
Glitterfall was born near the season of the white cold and was named for the way her eyes glittered like the silver snow and her hair was like a cloud of white. She was called Glimmerfall as a cub and young adult. Though glimmer and glitter sound similiar, she insists that one is really her cub name. The other, her adult name.

She sparkled in her personality as well. Prone to be a flirt, Glitterfall would go through lovemates like the seasons would change and not care a hoot about feelings...if she broke few elven hearts or not.

Her life hasn't been all one blissful moment after another, however. At a young age, her mother, Whitedeer and her father; Softgrass had disappeared during a hunting trip...they often went hunting just with each other...and never returned.

No one knew what had become of them. The tribe knows they cannot be alive. They do not feel them anymore. Glitterfall wonders about them from time to time.

She was struck with horror in her life once again. Her lifemates, Nightbreeze and Preyhowl, had been captured by humans as they had been out scouting for game in the cruelest white-cold the elves had seen. Nightbreeze had left her daughter, Silentmoon, in Glitterfall's care. Evenheart, Nightbreeze's mother, had gone with them, to make the scouting party three instead of two and thus cover more ground.

Glitterfall remembered that Nightbreeze had been complaining of a headache when she had been getting ready to leave and had snapped at Glitterfall for trying to convince her to stay at the holt.

Preyhowl had sent to her, one last time, before his sending fell out of range as the humans took thier captives farther and farther away from RavenBrook Holt, and told her that he had seen Evenheart escape with Nightbreeze and that Nightbreeze had been very ill.

That was the last she ever heard of her mates and of Evenheart. With the help of the tribe, she raised Silentmoon. She has not taken a new lifemate, though many have been her lovemate.

Her wolf-friend is Ivory, a female white wolf and her raven-friend is Strongwing, male.