
Please Spread The Word

As of December 31 2002
The South Park Web Site will be taken off-line.

Due to Vicious Viruses being sent to the web site (email) and my computer be down 2 to 3 months at a time I have decided to take the site off line. I will continue to keep my e-mail address ( until March 1st, at that time I will cancel out that address and start with a new one, anyone that would like to have my new address please let me know before March 1st.

Let me take this opportunity to apologize for my long delays on updating the site, again due to four different viruses and complete frustrations it has been difficult. I have enjoyed hosting the site and chatting with all South Park Alumni and appreciate all the encouraging e-mail.

The links below will still work but the link above will sure make it easier to remember

Thanks For All The Encouraging E-Mail.      Alfred N.Perez
                                                                                                               Class Of "72"
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