
How Fortunate You Are...

...to live on Earth during this time. Imagine what it was like 300 years ago before electricity,city sewage and waste disposal, public schools, telephones, televisions, cars, airplanes, satellites, and worst of all no computers and the internet!! And yet, you will hear daily of how perilous living in "these" times are: bills, pressure, poor health, etc... Our newspapers, radios and televisions constantly remind us of how unstable our world is.

I have an idea that will change all of that if it is applied. It is what I refer to as REALITY!!! Here is the reality of which I am referring to: 1) Nobody is getting out of here alive, so you may as well accept that fact and get on with something more interesting in life. 2) Money, position, personal achievements, etc. are not included in the (set of attributes) for inner peace. 3) Inner Peace is the highest plateau an animal can expect to reach while existing in a material environment. 4) I believe all humans will reach this plateau at mortality or death of the body. I have much more to say but I must go for now! May you find peace within yourself before peace finds you!

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