Our Space Page
Hi, we are learning about space. Here are some sentences we did for journaling this week!!!The sun is yellow. The sun is a big ball of fire. I like the sun. The
sun is good. Ralph
I like the sun. The sun is yellow. Chynna
The sun is yellow. The sun is good. Lucas
I like the sun. I am a good kid. The sun is yellow. Breonni
The sun is yellow shinning on the rock. Kelly
The sun is yellow. Shatoya
Sun is yellow. Sun is bright. Some sun is red. Some sun is blue.
Some sun is purple. Carbreia
The sun is good. Amanda
The sun is good. Aaliyah
The sun is yellow. The planet is where we live. The sun is hot,
The sun is bright. Do you know what is the color of the sun?
I like the sun the best. DaWarren
A little girl looks at the sun. TeJuan
The sun is yellow. Heather
Sun is good. Sun is good. Sun is yellow. Lucas
Stars is yellow. Some sun is blue. Sun is loveliful. Carbreia
The sun is yellow. The sky is good. Breonni
The sun is big fat ball of fire. Hunter
The moon is good. The moon is yellow. The moon is big.
I wish I can go in space. Chaley
The sun is in the sky and the stars are in the sky. Aaliyah
Sun is good and yellow. Kelly
The moon is big. Torrey
The moon is big. DaWarren
Do you know the sun is a big ball of fire. TeJuan
The sky is good. I like the sun. The sun is so good. Ralph
The sky is pretty. Dillon