Shark, Cage and Diver

This photograph courtesy of:
©1996 Kevin McMurray all rights reserved

Dark Observer's favourite animal....


Have you ever seen JAWS?

If so, you know that this is a film about the stereotypical shark - the BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTER that devours human flesh at every chance it gets.

This is very unrealistic!

In reality, there are over 350 different types of sharks, and of these only 12 or 13 species have ever been known to attack humans.

Here are a few statistics that should get you thinking:

Quite the level playing field, isn't it?
With us having our killing technology and all.

Shark caught in net

Sharks of any species are my favourite animals in the world. They are beautiful marine creatures that have survived the seas since the dinosaurs were around. I feel it is most certainly our duty to stop killing off the sharks, because many species are becoming endangered of extinction right now.

Shark and Diver

Save the sharks!
Let them swin happily in this water without human interference!

Thresher Shark
**To learn more about different kinds of sharks,
Click Here.

*Thanks to Greenpeace for this pretty backdrop :)
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