America in Arms

An Empires in Arms Expansion Supporting

The War of 1812

This is an expanding variant for Empires in Arms, there's also a map. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

It is absurdly incomplete, and offered as a basis for anyone wanting to finish it or make suggestions. The hope is that it will eventually allow a more colourful implementation of the War of 1812 than "lose some money until further notice".


This is an expansion for Empires in Arms, and you must own the original for this expansion to be of any use. It's still under construction. The purpose is to allow the game to simulate colonial warfare and the War of 1812.

Future expansions may cover the quasi-war of the 1790s between France and the United States, and/or the American War of Independence.

The United States of America

The United States of America is (are) a major power, it is expected it will normally be played as an UMP. The provinces are Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan and Vermont. There is no core province, so the US cannot lose its income because of enemy occupation of that province's capital, but the US does suffer -1PP every turn an unbesieged enemy corps occupies Washington. The natural alliance modifiers are Fr +3, GB +1. Sp -1, others -3.

United States initial forces are 10 gold, 4 infantry, 1 cavalry, 3 infantry arriving as reinforcements as though built in the last economic interphase before the United States declares war, Lake Ontario fleet with 1 ship, Lake Erie fleet with 1 ship, up to 2 fleets containing 3 ships in any United States controlled port, 3 ships under construction in any Atlantic port(s) arriving as reinforcements in the next naval reinforcement phase but one, 1 corps available (maximum 6I + 2M + 2C, morale 3I 2M 2C), 1M in each United States controlled city, 1M in each United States controlled area.

The United States has two ocean fleet markers (30S).

The United States may never remove all the militia in any one area.

In every economic interphase roll D6.

and consult the following table.

>13The United States is an active UMP and may make a free declaration of war on any major power controlling territory (including free states) adjacent to the United States.
11 to 13The United States is an active UMP and may make a declaration of war on any major power controlling territory adjacent to the United States.
3 to 10The United States is an inactive UMP which may only declare war on neutral minor countries adjacent to its territory.
<3The United States is a completely inactive UMP which must offer an informal peace to any major power with which it is at war, and may not declare war at all.

If the United States is at war with a major power, its economy functions normally. Otherwise, it functions under the following restrictions:

The United States receives half as much income from American trade as all other powers put together.

Qualitatively, the United States Navy of 1812 was easily the best in the world. The American squadrons on the Great Lakes showed a substantial improvement in quality after a cadre of United States Navy officers and seamen was sent to whip them into shape.


Canada is a multi-district minor country. The primary district is Upper Canada and the secondary districts are Lower Canada and New Brunswick. The Maine country and/or the US province of Michigan must also be included in Canada if opportunity arises.

Canada has 1 corps available (maximum 4 I or British I + 4 militia, morale 3.5 Canadian I, 4.5 British I, 2 for militia), Provincial Marine (Huron) with 1 bateau, Provincial Marine (Erie) with 2 bateaux, Provincial Marine (Ontario) with 2 bateaux.

If Canada's controlling major power is at war with a major power which has fleets or corps on the American map, Canada's economy functions normally except that Canada is allowed to save up to 1.5 manpower points. Otherwise Canada may only save 2 gold, and may only build to replace losses.

1805 Control and Forces

Country ControlForces
Antilles Br C 1GBI
Lower Canada GB F 1GBI, 1CaI, 2CaM
New Brunswick GB F 1CaI, 2CaM
Upper Canada GB F 1CaI, 2CaM
Cuba Sp C 1SpI
Florida Sp C 1SpI
Guiana Fr C 1FrI
Jamaica Br C 1GBI
Louisiana Fr C 1FrI
Maine Neut -

Naval Movement

Fleets on the American map have half as many movement points (round down) as fleets on the European map..

Any fleet which ends its movement in one of the westernmost sea areas of the European map carrying 3 or fewer factors and still has movement points remaining may be sent to America. The owning player secretly records the destination sea zone on the American map. The fleet and any corps and leader on board are removed from the map and placed in the ``Westbound'' box corresponding to the current turn.

