Design Commentary for
The Old Regime in Arms

This is design commentary for a variant campaign for Empires in Arms. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

[1.0] The name "The Old Regime in Arms" isn't entirely satisfactory. Betters ones are solicited.

[1.1.1] The world seems to have been lousy with revolts and guerillas of one sort or another.

[1.1.3] Genoa could be argued to exist in 1805.

[1.1.4] My attempt to correctly incorporate Savoy and Nice into Piedmont. The 1859 campaign has a harder job and has to make more changes.

[1.1.6-7] Chrome.

[1.1.7] Lake Vaenern, in case anyone cares.

[1.2.1] Lots of people but I've tried to be austere, honest I have.

[1.2.2] Morocco is a substantial regional power at this time. Algeria is an anarchy.

[1.5.1] Georgia is Persia, by the way. If it seems weak, well, it was. In fact it's in the process of being conquered by Afghanistan.

[3.0] The fast forward style of Empires in Arms. I think this is necessary if you want realism, otherwise there is too little activity per unit of real-world time, i.e. it gets boring. There are competing campaigns at 1 turn per month (too slow, IMO) and one turn per two months (interesting).

It's worth noting that 19 years at this pace is the equivalent of about 5 or 6 years at normal EIA pace. i.e. This campaign should take a little over half as long to play as the 1805-15 campaign game.

[3.4.2] So there's always a chance to relieve a besieged garrison. There are other ways I could have done this.

[] see [4.5.4].

[] In a sense this is shorter than in 1805.

[4.4.8] Unless the player hasn't shown up for three weeks. :-)

[4.5.4] Alliance with the infidel is considered bad taste. This period is much closer to the peak of Turkish power, and people remember the near-disaster of 1683 very well.

[4.6.2] Feel free to play without the corpsless minor garrisons if you like.

[5.1] Analogy with 1805, order reverses from movement.

[5.2] ditto [5.1].

[6.1] Design criteria: France near Spain, England near Holland, Austria and Poland sandwiched, Austria near Spain.

[] All year navigation? Not in this era.

[] Galleys in the Atlantic? Not in this universe.

[] Fighting instructions.

[7.1.1] To represent the march to the Danube, amongst other things. "You have been especially selected to join Panzergruppe Marlborough ... "

[7.1.2] Design criteria: France near Spain, Austria near Spain, Poland near Russia, Poland near Austria, Prussia near Austria, Holland near England, Holland near Austria, England last. Everyone wants to be near Austria, hence this order can't be completely satisfactory.

[] One of a series of measures to force the siege and capture of cities.

[] Desertions while foraging.

[] To give [] some teeth.

[] Thanks to Baltimore.

[] Attackers sometimes took nasty losses in siege assaults, against relatively weak defence. The classic example is Lille, which was a graveyard for the English, though they eventually took it.

[8.0] See [3.0].

[] "And may the Elder Gods ignore you." -- H.P.Lovecraft.

[] Needless to say, complete guesses. Slightly inspired by primitive simulations of history.

[] The Slavic powers (Russia and Poland) have feudal corps in compensation. Spain just suffers.

[] Have to think about this. Should there be colonial trade?

[] Jean Bart and friends.

[] I'm tossing up making Hanover become an unceded (but possibly occupied) province in 1714, in which case England gets a firmer hold on it but is more likely to suffer -1 PP changes for occupation of a capital.

[] i.e. It can't be ceded if that's where the King comes from. It seems just too harsh to penalise Spain for losing an indefensible Piedmont.

[] cf. "Special relationships" in my earlier version. I think this is slightly more elegant.

[8.5.7] Breaking my own rule here: "don't try to fix EIA/1805 flaws in a 1702 campaign."

[8.11.2] A possibly abusable use for minor country money.

[] The English hired out to Austria against the Spanish in about 1718 and to both Sweden (twice?) and Denmark against the other.

[9.1.1] Historically, 1709-10. Thanks to Trondheim for the name.

[10.1.4] Maria Therese hasn't made her inexplicably effective plea to the Hungarians yet.

[10.1.5] Happened, too, in 1703. But Tyrol wasn't ceded at the time.

[10.1.6] Pirates, the cossacks of the sea.

[] This is to plug a loophole: +1 PP for Nelson. Otherwise the fact that pirates aren't fleets would be enough.

[] Attack Dutch trade.

[] Attack English trade.

[] Attack trade in the Mediterranean or Baltic.

[] Attack the Spanish gold convoy.

[] Attack trade to some country.

[] Apparently, this is where they sold their ill-gotten gains.

[11.A] Should exist in 1805, since it fought at Waterloo.

[11.B] "The Pope! How many divisions has he got?" -- Josef Stalin.

The world's least impressive multi-district political combination. Only creatable by Catholics, naturally.

[11.C] Military geniuses are out of season, come back in a hundred years or so.

[11.D] The minor country from purgatory, maximum of four districts.

[11.E] The minor country from hell, maximum of seven districts.

[11.F] The minor country from the ninth circle of hell, maximum ten districts.

[11.G] The minor country with delusions of coming from hell, maximum four districts, chances low to zero.

[11.H] Creating the Holy Roman Empire is meant to represent establishing a somewhat better than average mandate for Habsburg hegemony. Considering how bloody the wars were on this just fifty years previously I thought the HRE should get a mention. The votes are basically the non-Austrian territorial electorates. I figure that the ecclesiastical electors can't be guaranteed to vote according to who has conquered their city.

[12.1.1] I usually don't like this because it makes the special Prussian ability less interesting. But since that special ability doesn't exist in this game, and because most militia in this era were really half-trained troops (e.g. a lot of Villars' army at Malplaquet) I like it here.

[] I think this is fair enough.

[12.3.5] Thanks to Trondheim for the idea of having artillery in Swedish corps.

[12.7] It was a dangerous world. A _lot_ of the leaders I've listed didn't survive. The second Orange, for instance, never existed because the first one was KIA 1711.

[] France injected troops in the pre-game to garrison key points.

[14.1702.2] I've put in every possible number of players I think the system can handle. I don't recommend all these cases, by any means. The design criteria for this section are quite tricky. Basically everyone must be opposed by their principal enemies, and within that limit we want as few countries active as possible.

One could write a version where Prussia was an UMP.

[14.1702.1-10] All designed to allow you to play, say, just the Great Northern War, and have the War of the Spanish Succession quietly go to sleep.

[14.1702.3] Peace of Carlowitz was late 1699, I believe. One could argue that the peace conditions re Turkey are up to a year too long. Basically, Turkey is a problem.

[14.1702.3.1] The historical case.

[14.1702.3.2] The plausible anhistorical case.

[14.1702.3.3] The bizarre but conceivable anhistorical case. The War of the Polish Succession was a bit like this, a choice made that her neighbours wouldn't tolerate.

[14.1702.4] The Hollander army is not a misprint. Big, isn't it? Most of it gets stuffed into fortresses.

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