
Seedling is the five seasons old daughter of Chieftess Weepingshale and Bloodhowler. She is always underfoot, as most cubs are, and loves basking in the attention she recieves from the tribe. She has shoulder length dark brown hair and eyes of deep purple, which she most likly inhierited from an ancestor of either her mother or her father.

She dresses in a short leather tunic and leggings of tan and green. She hates any kind of footgear and will opt to go barefoot whenever she can get away with it.

Almost always the center of attention, or making herself so, Seedling is a little plant seeking the sunlight of her elders in order to grow and bloom into the full-petaled flower she will no doubt become.

Recently, Seedling has begun to long for an agemate to play with and to talk to. After finding out that her mother, Chieftess Weepingshale, is to bear a cub in two turnings, she was so happy, not at all envious of what attention the new one would take from her.

Seedling also spends much of her time with her father's good friend and mentor Roughcall, enjoying how he treats her like a little chieftess. She is lucky to have been born during a time of little conflict between the ever encrouching humans and the relative peace forged between the RavenBrook elves and the cavern of trolls below the holt was and still is fairly stable.

Seedling has recently bonded to Coppertoe, a wolf cub who was born to Graycoat and Shystalker the alpha male and female of the pack, within a litter of eight pups. Coppertoe is male.