Any fleet which ends its movement in one of the sea zones on the American map may be sent to Europe. The owning player secretly records the destination sea zone on the western edge of the European map. The fleet and any corps and leader on board are removed from the map and placed in the ``Eastbound'' box corresponding to the current turn.

During any economic interphase a fleet in an ``Eastbound'' or ``Westbound'' box costs 5 gold to maintain. Any corps on board costs 1 gold to maintain.

Corps on fleets in ``Eastbound'' or ``Westbound'' boxes need not disembark or be supplied, but may never exceed 3 factors. Any corps containing 3 or fewer factors need not be supplied or disembarked while at sea, though it must still be maintained.

At the start of the naval movement phase any fleet in the ``Westbound'' box corresponding to the current turn is placed in the sea zone on the American map specified when it was placed into the box. Such fleets have one movement point for that phase. Any corps in the box accompany the fleet on which they sailed. A leader stacked with a corps remains with the corps.

At the start of the naval movement phase any fleet in the ``Eastbound'' box corresponding to the current turn is placed in the sea zone on the European map specified when it was placed into the box. Such fleets have three movement points for that phase. Any corps in the box accompany the fleet on which they sailed. A leader stacked with a corps remains with the corps.

Leaders removed from corps on the European map, or becoming available for the first time, are considered to be on the European map. Leaders removed from corps on the American map are considered to be on the European map. A leader on the European map may not be placed on a corps on the American map, or vice versa. An off-map leader (even one just removed from a corps) may be moved from the European map to the American map, or vice versa, by placing him in the appropriate Eastbound or Westbound box (the leader sits in the stack on his own, not stacked with a corps). Such leaders go off-map again when they arrive. Note that they arrive during the naval phase and will not be able to be placed on a corps that turn.

Land Movement

Moving from any area to any adjacent area exhausts all movement points for the month.

Supply can be traced between areas, but a depot in one area cannot supply a corps in another. Invasion supply can be used, including invasion supply from fleets in the Great Lakes.


Areas with an (I) after their forage value (both areas of Upper Canada, Michigan and Alabama) are known as Indian areas. Powers controlling Indian areas may be entitled to Indian units.

Indian reinforcements must appear in friendly Indian areas or in the Indian State holding box. Indian units can move from the Indian State holding box to areas in Upper Canada, Michigan, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and Louisiana. Indians belonging to the Indian state may return from these areas to the holding box.

Indians can only move into Indian areas and areas adjacent to Indian areas.

Indians have a morale of 1, except for the Tecumseh Indian, which has a morale of 2.

If at the end of any March or June economic phase a power has fewer Indians than its entitlement, it receives one Indian as a reinforcement in a controlled Indian area. If the power has more Indians than its entitlement then it must eliminate Indians until it has as many as its entitlement.

If the Tecumseh Indian is not on the board then the player controlling the Indian state may bring the Tecumseh Indian on as this reinforcement. If there is no Indian state the Canadian player may bring the Tecumseh Indian on.

If the Tecumseh Indian is ever eliminated in combat, roll D6, if the result is 1--3 the Tecumseh Indian is permanently removed from the game.

If the Indian state is created it immediately receives its full entitlement of Indians. If the Tecumseh Indian is on the board the Indian state gains control of it as its first Indian.

If the Indian state is dissolved all its Indians are removed immediately except the Tecumseh Indian, which comes under the control of the Canadian player.

If the United States declares war on the power controlling Canada, the Canadians immediately receive their full entitlement of Indians as reinforcements.

If Canada declares war on the United States the Canadians immediately receive one less than their full entitlement of Indians as reinforcements.

American Guerillas

The forage numbers in the areas of the United States of America also act as partisan numbers.

The Great Lakes

The sea zones of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Lake Huron (the enclosed lakes between Canada and the United States of America) act as normal sea zones (which freeze in winter) with the following exceptions.

The only fleets permitted on these sea zones are the appropriate Canadian Provincial Marine fleet and United States Lakes fleet. These fleets are only permitted on their appropriate Great Lake. Each fleet may contain up to 9 bateaux. The bateau (B) is a new type of unit with a money cost of 4, a manpower cost of 0.5 and arrives in 6 months.

Peace Conditions

Extra Counters

You will need to make:

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