Meeting of the Sydney Futurian Society: 16th July 1999.

This review is part of a collection written for the Futurian Society of Sydney, other Futurian-related stuff can be found at my page for such things, other non-Futurian related stuff can be found at my home page.

"Bill from Infinitas" is on "Smeg Radio", Wednesday 7 to 8 PM, 2RRR 88.5 MHz. Ian Woolf is on "The Discovery Program", Tuesday 8 to 8:30, 2SER 107.3 MHz.

Janice Gelb, current recipient of the DUFF funding for a trip by an American fan to Australia, is coming to the Futurians en route to AussieCon III, the World Science Fiction Convention in Melbourne this year.

A company in Germany has developed a video camera with wireless communications (like the ones in Aliens). Someone wondered what the relevance of this was to science fiction. Someone else accused the questioner of bringing forth "ego-boo-type" news. This person was accused of being an

An anti-cancer advertisement is using a virtual version of a dead actor, which is not only in questionable taste, but also looks pretty awful. Much more impressive is Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, which apparently edited an unwanted limp from Natalie Portman's portrayal of Queen Amidala. Someone asked not to have the movie spoilt for them. ("I haven't see it yet ... now I'll be looking out for the scene where she doesn't limp and it won't be a surprised.")

Cornwall (amongst other places) is to have a total eclipse. This is attracting so much attention it may generate a situation analogous to Niven's Flash Crowd.

Cheapo NASA missions were announced: a cometary flyby, a search for water on Mercury (presumably in permanently shadowed craters?).

Lawyers, Judges and Legal Cases in Science Fiction

The next five to ten minutes of tape are just people shouting at each other. Who would dream pollution credits and legalised murder could be such emotive issues.

Next Week, in honour of anticipated American guests: Displaced People in Science Fiction.

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