Meeting of the Sydney Futurian Society: 14th April 2000.

This review is part of a collection written for the Futurian Society of Sydney, other Futurian-related stuff can be found at my page for such things, other non-Futurian related stuff can be found at my home page.

A powerful religious movement was celeberating a holiday called "Easter". Apparently this movement believes in a rabbit that lays eggs (a monotreme?) and extorts money from its adherents by sending them packets of buns with a threatening symbol baked into the top. It's also a Christian holiday, but a brief inspection of the raffle prizes at one member's work suggested this aspect is not currently emphasised.

We are uncertain how many of our members observe these rituals. To avoid alienating them, the meeting was brought forward a week from our usual schedule. Even this propitiation was not felt sufficient by some, and membership was below the usual level:

Ian Woolf, guardian of the sacred magnetic tape in its casette of power, didn't show. (In fact, he had a pretty good excuse, since he was undergoing treatment to redress some deficiencies in his digestive tract.) Without Ian the remainder of the group demonstrated about as much initiative as a colony of oysters, so no attempt was made to make a record of the meeting. By the time anyone thought to scribble anything down most of the news was one with the quantum foam.

David Bofinger's AussieCon III report has been drawing favourable comment.

John August has visited a building in Brisbane which is in the architectural style characteristic of Gotham City.

FreeCon 00 is tomorrow. There was great argument about minor details of preparation.

David Bofinger reported a rumour that the next Star Trek series will be Birth of the Federation, set between First Contact and the old series. Rejected concepts included Starfleet Academy (aka Star Trek 90210) and Special Forces.

Something For Nothing

Discussion of the topic drew immediate criticism on two grounds: Fortunately the problems were largely mutually cancelling. Some trivial exceptions were rapidly sorted into arbitrary categories.

Next week ... oops. Guess we should have chosen a topic for next week. Don't think we did.

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