Steady and strong, always there for his chief in times of great stress and one of the greatest hunters the RavenBrook elves have ever had, Roughcall is often found in the company of the giant ravens who live in the craggy mountains surrounding the holt, lost in his thoughts.
After losing his wolf-friend Highbrow, Roughcall took to the ravens more and more until he found himself bonded to a mature adult female who called Caw...probably due to the fact that she sounds most like the common, small crows and ravens which are their cousins. RavenBrook's great black birds squak and send but most do not caw.
He and Lastfall have been lifemates for many seasons, though neither of them are recognized, either to each other or to anyone else. They have not approached the healer, Songdaughter, Who means a great deal to them, with a request that she force recognition between them as they want to process, if is meant to happen between them at all, to happen naturally.
Roughcall always wanted a son and when Bloodhowler was a cub, he took to the boy like a father might and spent many hours with the cub teaching him what he knew of his favorite weapons and of the benifits of paitence. Though the cub wasn't one of the most paitent of elves, that was apperant from the start of their relationship.
Roughcall has medium-long russet-hued hair and deep jade eyes.
He is quiet and keeps to himself and Lastfall. The only other elf he really ever shares anything personal with is the chieftess' lifemate; Bloodhowler.
He is often found cubsitting for the chieftess and Bloodhowler and treats little Seedling with the respect due a chief's daughter even at her innocent age.