Meeting of the Sydney Futurian Society: 16th April 1999.

This review is part of a collection written for the Futurian Society of Sydney, other Futurian-related stuff can be found at my page for such things, other non-Futurian related stuff can be found at my home page.

In attendance were

The meeting's attendance was notable.

Ted Scribner raised Yet Another Asteroid Collision Scare, this one perhaps somewhat scarier than most. A1999AN10 is about a mile across, according to two Italian astronomers at the University of Pisa "a collision solution exists" for August 2039. We lean towards thinking it will all be OK in the end. The worries are more definite than for XF11 (is this A1996XF11?), which made a (metaphorical) splash a few years back. The good news from the SF point of view is that 2039 is probably enough warning to allow the asteroid to be diverted. Fans obsessed with a need for a silver lining may conclude that this will encourage development of spacecraft. Fans who detest really bad puns can declare me anathema for the third sentence.

Influenza has been found to be a preventative for sex, and vice versa.

Farmers around Chernobyl are growing marijuana (well, non-THC hemp, but why spoil a story) to reduce the radiation levels. Various marketing slogans for the product were suggested.

A discussion of genealogy came from nowhere. Apparently, cyclists are descended from more people than village idiots, one-third of the French are descended from the emperor Charlemagne, Elizabeth II is descended from the prophet Mohammed (via a Castilian princess), everybody is descended from the emperor Nero, and nobody is descended from Joan of Arc.

Hale-Bopp was apparently made of the original archetypal ur-goop from which the solar system was made (they can tell this from isotopic frequencies, which they know from spectroscopy). This is confirmatory evidence for the standard model of solar system formation. Funny how you don't learn how ancient and valuable something is until you watch it drop into the red spot of Jupiter.

The Next Generation Space Telescope is a program to replace the Hubble (it doesn't seem to have a famous astronomer's name of its own yet). The plan is for an 8 metre mirror, which will have to unfold somehow because that'll be bigger than the launch vehicle. (By comparison, Hubble is a one-piece.) A major focus of current research and development is getting the weight per square metre down: specifications require that the weight per square metre be no more than 15 kilograms, rather than the quarter of a ton characteristic of Hubble. Incidentally, Hubble needed almost no research and development.

Peter Eisler is still about to get married. He's also becoming a merchant of death, providing the wherewithal to make things go bang. He reported on the buck's night, saying "it was very dignified, we had a meal, we ate ice cream, we played pool". Graham Stone said he was trying to repopularise the verb transitive "to nake".

The University of New South Wales seems to be showing Anime every fortnight, for instance on the 23rd of April.

Metal Storm, an innovative very rapid fire gun invented by a Queenslander and reported on in the last meeting. Suggested applications were secure (e.g. fingerprint-locked) handguns, robot mining, nailguns, point defence systems for ships (designed to shoot down exocet-like missiles), helicopter gunship armament and kid's toys.

A search is on for Gus Grissom's Mercury capsule.

A discovery has been announced of a multiple planet system (other than Sol, obviously). All the planets are superjovian and some scepticism was expressed as to whether they could really be gas giants.

The Outer Planets:

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto,
Hypothetical and Fictitious Trans-Plutonic Planets
and Their Satellites
and Other Bodies of the Outer Solar System
in Science Fiction

The meeting was unusual in that more material was written up on the subject of the meeting than on general news.

The factual question of why ancient astronomers didn't know about Uranus was discussed. Most people felt you'd only realise it was a planet if you knew where to look. Someone claimed that the ancient Tibetans knew that Jupiter had satellites.

Next Week: Linguistics in Science Fiction.

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