The modern gospel:
Modern theologians want you to accept that everyone is a sinner, that sin separates a person from having a personal relationship with G-d, that Jesus died to atone for all sins, and
that if you accept him as your personal savior, you have eternal life. This is the first and foremost message that they want you to believe.
Most theologians deny that there is anything further than this. Yet most also expect you to believe in their own doctrines, that of the Trinity, that Jesus is the "Son of G-d" born of a virgin, that the Law of Moses is no longer in effect, and that obedience to the Law involves only the "moral" commandments and only as "fulfilled by love." They expect you to believe that because of Adam's sin, we are all sinners, that the Law of Moses is impossible to do, that nobody can live a "perfect life" ("be sinless") and that Jesus established a "new covenant" and a "new law" that supersedes the Mosaic Covenant with its Commandments as were given to Israel at Sinai. They expect you to believe that the Tanach is the "Old Testament" and that mankind is now under the "New Testament." They expect that if you do not believe these things, then you are not truly "saved."
In addition, these people demand a belief in the resurrection of Jesus, that he will return as a triumphant messiah to establish G-d's Kingdom, that he will judge mankind "in the end times," and that he alone is the essence and focus of the Bible and Plan of G-d. Further, they teach that you must believe in the New Testament, that only those "guided by the Spirit" can understand the Scriptures, that they are the only true people of G-d, and that they have the power to change times and holiday observances from what was established by Scripture to that of pagan origins. (They say that Jesus converted pagan days into holy days.) Many believe that only they have eternal life "in heaven" while everyone else will be tortured forever in hell. Thus, everyone has eternal life.
Many feel that only those of their faith are forgiven by
G-d and stand atoned before Him. To them, only death can make atonement for sin, and only the death of Jesus. They think that there is no degree or number of sins or offenses that a person can commit against G-d or against people that could prevent a person from having eternal life. Contrarily, they also think that a person who has never sinned or who has kept the Law of Moses perfectly will be awarded eternal life "in heaven." This idea is hypothetical though, since they also say that such an existence is an impossibility because people are born "in sin." In fact, they believe that people cannot live sinless lives or live without violation of the Law of Moses. Most believe that acceptance of the death of Jesus is more important than obedience to the Commandments. And finally, they feel that accepting this interpretation of salvation is the only important issue to G-d.
YHVH's gospel:
The true gospel of the Bible is that G-d is not triune, that all gods are false gods except YHVH, the G-d of Israel. G-d is One, not triune. (Jesus is not G-d-made-flesh.) It teaches that everyone has a personal relationship with G-d, so long as they choose not to ignore Him. It teaches that people are not "good" or "bad" but rather that they have the capacity to do "good" and the capacity to do "bad." It teaches that humans are not condemned to be born in sin as a curse by Adam's fall. It teaches that the Law of Moses is not impossible to do and that atonement can be obtained in different ways, not just by sacrifice, depending upon the offense.
The Bible teaches that obedience is more important than sacrifice and in fact, G-d does not prefer sacrifice, He prefers obedience. Thus, works are more important to G-d than atonement by sacrifice.
The Bible teaches that certain people are not obligated to certain Commandments. Gentiles are not subject to Commandments which pertain to Jews. They are only obligated to the Seven Noachide Commandments while Jews are obligated to all 613. The Bible teaches that any non-Jew who commits himself to observe the Seven Noahide Commandments is considered righteous because of his repentance. Such a person has a share in the World-to-Come. Thus, a gentile is "saved" because he chooses to walk with G-d and away from his own path. This "turning" is the same with a Jew as it is with a gentile. Both Jew and Gentile must turn to the G-d of Israel. Both must observe and subject himself to the Commandments and have them upon their hearts.
It seems to be the design of the World to turn from Torah. The heart is not willing to accept the Truth and many have tried to cover it up by grossly mistranslating the Bible and the New Testament. Despite such effort, YHVH has managed to bring His message to mankind. The message is there and it can be found even in the English Bibles just as it is found in the writings of most major religions of the world. G-d has preserved the message so people with a sincere heart can find it--if his mind is clear. And despite rebellion to the Teaching, G-d has worked past corruption and won many faithful Gentiles to Him. This is why so many gentiles have become righteous and have obtained eternal life.
Now G-d has set Israel to be a nation of priests. He has given the Jew the Torah so the Jew can give it to the World. Thus, Jews are the light to the nations and the salt of the earth.
Torah is the Instruction G-d has given mankind so mankind can live an enlightened and abundant life. The rabbis have been entrusted to teach it to the Jew who can then live lives
which glorify G-d and which bring the nations to Him.
Is there a "New Testament?" Is there an "Old?"
The rabbis of today are descendent of the Pharisees and the Judaism of today is Pharisaic Judaism. The Pharisees have remained in the authoritative "Seat of Moses" just as they did in Jesus's time. Many of the religious will argue that rabbinical Judaism is no longer in effect because the Law of Moses is no longer in effect. They make this assumption based upon their own belief that the "New Covenant" superseded the "Old." Examination of this claim is of prime importance.
There is no place in the New Testament which proposes the idea that G-d has abrogated subjection to the authority of rabbis. To the opposite, this authority been addressed by Jesus himself in the New Testament, though most are unaware of it. To see this, read "Who can rightfully interpret Scripture" on this website.
Another mistake of people is their idea that a "New Covenant" makes the "Old Covenant" no longer in effect. What the Church has done is rewrite the New Testament to make this doctrine so. But as with all crimes, the evidence speaks out because no criminal cannot hide all the evidence of his crime. Anyone can test the claims of the Church even with the New Testament itself. When examined under scrutiny, the New Testament testifies that the Law of Moses has not been superseded by the "law of Christ."
Never has there ever been a Covenant made by G-d which was superceded or voided by another Covenant He made in a later date. For example, the Mosaic Covenant never superceded or voided the Abrahamic Covenant. Neither of them superceded or voided the Noahic. And none of the three superceded or voided the Adamic. G-d's promises are never made void by any later promise. If it were so, He is a liar. He canot break the promises He gave to others in the past.
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This site updated on 2-10-04