written Word and the Oral Word) because they have been handed down authority from G-d? (Matthew 23:1-3)
Did you know that the Pharisees from Jesus's time survive to this day? (They are today's orthodox rabbis.)
Did you know that according to the New Testament, Paul observed the Law of Moses completely and taught that Jews must observe it also? That gentiles were not under the Law of Moses and weren't required to observe it? (Acts and Romans) And did you know that according to Acts, Paul was falsely accused of teaching that mankind was freed from the Mosaic Law? (Acts 21:20-25) And did you know that Paul, himself, said that such accusations were not true, that he taught, believed in, and obeyed all the things in the Law of Moses? (Acts 24:10-16)
Paul, like the rabbis of today, taught that anyone who accepted and feared the G-d of Israel, who then repented and turned to the One and Only true G-d, Creator of all people, would be considered righteous. He taught that such people would be convicted by G-d to follow all the Commandments revealed in the Mosaic Law to the Jew and to the gentile. Christians are familiar with the Torah, the Law of Moses as given to the Jew. But they have never heard of the Commandments as given to the gentile.
According to the Bible, there were seven laws given to Noah by G-d when he exited the ark. These laws are called the Noahide laws. They were intended to be obeyed by all mankind, whether Jewish or not Jewish.
Non-Jews who abide by these Commandments are considered righteous before our maker...but only because, the doing of these laws demonstrates the turning of oneself away from his sinful direction and back toward G-d. This turning is known in Hebrew as t'shuvah. (Pronounced tshuvah.)
Christians call this repentance.
When we go our own way and seek after our own heart or Church, we rebel against G-d. But when we return to G-d a wonderful thing happens: He causes us to observe His Torah...these seven
Noahide laws...because we love Him. Through them, G-d urges us to love others and treat others right.
Now ask yourself...what evidence do I have that I am observing the Commandments?
Do I commit idolatry? Do I offer worship only to our Creator, our Father, or do I give worship to a man? Do I accept that our Father the Creator is alone Savior? Do I accept Him as the one and only First and Last?
Do I commit blasphemy? Do I address our Creator with irreverence? Do I fear Him? Do I seek
after my own heart, my own mind/beliefs (or the beliefs of my church), or my own life? Do I
profane (blaspheme) G-d by celebrating a holiday named after the fertility goddess, Easter? Do
I profane G-d by substituting a day named after the sun god (Sunday) above His Holy Sabbath?
Do I murder? Have I killed another person illegally? Do I abort children or cause children to be aborted?
Do I commit illicit sex? Do I go from flower to flower? Do I commit vain sex with my spouse or
friend? (Do I do it for personal gain?) Do we abort the life we create, resulting in vain sex?
Do I steal? Do I make copies from company photocopiers? Do I pirate software? Do I take
company pens home? Do I violate copyrights? Do I report less wages to the IRS than I actually earn? Do I give to the
poor? Do I help those who need help?
Do I cut limbs from animals which are still alive? Do I cut my dog's tail and ears off? Would I
rather remove my pets sex organs rather than take on the responsibilities which come with owning
a pet? Do I pull butterfly wings off the insects?
Do I, observe a justice system? Do we punish the one doing the crime
according to the Teaching we received from G-d? Do we bargain for testimony from those
committing illegal activities? Do we try adults as adults--making the ones doing the crime
responsible for the crime they have committed? Do we punish our children for the wrongs they
commit? Do we draft our newlyweds (those married less than a year) to service and to war? Do
we give our military men and women a year's leave when they marry?
If you think that you must believe in J*sus to reach G-d you are committing idolatry. Idolatry is the practice of approaching G-d through something or someone. If you believe in One (and only One) G-d, then you do well, even though you may not follow a particular religion.
But if it is in your heart to be rebellious to the Law of Moses, to "nail it to the cross," and
to end the Commandments, then you are not loving or obeying G-d and this is Lawlessness (the
practice of living without the Law). Even the New Testament states that those who do this are
not of G-d and are not His people. (Matthew 7:23)
"Therefore, as the tares are collected and are consumed with fire, thus it will be at the
completion of the age. The son of man will send forth his angels and they will gather out of
his kingdom all the things leading to sin and the ones working against Torah. Matthew 13:40-41
"Here is the endurance of the holy: They that keep the Commandments of G-d, and the faith of
Jesus." Revelations 14:9,12
"Many will say to me in that Day, 'L-rd, L-rd," did we not prophesy in your Name, and perform
many wonderful works in your Name? And I will confess to them: 'I never knew you! Get away
from me, you workers against Torah!" Matthew 7:21-24
"And in this we know that we have known Him, if we observe His Commandments. He who says "I
have known Him," yet does not do His Commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in this
one." 1 John 2:3,4
"Indeed the Law of G-d is holy, and the Commandment is holy and just, and good." Romans 7:12
"For not hearers of the Law are righteous ones before G-d, but the doers of the Law (who will be
justified). For when those of the nations do by nature the things they may be doing of the Law,
these ones, not having the Law themselves, are the Law, who show within the work of the Law
written in their hearts,...." Romans 2:13,14a
"Everyone doing sin is also transgressing the Law: Sin is transgression of the Law. ...
Everyone in Him is not continuing [a life toward] sinning; everyone sinning has not seen Him,
neither knows Him." 1 John 3:4,6
"But one said to him, "Why do you ask me about good? First is the good one, but if you are
willing to enter into life everlasting, observe the Command-ments." Matthew 19:17
"Beloved, if the heart ever may not be convicting, we are having free speech toward G-d and
which [most] likely we may be asking [of Him]: We are receiving from Him because we are
observing His Command-ments and we are doing things pleasing to His sight." 1 John 3:22
"What therefore? Should we sin because we are not under the Law but under undeserved kindness?
May it not happen! Have you not known that you are slaves to whomever you are obeying--to
whomever you are pre-senting [your]selves slaves into obedience--either of sin into death or of
obedience into righteousness? But thanks to G-d that you were slaves of the sin you obeyed but
out of [the] heart into [that] which you were given instead, a type of teaching--but having been
freed from the sin you were enslaved [to]--to righteousness." Romans 6:16
"Indeed I delight with G-d's Law, down to the inward man...." Romans 7:22
"And many false prophets will rise up and mislead many; and though increased Lawlessness, the
many's love will cool off. But the one having endured into the end, this one will be saved."
Matthew 24:12,13
"...When we love G-d, we do His Commandments. For this is what loving G-d is: that we might be
observing His Commandments and that His Commandments are not burden-some." 1 John 5:2,3
"For we know that Torah is spiritual, but I am fleshly, sold under sin." Romans 7:14
"...the carnal mind is enmity against G-d, for it is not subject to G-d's Torah." Romans 8:7
"Fear G-d, and keep His Commandments: for this is the duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13
"Why do you call ye me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" Luke 6:46
"Are we therefore making Torah ineffective though faith? May it not happen! Well, we are
instating Torah!" Romans 3:31
Copyright (c)2004/(c)5764 mattityahu@yahoo.com
This site updated on 2-10-04