Night Omen - 05/23/00 15:44:40
My URL:/cyberwraith2000/
Why Did You Come Here?: God sent me
Ideal Future: Lord of the world
LIKELY Future: Lord of my dog
Likes: chicken fried rice
Dislikes: egg fu yung
Idol/Hero: Ren Hoek
Hey, I didn't know you had your own page. Cool :) I'm gonna try to keep mine as simple as I can though I have a couple of other things I may fool around with - Later.
Mel - 11/04/99 04:13:23
Why Did You Come Here?: Because I come here often and thought I should sign the book again.
Ideal Future: Lord... I don't even have a clue anymore. A ghost hunter? Writer?
LIKELY Future: An unemployed "ghost hunter" and unpublished "wrtier".
Likes: Animals, rights for "good people", writing, horror books/movies, vitamins...
Dislikes: Cruel people, my brain (sometimes), losing contact with people I like (ahem...)
Idol/Hero: none at the moment
Well, I visit often to see if there's anything new here. Good stuff here, as always. I hope you're doing well...
Alex - 11/04/99 00:42:27
Why Did You Come Here?: Looking for meaning
Ideal Future: Heaven (perfect world)
LIKELY Future: Heaven (Perfect world)
Likes: God, chess
Dislikes: Sin, football
Idol/Hero: Jesus
Hmmm...well, I'm a christian, and I agree with a lot of your philosophies. However, I read the "Death and the afterlife" section, and I can't say I agree with everything in it. The definition of heaven in the christian religion is simply of a perfect wo
ld, ie a world where everybody is right with god and Hell is just a world where there is nothing good AT ALL. Anyway, if you want more of my point of view, email me and ask questions.
Euro Llama - 11/01/99 03:57:57
Why Did You Come Here?: bored (no offense)
Ideal Future: Worshipped by humanity?
LIKELY Future: God only knows... or does he?
Likes: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, movies, scuba diving, 1984 (the book), Stanley Kubrick, swing, and other stuff.
Dislikes: Yuppies, shallow conformist people, rap, forced running, french, and stuff everyone else is obsessed with
Idol/Hero: Don't really have one...
I like your "philisophies". It is cool that someone actually took the time to write some of this stuff down. You have a lot of dreams about demons and such... that's probably not a good thing.
Jerry - 10/29/99 12:51:25
Why Did You Come Here?: stumbled on it
Ideal Future: retire
LIKELY Future: work
Likes: intelligence
Dislikes: stupidity
Idol/Hero: Michael English
You have some good ideas, at least you are thinking. I was raised to beleive certain things but now I have begun to question and think for myself. A point to ponder on your God idea, If God did not always exist, then he would not be God (whatever existed
efore would be God). So I beleive in God, just trying to find out who or what he is, thats the quest!
Bryan - 10/28/99 19:47:18
Why Did You Come Here?: I like to think too
Ideal Future: I would like to have one
LIKELY Future: Who knows
Likes: My girl
Dislikes: everything else
Idol/Hero: James Hetfield
Get a spell checker and grammar checker. I like reading your ideas but they run together so monotonously. BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE. change it up a bit. I want to keep reading your stuff but I can only take so much bad punctuation. PAUSE once in awhile. Colors
re our friends. But I like the thoughts a lot. It is just difficult to keep reading them. I will be back to read more.
Mel - 06/16/99 21:55:42
Why Did You Come Here?: Because I miss you and needed a Bryn fix.
Ideal Future: Hmm... Writing, happily, with my seven kitties...
LIKELY Future: In the gutter, a bottle of rum in hand, getting kicked in the head by a gang of thugs. *sniffle*
Likes: Animals, poetry, horror movies, haunted places, astrology...
Dislikes: Hate, racism, sexism, animal abuse, abuse, people who get away with their crimes...
Idol/Hero: "God"... You just *have* to love a guy with a sense of humour as great as his! Erm...
Well... My stomach cringes when I think of how long it has been since I've talked to you. I never see you on ICQ anymore... ever. Anyhow... I felt too funny emailing you... So, I guess I figured this was... mmm... safer? Hmm... Well... Whenever you finall
see this... Well... Hmmm...
queen of darkness - 02/27/99 18:04:02
Why Did You Come Here?: i saw a link somewhere!
i was here, but now im gone. ill be missed..
but not for long!
I feel so obligated... I still don't know how I got dragged into hanging out in #Gothic_California... oh well. At least I met Adonae and that means I won't have to live on the street 5 yrs from now. Enough out of me.
10/27/98 10:25:10
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Adonae - 10/18/98 09:51:19
My URL:http://www.if_i_didn'
Why Did You Come Here?: cause mort is my sister's brother
Ideal Future: alive
LIKELY Future: alive and singing with an opera company, making millions, getting fat (cause most opera singers are plump), getting married, having kids, enjoying being rich and materialistic....finally!
Likes: music...everything else kinda pales in comparison
Dislikes: dumb music
Idol/Hero: all strong women
It's a delightful page Mortie, but in order for me to be a successful stalker you must give even MORE info about yourself (I'm talking address).'s pretty sick to stalk a brother type, isn't it? Oh me if you know someone who would ma
e a good victim :) luv you really is lovely
sullen - 10/11/98 07:39:48
Why Did You Come Here?: fate
Ideal Future: world peace
LIKELY Future: world war
Likes: philosophy, writing
Dislikes: status quo
Idol/Hero: "ghost" in poppy z. brite's "lost souls"
love your pages. enjoyed the page about you immensely. keep at it
Cindy - 09/26/98 00:16:10 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
i don't really have any comments right now but when i do maybe i will leave another entry...
Wraith - 07/15/98 05:48:31
Why Did You Come Here?: The widdle faeries sent me.
Ideal Future: Living in the middle of the forest, near an ocean, writing with my dogs.
LIKELY Future: Trapped in some mental institution with my eyes scratched out. =(
Likes: Horrors movies, anime, animal rights, Julian Sands, dreams and watching animals maim and torture humans.
Dislikes: Stupidity, ignorance, animal cruelty, the sun, Meg Ryan and loud noises.
Idol/Hero: Why, you, of course. =P
I'm thrilled you're really deciding to make a "real" page this time. This "dream theme" (er... that's what it seems to be anyway) is a good idea. You should add some nice graphics and maybe do some dream analyzation. Good luck dearie and blessed be.
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 13:44:43
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
LaMortX - 06/16/98 02:53:36
My URL:http://www.Gee_Wonder/
Why Did You Come Here?: Had to start this somewhere...
Ideal Future: Immortal justice dealer ^_^
LIKELY Future: Try to save someone and shot in the head.
Likes: *sigh* You'll see when i fix up my page
Dislikes: See the Above
Idol/Hero: Samurai-types.
"Gee, Mort, your page really sucks! And you suck even more! I hope you burn in Hell, or what ever place you might believe in!"
Well... let's hope this place gets better.