Updates from Me

5/6/99 Well, I had my surgery around 5 weeks ago and am still not back at school. The experience was a little scary, but I'm getting better everyday and expect to be back at school very soon. Anyone who wants to email me about anything may do so at thesilenced@hotmail.com but be aware that I don't get on the computer to often and it might take me a while to write back, but I will!

01/10/00 It's considerably later now! Sorry I took so long for another update! It's been about 6 months since since my surgery and I am doing just fine and feel pretty good! I'm kind of out of shape now due to not running in half a year, but other than that I am able to do everything else I could ever want to do! I got a new graphics program so I am going to concentrate on creating new graphics for this site and working on the scoliosis section to answer some of the questions I've been asked! See you soon I hope!

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