"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity."
Albert Einstein

You're @ Troy 6396

Welcome. You find yourself on sacred land approaching a Temple. Barren hills rise under a gloomy red sky to a special place beyond in the highlands. From APOCALYPSE AERIE we may look over the sometimes troubling mysteries of mankind's ancient heritage.


"In his book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles H. Hapgood revealed that the 1513 Piri Re'is map exhibited a knowledge of the true ice-free portions of Antarctica. The longitudes for twenty-four sites are accurate within one half a degree of the true positions. This standard accuracy could not be matched until 1735 when John Harrison invented the marine chronometer.

"In 1958 Charles Hapgood suggested in his book The Earth's Shifting Crust that the Earth's crust had undergone repeated displacements and that the geological concepts of continental drift and sea-floor spreading owed their secondary livelihoods to the primary nature of crustal shift. According to Hapgood, crustal shift was made possible by a layer of liquid rock situated about 100 miles beneath the surface of the planet. A pole shift would thus displace the Earth's crust in around the inner mantle, resulting in crustal rock's being exposed to magnetic fields of a different direction."

"I find your arguments very impressive and have the impression that your hypothesis is correct. One can hardly doubt that significant shifts of the crust of the earth have taken place repeatedly and within a short time."

"A great many empirical data indicate that at each point of the earth's surface that has been carefully studied, many climatic changes have taken place, apparently quite suddenly. This, according to Mr. Hapgood, is explicable if the virtually rigid outer crust of the earth undergoes, from time to time, extensive displacement ..."

Advanced maritime civilizations sailing the world ocean?

An ice-free Antarctica, when geology claims the ice to have been there many tens of thousands of years? Mapmakers at the dawn of prehistory?

What's going on?

Good question.

- for there is much to explain ...


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[ 1 ] Rand & Rose Flem-Ath. When the Sky Fell, Orion, 1995
[ 2 ] Adrian G. Gilbert & Maurice Cotterell. The Mayan Prophecies. Element Books, 1995
[ 3 ] Albert Einstein. Princeton, New Jersey. From a letter to Charles H. Hapgood, 8 May 1953.